Welcome to my guide on the ships of the United States Navy in Navy Field! This guide is a compilation of the knowledge of many players, new and veteran alike, and is always growing. If you feel that something needs to be added, simply post in this thread (or even better, send me a message) and I'll see if it's worth adding. I'm always looking for more viewpoints about the ships in the game, so don't hesitate to add something.
While the US is listed as being the most balanced nation in NF, many veteran players will say otherwise from experience. Nonetheless, the US can be a fun nation to play; some times you'll be very happy that you chose the US as your nation, though there will also be times when you'll wonder why you chose it in the first place. It's true that the US doesn't have any real strengths, but it also doesn't have many glaring weaknesses, as the other nations do.
============== TABLE OF CONTENTS ==============
I. Update Log
II. Contributions and thanks
III. Basics of the game
IV. Destroyers -Fletcher -Gearing -Somers -Gearing DDR -Timmerman -DDX Project
V. Light Cruisers -Omaha -Atlanta -Juneau II -Oakland -Brooklyn -Cleveland -Texas -Randall
VI. Heavy Cruisers -Northampton -Portland -New Orleans -Baltimore -Pensacola
VII. Ship Tree Branches