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  • make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 02. 2009 08:01

well basically its just not right.

so we should make mercenaries in HA bannable.

edit: like this so much i want this to be the main aspect thanks sait

imple solution to this would be to make the penalty for leaving and re signing with
other fleets increase .. also to charge a monetary fee to the person who dose it.

As an example if you leave your fleet and join a new fleet it costs you the first time
in 2 months 200K and 7 days then if you do it again the amount and time penalty
increases say to 2 weeks and 600K make it so there is a 2 or three month reset
meaning that you have to stay in a fleet or fleet less for this period before it costs
you nothing again to sign.

This way the Merc's will cost more and more and over time be harder to find as their
fees will become to much for the opposing fleets to afford. the costs of a HA will
increase having to pay for guys to not only join the fleet but to declare ...

this will also slow serial fleet jumping on a whim people will think about it more and
do it less.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 24. 2009 08:32

Moved from my own thread as per frfghtr560's suggestion.

This is THE hot topic these days and I had a couple of ideas that all sides may find

First lock a fleet's roster so that only players who are members of a fleet at the
time of the HA declaration eligible to play that HA. This would go a long way to
minimize fleet jumping. A previous suggestion about extending the fleet penalty is
also viable (and probably more practical).

Now, about mercenaries. In principle, there is nothing wrong with mercenaries but,
in my mind, they should be free agents and not members of any fleet except while
on 'retainer'. These mercenaries should be bid and paid for in a public manner.
Anyone wishing to be a mercenary or a fleet looking for a mercenary, should post
and bid for those services, publicly, in the Trade Forum. There should be a fee, paid
to the server (as a fleet pays to declare an HA) to use each mercenary. This fee MAY
allow the fleet to bypass the above condition in this instance.

My last observation is that all this still favors the rich and powerful (in in-game
terms). This is a game of idividual skill (mostly). It probably should not be allowed
to give too much advantage to those few fleets who have the greatest amount of in-
game credits.

Thank you for reading.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 21. 2009 19:53

this is from the history books and confirmed on wikipedia

In the warlord period of China, many American and English mercenaries thrived such
as Homer Lea, Philo Norton McGriffin,[34], Morris Cohen, and Francis Arthur "One
Armed Sutton".[35]

During the early stages of the Second Sino-Japanese War, a number of foreign pilots
served in the Chinese Air Force, most famously in the 14th Squadron, a light
bombardment unit often called the International Squadron, which was briefly active
in February and March 1938.[36].

The United States could not become overtly involved in the conflict, due to
Congressional restrictions, yet felt an obligation to assist the Chinese in stopping
Japanese aggression. So in 1941 the Roosevelt administration authorized the
formation of three American Volunteer Groups, of which the 1st AVG was deployed to
Burma and China and became famous as the Flying Tigers. The pilots earned $600? $750 basic pay per month, plus $500 for each Japanese aircraft confirmed destroyed
in the air or on the ground.[37] The 2nd AVG, a bomber group, was recruited in
November 1941 but aborted followed the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

This post should be locked and Mercs should do what they plz

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 20. 2009 00:31


  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 19. 2009 09:44

dont we have enough stupid stuff that can get you banned in this game!!! change
the rules in the game i.e make the time you can join fleets 7 or 14 days. i will not
support another stupid ban reason in this game!


  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 18. 2009 02:04

Wen i was in Fg there was players who wouldd jumpp back and forth frm fleets ill
admit that:p but i guess we wantedd the HA that much.And Or otherr players
wanted to play with us. In Fg i dnt think Khardam intentionally sent out a "mass
recruita" statement asking for to come we already had 30 or more bb6
accounts...but on that note who wuld ever turn down a cv5 or bb6 account etc.It
does need to stop if u ever rly wanted to see a "mass recruita" jus tell all
the Spanish to form one big fleet soo we cann all stopp cryingg about the Merc thing
and start crying howw huge their fleet wuld be.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 17. 2009 15:37

Being mercenaries help to earn much money

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 17. 2009 15:20

i dont reccomend, this is crazy if there where mercs in ww2 then there should be in
NF, i see why many whine about players that help fleets HA, so maybe we should
make a post about how the same players have owned the harbars now for ever,
but just made new tag and name, maybe there should be a 25 bb6 limit for a fleet
so that some one that has 50 bb6 doesnt dominate the server. it all rediculess, to
think that mercs should be bannable offense or 3 month bann froma HA, that is
stupid. small fleet that work hard to get there 100+members want to keep tag and
need help to make a decent run at a harbar, u will deny them this so they have to
join huge fleet, not no anyone, and never get to fight in FW or final tyle where all
the real super fun is. i dont get it, im not a merc and have been in same fleet for 3
yrs, but its a part of the game, everyone deserves the harbar at somepoint and
wants to earn it not just join into a large buerocratic fleet that they will get no love
in, most players only have 1 bb5 and so they help build smaller fleets with friends,
and building a fleet is rough if you dont have 40 bb6 friends, mercs is just apart of
the game it keeps it balanced to have neutral players, to take this away would make
the bigger fleets just that more dominating and ultimatly make the smaller fleets
only play in league. so i vote no on this insane proposal ..

Best regards

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 17. 2009 05:05

maciotta i see what you mean about recruiting friends just to let them play HA, but when
you asked 'If a friend asks you just to play HA, you let them'...

my response would be; look at, then look at all the applications we've
declined just because they want HA experience or just because we hold 2 harbours.

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 16. 2009 15:22

Soooooooo recommended..I so hope my ex fleet mates sees my recommendation!!
If some fleets wants to capture a Harbor, they have to get their OWN people. there
is another fleet in arizona that is doing the same thing, and is not any of fleets that
wass mentioned in this thread...

recooomendations are here!

  • Re : make mercenaries in HA bannable

    08. 13. 2009 06:07

I agree with the origional post.

Capturing a harbor should be a reflection on the quality of the players and
organization of a fleet, not based on how many mercs they were able to hire

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