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  • Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 05:12

What would everyones thoughts be on a cap of 6 maximum planes loaded on each

I personally think it would improve CV gameplay, encourage levelling more pilots (not
just 4) and generally improve air coverage.

The amount of players spamming 9 fighters or bombers on one pilot in a CV4 +, with
their team dead by the time they are launched is frustrating.


  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 01. 2011 10:32

fantastic idea~
you have my recommendation.

seeing someone lvl 120 and still load all planes with one single little pilot is frustrating.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 01. 2011 09:41

I would rather have a % amount, ex, you can only launch 3/4 of the total cv takeoff

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 01. 2011 09:21

""You wouldn't get restricted to only having 2 types of pilots/planes. You would only
restricted to loading an absurd amount of planes on 1 pilot. If you want to have 4 FP
DB and 1 TB pilot that's all fine. Just don't plan on using your TB to launch a salvo to
take out a BB. That is what your 2 DB pilots are for."

Depends on what CV you are talking about."

The hell are you talking about

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 01. 2011 01:01

"You wouldn't get restricted to only having 2 types of pilots/planes. You would only
restricted to loading an absurd amount of planes on 1 pilot. If you want to have 4 FP
DB and 1 TB pilot that's all fine. Just don't plan on using your TB to launch a salvo to
take out a BB. That is what your 2 DB pilots are for."

Depends on what CV you are talking about.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 30. 2011 22:37

You wouldn't get restricted to only having 2 types of pilots/planes. You would only be
restricted to loading an absurd amount of planes on 1 pilot. If you want to have 4 FP 2
DB and 1 TB pilot that's all fine. Just don't plan on using your TB to launch a salvo to
take out a BB. That is what your 2 DB pilots are for.


  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 30. 2011 14:34

"Even a CV2 can only load 7 planes, AND you have 6 support slots. if you want to be
ballanced then have 4 FP 2 DB or something like that. Even so, at CV2 lvl you will
lose 1
plane at max. Really, by the time the 6 plane maximum actually matters (CV3-4) you
have 7
support slots and there is no excuse to have 1 of any pilot that you have planes on
the CV
to launch. The only exception is if you want one TB to load a couple torps to launch
at a SS.

This isn't about launching 6 planes being a little more efficient. There is NO
circumstance where it is better to launch 12 planes on 1 pilot instead of 6 on 2 or 4
3. There is also no way to provide constant vision if you only load 1 pilot at a time
with 10 planes on 1 him.

Before you start to flame me, yes I am a CV player. Yes I think BB's whine about a
lot of
things. Yes I think CV's get blamed for a lot of things that aren't their fault. That
being said, I think that the less fail in the CV community then BB players MIGHT not
assume the CV on their team is terribad.

On a side note, if you are using locals on a PCV you should have it taken away from
and taken out on the street and beaten until you realize what you did wrong."

I'm an ex-CV player and I know what locals are and that things. I do have to agree
with you about the BB's whining to CV's.

By the way, about what CV it goes doesn't matter me at all.
The thing that bothers me is that you would get restricted to 2 kinds of pilots at the
CV3/4's or something.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 30. 2011 10:13

Even a CV2 can only load 7 planes, AND you have 6 support slots. if you want to be
ballanced then have 4 FP 2 DB or something like that. Even so, at CV2 lvl you will lose 1
plane at max. Really, by the time the 6 plane maximum actually matters (CV3-4) you have 7
support slots and there is no excuse to have 1 of any pilot that you have planes on the CV
to launch. The only exception is if you want one TB to load a couple torps to launch at a SS.

This isn't about launching 6 planes being a little more efficient. There is NO
circumstance where it is better to launch 12 planes on 1 pilot instead of 6 on 2 or 4 on
3. There is also no way to provide constant vision if you only load 1 pilot at a time
with 10 planes on 1 him.

Before you start to flame me, yes I am a CV player. Yes I think BB's whine about a lot of
things. Yes I think CV's get blamed for a lot of things that aren't their fault. That
being said, I think that the less fail in the CV community then BB players MIGHT not
assume the CV on their team is terribad.

On a side note, if you are using locals on a PCV you should have it taken away from you,
and taken out on the street and beaten until you realize what you did wrong.


  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 30. 2011 09:14

Well, I see, you play CV's in an other way than me.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 30. 2011 06:47

"">>> You shouldn't be putting 3 types of planes on a CV1."

Lol? How the hell did you want to start a CV line then?"

>>> Any decent CV specialises; Fighters and one type of bomber.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 30. 2011 04:23

"Well where's your logic then?

There is no reason at all that you should be using more than 6 planes per pilot. It is
not fun, it is not useful for a team.
And don't say it is fun because waiting is not fun"

Psssssst Erad leave at basically a draw...
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