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  • Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 05:12

What would everyones thoughts be on a cap of 6 maximum planes loaded on each

I personally think it would improve CV gameplay, encourage levelling more pilots (not
just 4) and generally improve air coverage.

The amount of players spamming 9 fighters or bombers on one pilot in a CV4 +, with
their team dead by the time they are launched is frustrating.


  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 28. 2011 18:42

"Waiting two minutes ingame every run to actually do anything isn't fun. The penalty
will say, "hey maybe you should train some more pilots before trying this"

>>> I believe we have already established that why train low lvl pilots up when at
the same time you can have alot more fun lvling up your high ones then when you
have the space put on your low level. I believe that we have some different values
here. Both Erad and Severen seem to be more focused on winning/ playing as a
team than just having fun. Yes waiting is not fun and patience is a virtue but you
see long lines at a new roller coaster or people waiting for a torrent download of
Portal 2 to go through (takes forever by the way from what I hear). Wait first then
have fun. It doesn't usually start from the other way.

"Actually, CV's are the cornerstone to teams. Have you ever played HA or Fleet
Wars/Fleet Leagues? Even in GB, if you have useless CV's that do AT LEAST 50%
less plane output than other players on the other team, you are in serious trouble.
Even less when compared with 3/4/5 or even 6 planes.
Playing for Fun/Having freedom is all well and good, as long as it isn't at the
expense of others on your team. If that happens, then you aren't playing in a team."

>>>>>here this is what I usually do, I have 1 tb, 3 fps, and 3 dbs. The first thing I
usually do is send out 2-3 fighters per fighter pilot since I have space for 8 planes on
deck. While I focus on scouting I have a squad of 8 bombers load up. Sending out all
under one squad is a long process but it is easier to focus on one group of 8 then 2
groups of 4. Instead of 5-6 groups of planes I have to give attention to I only have
4. With all of the flak and locals out there these days its probably more efficient to
pay attention and control a few groups of planes then many who may end up dying.
I'm not saying what you believe and how you play is bad its just forcing a different
kind of playing style which may improve or decrease that person's performance
should not happen.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 28. 2011 16:27

">>>> I do not disagree with you that teamplay = best however as any game the
reason why people play it is to have FUN. Argue with that and...well you know.
Anyways I like playing as a cv and I'm not going to AA the whole time trying to lvl tier
2 fps to tier 3fps. And ruin the game for their team? Kind of harsh mate but in a post
before the cv is not the only player at fault for a team's loss. Therefore low lvl cv
doesn't=instant loss."

Actually, CV's are the cornerstone to teams. Have you ever played HA or Fleet Wars/Fleet
Leagues? Even in GB, if you have useless CV's that do AT LEAST 50% less plane output than
other players on the other team, you are in serious trouble. Even less when compared with
3/4/5 or even 6 planes.

Playing for Fun/Having freedom is all well and good, as long as it isn't at the expense of
others on your team. If that happens, then you aren't playing in a team.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 28. 2011 15:30

">>>> I do not disagree with you that teamplay = best however as any game the
reason why people play it is to have FUN. Argue with that and...well you know.
Anyways I like playing as a cv and I'm not going to AA the whole time trying to lvl tier
2 fps to tier 3fps. And ruin the game for their team? Kind of harsh mate but in a post
before the cv is not the only player at fault for a team's loss. Therefore low lvl cv
doesn't=instant loss."

Waiting two minutes ingame every run to actually do anything isn't fun. The penalty will
say, "hey maybe you should train some more pilots before trying this"

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 28. 2011 15:19

"There are plenty of guides out there. The golden rule of Navyfield; Don't use a ship
until you can run it properly crewed. Same goes for plane types.
People with one pilot SHOULD be at a disadvantage, because they ruin the game for
their team."

>>>> I do not disagree with you that teamplay = best however as any game the
reason why people play it is to have FUN. Argue with that and...well you know.
Anyways I like playing as a cv and I'm not going to AA the whole time trying to lvl tier
2 fps to tier 3fps. And ruin the game for their team? Kind of harsh mate but in a post
before the cv is not the only player at fault for a team's loss. Therefore low lvl cv
doesn't=instant loss.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 28. 2011 14:43

"ljsevern sorry for this: you are actually too rude to be a NFU Member"

>>> NFU isn't actually an organisation. It just shows that I am either a fleet leader or a
designated XO of a fleet. I'm not here to be nice or for any other fairy stuff. I am here to
improve the game. End of.

I am fed up of people who don't know what they are on about coming into these threads
and flaming because THEY messed up THEIR crew.

On top of that, they ruin the game for EVERYONE on their team, not only themselves.

"Well I will recc this tomorrow :).
I pretty much agree with this one except with snow_ball, Iam not sure about the
support slots of low lvl CV's so like an Hiryu, for example you have like 4 FT's and 1
DB and 1 TB, and you are only able to get 6 bombers? =/ and how about Oyodo and
Hosho and other CV1's?

Again, Iam pretty much talking BS becouse I don't have any knowledge about the
support slots. XD"

>>> You shouldn't be putting 3 types of planes on a CV1.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 28. 2011 13:43

ljsevern sorry for this: you are actually too rude to be a NFU Member,

by the other hand, you are rigth in the improvements that this suggestion will bring

BUT ---- I love hit with my DBs or TBs others CVs when they are loading their
planes.. their fault if they make mistakes.. to conclude, as someone said before, is
not the rigth way telling to the people what they have to do, give them guides if you
want, they will (should) learn in the hard way.

not recc for now.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 28. 2011 12:16

Well I will recc this tomorrow :).
I pretty much agree with this one except with snow_ball, Iam not sure about the
support slots of low lvl CV's so like an Hiryu, for example you have like 4 FT's and 1
DB and 1 TB, and you are only able to get 6 bombers? =/ and how about Oyodo and
Hosho and other CV1's?

Again, Iam pretty much talking BS becouse I don't have any knowledge about the
support slots. XD

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 28. 2011 04:30


  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 28. 2011 04:17

"yes there is an advantage for having 2 pilots of 4 instead of say one pilot of 8.
Everyone agrees with that. However take a new player who doesnt know what
he/she wants to do in Navy Field. So that person trains half bb and half cv crew
because they really don't know what they are doing. This person then decides to go
cv and only has 1-3 pilots. It would be a severe disadvantage to have a cap and this
person only has 1 high lvl fighter while this person is training other pilots. Yes most
people would start training all of their pilots at once but also take into account the
number of support slots on each ship as it leads up to the cv. Theres not that many
so you cannot train as many pilots at once. Say I have one tier 3 fighter pilot and Im
training the rest up. Also say that I am being swarmed by 3 groups of 3 tier 3
planes. I am at a numerical disadvantage when facing off with the fighters because I
only able to have 6 fighters up there versus his 9. Most of the people arguing with
me have already gotten high lvl fighter pilots and say a PCV or CV5-6. This post is
coming from a lower lvl cv user so please take that into account."

>>> There are plenty of guides out there. The golden rule of Navyfield; Don't use a ship
until you can run it properly crewed. Same goes for plane types.

People with one pilot SHOULD be at a disadvantage, because they ruin the game for their

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 28. 2011 04:15


If you load for example, 7 planes on 1 pilot the additional 5-8seconds load time of the
7th plane is very detrimental to your team, and sometimes that couple of seconds is what
matters if you'll win or lose the game.

But CV 5 and above for me.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9