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  • Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 05:12

What would everyones thoughts be on a cap of 6 maximum planes loaded on each

I personally think it would improve CV gameplay, encourage levelling more pilots (not
just 4) and generally improve air coverage.

The amount of players spamming 9 fighters or bombers on one pilot in a CV4 +, with
their team dead by the time they are launched is frustrating.


  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 14:03

I dont know why people keep saying america is a free country... dont we still pay taxes
and get jailed for killing people? or were those abolished with slavery?

Honestly 6 can be too few in certain scenarios, say late game GB2, 1 bomber pilot,
down to 2-3 ftrs, want to launch 7. Just an example but it and other variations may
happen that it would not be practical to punish a decent CV player just because of the
faults of a few bad seeds.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 13:51

I can't think of a reason anyone would WANT to launch more than 6 planes in a single
squadron... which generally implies anyone doing so is out of the loop on CV tips and
tactics. For everyone else, this change wouldn't impact them in the slightest. (Apart
from some horrific bug introduced by the code change. =)

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 09:28

richard playing a BB6 is in decriment of team performance xD

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 08:57

Launching more than 5 or 6 planes on one pilot is a detriment to my team; your freedom
ends where everyone else's begins.


  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 08:50

I do recomment the idea.

@Concerning the freedom idea.

However, if we comes to fact, you realize freedom is just a word full of BS.
There are rules anywhere, international standards.

Now, if I were to use the own concept of argument. How about you go on the subway and
block the alley where hundread of people could go. Sure you got the freedom to block, but
there are hundread people who's freedom is to pass through the alley.

If the situation in real life doesn't satisfy you, how about , a player in NF just TK the hell out
of everyone? Sure, he got the ''freedom of it'' and there are people who's '' freedom'' to play
a fun game.

Yet, you see how paradoxal the freedom concept+argument is paradoxal?
No offense, but freedom concept is a lame idea.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 08:08

"I can't rec this. there are already enough restrictions to gameplay to prevent players
from doing what they want with their own ship. If more such restrictions are put in the
game, will we each be given default ships with default crews and default guns and have
no choices of configuration? It might help someone's gameplay, but not the person who
can no longer use his ship how he wants to.

Being an American and a sailor at that, I am a proud supporter of freedom. I will not be
part of any vote to take it away."

>>> This is a team game. By your logic, you should be able to sit and leach, or even tk
everyone on your team. People can infact bomb/fighter whore or scout more effectively
if they have less planes on multiple pilots than them all on one pilot.

Freedom at the expense of the freedom of others right to play isn't freedom at all.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 07:59

I can't rec this. there are already enough restrictions to gameplay to prevent players
from doing what they want with their own ship. If more such restrictions are put in the
game, will we each be given default ships with default crews and default guns and have no
choices of configuration? It might help someone's gameplay, but not the person who can no
longer use his ship how he wants to.

Being an American and a sailor at that, I am a proud supporter of freedom. I will not be
part of any vote to take it away.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 05:25

Whilst I love my Uber BB6 MN DB package.

I do support this.
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