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  • Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 05:12

What would everyones thoughts be on a cap of 6 maximum planes loaded on each

I personally think it would improve CV gameplay, encourage levelling more pilots (not
just 4) and generally improve air coverage.

The amount of players spamming 9 fighters or bombers on one pilot in a CV4 +, with
their team dead by the time they are launched is frustrating.


  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 27. 2011 04:39

Not crying, its about improving the communities skill level.

You have no idea what you are talking about, go flame elsewhere. Also, feel free to attend
the tests on the test server this weekend so I can school you at the game.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 27. 2011 04:00


oh well, cant teach stupid to be smart, meh W/e dude, enjoy complaining about noob cv's.
the rest of us just deal with them and move on.

dont understand why you dont do the same; your crying posts wont change anything.

but you wouldnt understand that so i am wasting my time with you.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 27. 2011 03:38

>>>Please tell me what benefits to a team that is given to a team by loading 10 bombers on
one pilot, compared to 10 bombers on two pilots?

"clearly then you have absolutely no idea how to play a CV. and again i point out to you,
you cannot tell anyone how to play this game. ****"

>>> I do. Its not like i've won pretty much everything in the game, fleet events, fleet
wars, GNGWC's. As long as shared exp exists and this is a team game, then you can. If you
want to resort to insults for your debate, then it proves my point further.

"***********like i said u are probably a noob bb driver and demand everything; and still
fail. I have seen very few good BB drivers on Kaiser, and i will tell you; the good ones
dont ****** and cry about a "noob" cv. they change their tactics and approach the
situation differently every game."

>>> I suggest you research on my BB skills. You obviously don't know anything about
Navyfield. Feel free to answer the first question I posted to you in this thread, without
resorting to insults and flames.

you wont win a **** competition because this IS A GAME. omg. get a life? maybe a girl? or
just a beer.

>>> Got all three. Thanks for playing ragekid.

*Edited for language quoted - Ny*

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 27. 2011 02:27

holy crap eradicator your one of the most insenstive, arrogant people on these
forums. You apprently can't tell that not all ships have the same amount of support
slots, when you first start out on the game you really have no clue what you are
doing and you dont care so you just have fun with it, and your one of the reasons
why i feel less inclined to play CV. No wonder why there are less cv drivers out
there. No one likes that kind of insult/abuse. Do you even have a cv?

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 27. 2011 02:24

Nightcross, you are missing the point of this suggestion. You clearly have no idea how to
play the game. Go elsewhere with your rants. Even better post on your main account.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 27. 2011 02:22

"dont recc. It annoys me how some users tell other users how to play the game.
A. its just A game
B. we all have different playing styles
C. who cares if i send out a squad of 9

by the way this will kill people who only have one pilot of each. I personally have a
wide range of lvl pilots so if i cant send out more than 6 fighters under one pilot
while im being attacked by 9 from 3 pilots you just screwed me over.

again dont recc"

>>> This is a team based game. You have no idea how to play CV. Its CV drivers like you
that screw over your entire team.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 27. 2011 01:56

wow 1st off, why is this post even here?? everyone who has recommended this post is just
f**** Retarded . Really? who are you to tell anyone how to do anything? how he/she should
play should or should not play their CV. if you don't like how your cv's are driving their
ships, DEAL with it and f****** play your ****** BB.

I swear if BB drivers; actually spent as much time playing their BB as they do whining
about SUB's this CV that, you might be surprised how many people don't flame you for being
retarded in the forums or in the game itself.

And for the CV drivers in here that are recommending this post, why are you complaining
about stupid CV drivers? really why don't you just take advantage of it, and while they
are loading 11 or 12 fighters on 1 pilot; bomb them? is it that hard people?

I will tell you right now that when you have all of your FT's out, and you are in the
back;behind the lines just like a CV should be, there IS no reason that you cannot load 12
DB in one flight. especially if you run a setup of 6FT/2DB. or something like that.

But let me put it to you like this, if you don't like the fact that i refuse to "waste" my
fighters over an enemy molke, just so you have vision, then you can go f**** yourself.
whine all f***** night, you'll just make me happy, because i love seeing people complain
that CV drivers cant play and they are always noobs, omg subs are so noobish because they
can hit me and i cant hit them *pout*. and then that same BB cant even land a f***** shell
on a barn that is right off his bow. but oh NO!! he is such a f****** awesome player
because he plays a BB5 or 6. and OMG that is so epic.

anyway, i will leave you all with this, if u complain, and your not on my team. u are the
1st target for my DB :) cheers f****. and stop whining about d******. WHINe about
important things like why cant we get btr graphics and! why do we still have game
glitches/hacks etc.

just saying.

* Edited for language - Ny*

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 26. 2011 22:25

"only have one pilot of each."


"I personally have a wide range of lvl pilots so if i cant send out more than 6 fighters
under one pilot while im being attacked by 9 from 3 pilots you just screwed me over."

It's not our fault you're retarded. People like you deserve to be screwed over for the
lack of preparation you use

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 26. 2011 22:21

This is a team based game. Learn to play and stop screwing over your team when you play a
capitol ship.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 26. 2011 18:01

dont recc. It annoys me how some users tell other users how to play the game.
A. its just A game
B. we all have different playing styles
C. who cares if i send out a squad of 9

by the way this will kill people who only have one pilot of each. I personally have a
wide range of lvl pilots so if i cant send out more than 6 fighters under one pilot
while im being attacked by 9 from 3 pilots you just screwed me over.

again dont recc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9