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  • How to get the best fighters

    05. 29. 2008 01:55

I have been calculating if is important or not powerlevel the fighter pilots.
As you know, "real ability" is not the same thing as displayed ability, if you level a
fighter properly, you are gaining more displayed ability, but you loose crew growth.
If you powerlevel the fighters it helps you a bit for getting more real ability.
But how much? is this important? I will put some results here.
For the calculations im using km fighters base 11/12.

-Green line is keeping them as fighters pilots.
-Blue line is keeping them as ACE fighters.
-Red line is making all the 3 upgrades.

First calculations are made with 100 vets. (Oh, im suposing they are full of experts

There is a relative difference between best and worst case of 3% on real fighter
ability that can give you like 2-3 lvl.
On aircraft the difference is bigger and it can give u more than 10lvls of advantage.


Now calculations are made with 200 vets

Differences remain the same (more or less) for real aircraft ability.
For fighter ability differences seems to be smaller. Notice that now the best case is
the blue line.


It seems that will be interesting putting these results in fuction on number of vets in
just one graphic.
Lets see:

No surprises for aircraft real ability, allways the green line is the better result.
But for fighter real ability ... there are alternances. In the range of vets showed,
best case is blue line.
Anyways it moves in the range of 2-4% that gives you like 2-4 lvl of advantage.
It doesnt seems a big difference ... but it exists.

One more thing, remember that number of vets is capped at 40% of maximum crew
size (correct me if im wrong)
For a fighter that you keep as fighter pilot until lvl 120 the maximum number of vets
will be 260
For a fighter that you keep as ACE fighter pilot until lvl120 the maximum number of
vets will be 236
For a fighter that you promoted it to fighter squad leader at lvl75 the maximum
number of vets will be 218.

With those numbers of vets we have these values (ignore the X axis, it means

Well, these are more significative differences than the others.
So if you have a lot of money to spend on game, you know what you have to do,
just make lvl40 upgrade.

(Another questions will be if exists a capp for fighter ability and how important is
aircraft ability on fighters)

I dont understand why if there are lots of CV drivers with a lot of $$$ worried about
how to have the best fighter pilots ... noone made calculations.
I dont use to post a lot on forums, I hope u like it, and you understood my poor
english :p

  • Re : How to get the best fighters

    03. 15. 2010 06:14

this is for people who has lot's of money...

  • Re : How to get the best fighters

    02. 25. 2010 02:30

nice post!
Thank you^^

  • Re : How to get the best fighters

    02. 25. 2010 00:28

okay I got bored and spent alot of time reading forums, then talkjing to other
players, and also considering what I have seen through my 3 cvs.

Tell me if I am wrong on thyis, but it seems to me, it is a question of what you want,
for outright attack with normal crews the classing normal seems to be best, but if I
understand everything i read, a fighter is basically treated like a mobile aaw on a

If this is the case then not classing will give you the best defensive sats because of
the bomber stat.

So I would have to ask the question, if the bomber stat makes a tb immune to aaw
wont it also make a fp immune to being shot down by lower level fighter(which i
have witnessed).

If this is the case then classing only to ace would be the closest to achieving both
because you would get the needed fighter stat to shoot down enemies without
having to get stupidly insane with vets and experts. You would also get the higher
bomber stat which would give more defense against other fighters......

just alot to consider, but I can say with 3 cvs now, I have noticed that classed pilots
in normal cases tend to outperform unclassed against higher and lower level planes,
and the biggest increases seem to some between lvls 80-90 as around lvl 85 I tend
to be able to hang with the "big boys" as long as I concentrate on outnumbering the
othger fighters.

This is not hard evidence just something I have seen in playing my own pilots.

(btw I tend to run 130+ vets and maintain that using aaw ships to gain experts
rapidly to replace losses)

  • Re : How to get the best fighters

    02. 25. 2010 00:15

I don't agree with this one bit. Aircraft is an inactive ability. Bomber only helps for
defense. Fighters are fighters. Sure it's nice to hump a BB at low altitude but not as
nice as defeating your enemy 10-20 levels higher than you because he used this method. The
science of how fighters work is rather simple... I even had someone tell me potential had
something to do with fighters.... yeah right.

  • Re : How to get the best fighters

    02. 24. 2010 22:37

Well i don't believe this can be true...

I classed mine up when they needed to be
and there ability is pretty high..
also your playing fighter is based on your skill
My level 90 fighters can put up a good fight for some 100+ fighters

  • Re : How to get the best fighters

    02. 24. 2010 22:00

This is so depressing, so I classed my fighters dead wrong D: (I classed all of them
on time on class)

  • Re : How to get the best fighters

    02. 24. 2010 08:35

Bomber helps against AAW, making low level flight in proximity to ships less dangerous.
That's another reason for not classing above figther pilot, you loose bomberstat.


  • Re : How to get the best fighters

    02. 24. 2010 07:17

Very nice post.

Does the bomber stat do anything for fighters though?

I read somewhere that it helps with their "defense".

  • Re : How to get the best fighters

    02. 23. 2010 09:20

Please sticky this

  • Re : How to get the best fighters

    02. 17. 2010 08:40

I might be wrong but most of the graphs should have more of a curve to them then
straight lines. If you go from 100 vets to 200 vets but factoring the different things
like fighter stat growth, less or more total crew than the other pilot, as well as the
difference in expert numbers, due to crew size, the actualy ability should look more
curved on the graph.

Even as you show the crew growing from lvl 1 to 120 they gain more crew (which
includes more vets and experts), and more displayed abitliy, it seems like the actualy
abilities should have a less linear growth and more exponential growth or cubical

I dont know for sure, its been a long time doing statistics like this and im probably
realy rusty at it just with just how complicated the math functions seem to be for
navy field the idea that its that linear doesn't seem to fit.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10