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  • Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 19:34

After catching a fleet mate telling the host to go with a pcv and a cv1 in a gb2, it
me realise - do people simply not care about balance anymore?

Cast your vote; I will update as each page goes.

Wait for a balanced game or go as soon as you can.

To clarify, we are just talking about GB2 here.

I stopped counting since there are a lot of opinions posted that are not binary

However, for those interested it seems the majority are for fast games, although
there are still a reasonable number of people who would rather wait for more CV's -
whether it be for balance or merely for the hope that it will mean there is 1 cv for
each teams flanks.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 08. 2011 00:23

Fast games. The rooms that were being run yesterday reminded me of YO/MO in off-peak
times. 3 rooms also disbanded last night around 1:30 AM GMT.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 23:06

While in a BB I prefer having an unbalanced, crappy game. I don't like it when my
friendly BB's do too well. I get better attack when I'm bum rushed.

In a CV I prefer having balance that works out in my favor. Meaning, BB's aim perfect,
don't die, and don't shoot my damn planes.

Balance is a myth in my opinion. A game that is perfectly balanced lasts too long. A
game that is unbalanced in your favor is amazing. A unbalanced game is "OMG WTF

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 22:19

I'd wait a tiny bit to see if another couple will show up but on certain days you
just know it's slow. I'd hate to go with 2 but won't wait too long for more. The
other risk in a cv1 vs higher is that the cv1 will disconnect. I go with the feel of
the day. Stop airing our dirty laundry in public van :(

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 22:18

If you wait for 20/8:

- In 2 out of 5 games one team will totally steamroll the other team
- In 2 out of 5 games one team will steadily push the other team back to the border,
where they will be slaughtered
- In 1 out of 5 games both teams will be balanced

Is it worth waiting for that one game? Not if your goal is to grind.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 21:58

why not both?

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 21:56

Def balance. XP gain is heavy on the side of the winner and I like at least a chance to
win. I was in a game where it started with a Yorktown and a Bogue against a PCV. We had no
chance and the game quickly fell apart. Not to mention, all my experts litterally going
down in flames.....

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 21:34

yes it was in your room~ sorry about that.

It's really sad in a way.

Hosting used to be an art form (of sorts) because you would try and balance with skill
and/or numbers. Hosts were abused for stacking skill/numbers.

Then manual balance was removed. Hosts were abused for stacking numbers.

Now hosts are seemingly expected to not even care about numbers, but just go ASAP.


Why don't we just get rid of hosts all together and have a fully automated system -.- It
would solve AFK hosts too.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 21:29

I hosted this room that you quoted

and what to do when two or more people begin to say ''go'', people begin to leave and
you're bound to lose the room for it ?

I think it's a good time to start.

and about balance, it does not exist

you never know when someone will be afk or will disconnect like what happened in this
battle with 2 bb's 5 in my team.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 21:26

Buff IM.

That rarely happens and typically the CV's will have a chance to impact the game.
I would prefer, for discussions sake, that we concentrate on the average game rather
than the extremities.

The average game is your team will sink some BB's and you will lose some BB's and the
game is not over before prem runs out. I think that is broad enough...?

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 21:23

Its because when the game is balanced and the number of ships is "not even" it
means that the game will give the team with less BB/CV an advantage of higher tier
BB/CV or maybe even better skilled BB/CV.

The team with more BB/CV is expected to do very good because of its number
advantage against the enemy team. If the team with more BB/CV falls anything
short of "good" then they will likely lose.

In the end, it gives you more a reason to try your best. Whether its to use the
tier/skill advantage to win or to help the number advantage and putting pressure on
the team with less BB/CV.

Yes extremities are something to be considered, such as 1 BB6 in a 16 BB room or a
CV3 with 4 gold bar fighters vs a cv2 with silver bar fighters.
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