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  • Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 19:34

After catching a fleet mate telling the host to go with a pcv and a cv1 in a gb2, it
me realise - do people simply not care about balance anymore?

Cast your vote; I will update as each page goes.

Wait for a balanced game or go as soon as you can.

To clarify, we are just talking about GB2 here.

I stopped counting since there are a lot of opinions posted that are not binary

However, for those interested it seems the majority are for fast games, although
there are still a reasonable number of people who would rather wait for more CV's -
whether it be for balance or merely for the hope that it will mean there is 1 cv for
each teams flanks.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 19:37

eh for GB1's fast games, for GB2's balanced.
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