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  • Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 19:34

After catching a fleet mate telling the host to go with a pcv and a cv1 in a gb2, it
me realise - do people simply not care about balance anymore?

Cast your vote; I will update as each page goes.

Wait for a balanced game or go as soon as you can.

To clarify, we are just talking about GB2 here.

I stopped counting since there are a lot of opinions posted that are not binary

However, for those interested it seems the majority are for fast games, although
there are still a reasonable number of people who would rather wait for more CV's -
whether it be for balance or merely for the hope that it will mean there is 1 cv for
each teams flanks.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:30

What is with my one? Please stay above the waistline.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:09

I prefer to go with 20/8 in every GB2. This ensures that the chances of having at least
one good CV to support me is the highest possible.

So, balanced in a way, this also ensures I can maximise my food intake :)

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:05

Fast is relative. You have to think about it like this... BB slots usually fill within 2-3
minutes. To have CV balance often requires waiting atleast 7 minutes, often 8 or 9. For
CVs GB2s start fast. For SS/FF/DD/CL/CA GBs start fast.

CV balance in itself is also relative. 8 cvs =/= balance. Often a high level cv cant
handle himself anyway. Whos to say that CV2 dosnt quickly find and bomb the PCV? Often the
team with the lesser CV will have better BBs anyway. Good BBs WILL make up for CV imbalances.

Fast games please, !%@$ GB2.

@ Obergrattler: Your one to talk about fleet standards...

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:01

I'd rather a "fast" game because they I believe they are balanced better and the
point of this game isn't to wait....

The problem isn't even lack of players, its the lack of CVs. Please TNF help herd the
sheep out of only joining GB2 and play GB1s more often.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:00

Fast games, One BB or CV will always completely overpower the other side.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 19:57


  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 19:52

GB1's should return how it was or could be xp like gb2, we probably would have a
greater speed to start the games and more fun which is the main goal of this game.


  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 19:51

In GB2 there is no Balance... the ship people are in doesn't tell you how they will play,
hencce, not showing real balance.

I rather go as soon as we can.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 19:41

fast games most of the time.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 19:39

I'd rather talk about poor recruiting standards. I vote for keeping the retarded out.
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