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  • Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 19:34

After catching a fleet mate telling the host to go with a pcv and a cv1 in a gb2, it
me realise - do people simply not care about balance anymore?

Cast your vote; I will update as each page goes.

Wait for a balanced game or go as soon as you can.

To clarify, we are just talking about GB2 here.

I stopped counting since there are a lot of opinions posted that are not binary

However, for those interested it seems the majority are for fast games, although
there are still a reasonable number of people who would rather wait for more CV's -
whether it be for balance or merely for the hope that it will mean there is 1 cv for
each teams flanks.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 21:20

"if a bb3 kills the entire enemy team in 3 minutes, how effective are cvs. not."

Alternatively, it could be the Mariya and the CVs aren't at fault at all.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 21:20

wasn't you ky.

and I need to clarify that balanced is relative. As I said before, on average a higher tier
cv (or bb or anything) will perform better than a lower one. It is as simple as that.

I am not saying the game *will* be balanced as a result, but that on average you are
more likely to have an equal chance of winning/losing once the game is split which
means you are more able to affect the outcome of the game since one factor of the
game (cv's) is on average going to be less important.

Also, while I did point it out to my fleet mate - the fact is that it seems the majority
seem to think along the lines of his view. Except I am going to tell him to stop saying go
because that irritates the hell out of me.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 21:16

Balanced. An unbalanced game is just no fun for anyone. If your team gets wiped
quicly and you are on the losing team you can actually lose money on the round.
Espcially in BB's. I think that great battles should always be balanced. However, I
would like to see people playing bb rooms a lot more. It is awesome the amount of
cash and even exp you can get from these rooms.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:49

There's no reason to believe that the same game with 2 PCVs would've been more

You could go with 2 CV5s on each team and the game would still be out of balance with
one team getting steamrolled.

I'd like a game to go at 20/4 just because it, at least, gives off the impression that
there would be a CV north and a CV south.

Past that, I don't care.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:46

I didnt mention anything first. Spamming go is retarded.
Actually the op himself said it was a fleetmate. So a fleetmate of the op is retarded. How
is that my fault?

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:46

"After catching a fleet mate telling the host to go with a pcv and a cv1 in a gb2, it
me realise - do people simply not care about balance anymore?"

That was me wasn't it? -_- Regardless,this is the way i see it:

One team is almost guaranteed to get gobbled up while inflicting little damage to
their opposition (1 team taking down the enemy captial ships with no losses to their
own within 4 Minutes anyone?) and even if,somehow,the game ends up being a
battle of attrition,that's usually due to both sides mutual incompetence.

I'll admit that going with a PCV vs a CV1 is a bit....extreme,but do you really like
waiting 8/9 Minutes (Even more than that if your a BB driver,everyone wants to play
BB,pretty much noone wants to touch CV with a 30 foot pole) to play for half or at
best,2/3rd's of the time you spend waiting?

I know quite a few people will disagree with me,hell,i wouldn't be surprised if some
of you flame me like there's no tomorrow,but i like to play,not to wait.

WTB the best Flameshield in the universe.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:41

you cant balance skill.

thats the navyfield problem.

if a bb3 kills the entire enemy team in 3 minutes, how effective are cvs. not.

it happens.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:38

@oberg & V2
Take it elsewhere. This is about 'balancing' games and only that.

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:37

While balance is obviously hard to achieve, the fact is that on average (all the
players in NF) a higher tier will do more damage.

I prefer waiting for at least vague balance. If that means going with 2 cv's or 8 I
don't really mind. However, I most definitely want more balance than a 4 gold PCV
against a 4 silver indy.

A good BB might be able to make up for more major cv imbalances, but the reality is it
is up to chance and the skill of the enemy players. If the enemy bb is decent too then
it's pretty much a no brainer who will win.

I'd rather a "fast" game because they I believe they are balanced better
That seems illogical to me; can you elaborate a bit more?
Agreed on the CV point though and any other comments regarding making GB1 more

I should add overall to this petition - my main reason for posing it was simply that I
remember members telling the host was noob for not going with balanced ships. It's
really funny to see how things have changed since then...

  • Re : Fast games or balanced games? - vote

    04. 07. 2011 20:36

You talk about staying above teh waitline when you mentioned the recruitment thing
first lol
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