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  • Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 12:42

Submerged submarine endurance should be based off of battery life instead of air
time. In addition, battery life should be based off of submerged speed. The faster a
sub goes while submerged, the faster the battery drains.

This could mean that a sub could traverse the entire map submerged, but would
need ten minutes or more to do it. On the other hand, a sub could go 20 knots
underwater but would only stay under for two minutes.

(I posted this in the Submarine Suggestions but I'm sure it will get lost in there.)


  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 26. 2010 09:54

Free history lesson. Next time I'm charging.

The snorkel had NOTHING to do with the crew's air supply...

The Snorkel had EVERYTHING to do with supplying the DIESEL ENGINES with air (And
a way to expel the exhaust) so that the submarine could run it's diesel engines
under water. Diesel engines, like every internal combustion engine, require air, and
require a method of expelling exhaust gasses. And that's what the Snorkel did.

However, the Snorkel was flawed for several reasons..

1) It allowed for easy detectability from the air, as the Snorkel's tube left a very
visable wake.

2) It slowed the submarine down to no more then 6 knots submerged, even running
on diesels..Because any faster then 6 knots would crumple and bend the thin metal
tube that made up the Snorkel..

3) The Snorkel, especially in heavy seas, had a bad habit of ingesting water. Getting
water into your diesel engines is a disaster..just like it is with modern internal
combustion engines. "Hydro Lock", anyone?

Obviously you're the one in need of some reading material..

Air did not need to be "Resupplied", as Co2 scrubbers have been around since
before WWI. About the only time they had to flush the air out of the boat was if the
batteries got wet and filled the air with chlorine. Otherwise, the air did not need to
be resupplied. The ship's batteries were the only limiting feature on how long a
submarine could stay submerged, and at high speeds, it was not uncommon for teh
batteries to be completely drained in a matter of minutes...In WWII, battery
technology was still in it's early stages..It's not like today where we have lithium
polymer batteries with 100,000 mAh ratings..Sorry, that didn't happen back then. I
mean hell. Even today we have trouble getting decent range out of an electric CAR.
How do you think they felt trying to power a WARSHIP on electricity in WWII?

48 hours was about the maximum a submarine could remain submerged in WWII. At
a dead-stop. Running the electric motors drained the battery power rather quickly,
and just like today, the more RPMs you run an electric motor to, the higher it's
current draw, the faster the battery is depleted..

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 26. 2010 01:37

If realy want a answer read the books,....o dont like LOL,air is resuply almost all time
in the nigth after 24-48 houres of dive(NF fake time?),can fiind the library because
the forum is ruined your life?Take a Break FKN Torps.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 25. 2010 11:24

Quick, Altsein...What was the max speed of a submerged submarine using the Snorkel?

Oh wait. It was used to replenish crew oxygen, right?


  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 25. 2010 06:17

''Altsein's not trying to help, he's failing at being a troll.''

only trolls is a ''greaters''olders balance reasons with low skill about subs,why i help
you if are irelevant like in any subs topics?,read some books(subs)stop to call als..
what you are realy.What a idea? again BB thinking is Faild in SS topics.
Locked for irelevant topic?

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 24. 2010 13:09

rofl!!! Rampage, I think we can finally agree on something.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 24. 2010 12:40

Altsein's not trying to help, he's failing at being a troll.

It's best to just ignore him. Everyone else does.

This guy rants about people's lack of knowledge about subs, but thought the Snorkel
was to refill the air supply for the crew.


  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 24. 2010 06:02


I'm sorry man but I can't understand hardly anything you are typing. I don't know if
you are trying to help, but please stop replying in code.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 24. 2010 03:31

THE Sub suggestion thread

is built for SS sugestion,

''Submerged submarine endurance should be based off of battery life instead of air
time. In addition, battery life should be based off of submerged speed. The faster a
sub goes while submerged, the faster the battery drains.''

LOL can you read some not just copy a rampa4ige faild ideea ?
The increse air with 200% for all subs is kick that idea,smals subs=smals battery
consulte the military advice site,the refull of battery is need air,dont forgoth the KM
and later almost all subs nation is used the snorkel(captured).
but the KM dive time is some up of 48 houres with full speed dude,see last type of
subs.About ''dioxide carbone'' the Germans again is push up that problem,but sure
the site is dont releve all information if you low kwnolodge skils about subs is
irelevant like ramp...
That ''great'' idea is just complicate the wished good jobs about subs improved typic
of rampage ''briliant'' idea.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 18:49

" But when they critical dive for a long time then Oxygen starts depleting."

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 18:30

oh no!! someone with common sense and unbiased knowledge!! Ban Him!!!!
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