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  • Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 12:42

Submerged submarine endurance should be based off of battery life instead of air
time. In addition, battery life should be based off of submerged speed. The faster a
sub goes while submerged, the faster the battery drains.

This could mean that a sub could traverse the entire map submerged, but would
need ten minutes or more to do it. On the other hand, a sub could go 20 knots
underwater but would only stay under for two minutes.

(I posted this in the Submarine Suggestions but I'm sure it will get lost in there.)


  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 18:28

I vote that Pictwarrior1 gets removed from game.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 18:15

lol, all the devs do is just change the name of the current Air name (O2) to Battery.
But i think you are right,air is not a problem for Submarines in ww2 as long as they in a
periscope depth or snorkel mode. But when they critical dive for a long time then Oxygen
starts depleting.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 17:52


Of course sub captains don't go around pinging. Why would they? They know exactly where
surface ships are with passive sonar. Surface ships are loud and in WWII they made almost
no attempt to quiet themselves as we do now. And I'll grant that surface captains didn't
go around pinging non-stop either, UNLESS they were in a combat situation or had any
suspicion at all that a sub was nearby. Don't be absurd. When was the last time you had
to travel hundreds of miles to get to the fight in a GB? When you encounter that
situation, you go ahead use passive only. Just don't forget to go active when you reach
the fight.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 17:39

Sub captains do not drive around pinging enemies with active sonar unless they have a good
reason to do so. Neither do ship captains. The usage of active sonar is considered a
very sharp double edged sword in sub use.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 17:29

"The noise created by cavitation is a particular problem for military submarines, as it
increases the chances of being detected by passive sonar."


I'm not sure what you are getting at. Why is everyone so obsessed with passive sonar? No
one gets it! Passive sonar is only half the process. And since NF doesn't cause a lack
of detection when subs slow down or stop, one can only believe that NF bases sonar
detection on active sonar.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 17:21

"I'm just going to say that the speed of a submarine's speed has very little to do with
detection of it."

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 16:44

I don't like the idea of having air and battery times. Especially since games wont last
long enough to simulate needing air before a battery would run out. Subs could stay under
for days without needing air. It was battery life that had issues.

Also, again with the sonar detections. I really don't want to get into that argument
since I've already got that topic going in General Discussion. I'm just going to say that
the speed of a submarine has very little to do with detection of it.

However!!!! Don't get mad yet, I just had a brainstorm. Somewhere, someone suggested
that ff/dd/CL's should need Sonarman to find subs. I don't completely agree with that but
if you want submarine speed to influence detection, how about this:

Sonar detection by ships w/o sonarman would be passive only and be dependent on the
submarine's speed. Ship's with sonarman could operate active sonar and the sub's speed
would not effect detection by that ship.

How's that for compromise?

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 15:39

I wouldn't mind having air time be completely swapped with battery time, keep the same
battery time as 2x air time, and simply decrease air at a rate equivalent to speed of vessel.

So, example, current air time is 120 seconds for example.

New battery time is 240 units.

(Current Vessel Speed/Max UW Non-OH Speed) per second + 1

So if the max non-OH speed is 22Kn/22Kn, 2 units per second.
Maximum range going NON-OH
0Kn, 1 unit per second, can stay submerged for 4 minutes.

Overheating obviously expends more battery life than current air use as a counterbalance.

Make enemy sonar detection rate (Current Speed + 1)/25.

That means a fully stopped sub has a detection radius of 1/25 what it would normally take,
or basically on top of the sub, while a sub traveling 19 knots or faster can always be
detected at a normal sonar radius. That also means that subs traveling at more than 24
knots underwater get a larger sonar radius, while smaller subs don't have to worry about it.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 15:32

okay, i could agree with that. that would simulate the day or so that a sub would have to
spend on the surface to completely recharge. I like it.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 15:17

My reasoning behind the slower recharge time was that if the sub ran out of battery
power, refilling their battery to completely full capacity shouldn't be an option at all that
game. They could get small portions of their battery back, but not a significant amount.
They need to manage their battery power from the get-go.
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