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  • Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 12:42

Submerged submarine endurance should be based off of battery life instead of air
time. In addition, battery life should be based off of submerged speed. The faster a
sub goes while submerged, the faster the battery drains.

This could mean that a sub could traverse the entire map submerged, but would
need ten minutes or more to do it. On the other hand, a sub could go 20 knots
underwater but would only stay under for two minutes.

(I posted this in the Submarine Suggestions but I'm sure it will get lost in there.)


  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 15:07

I'm on the same page as Rampage with the exception of recharge time. I'd say the recharge
rate should be 1/4 charge per two minutes. You've got to remember that these games only
last 20 minutes at the most. Oh, and batteries aren't dead forever once they run out,
subs had to surface or snorkel and recharge batteries with the diesel engine. Don't be so

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 14:28

Actually, Co2 scrubbers fix this issue.

Air has not been an issue on a submarine since pre-WWI. The only things that kept a
submarine from being able to stay submerged indefinitely were the battery power, the
food, and how much the boat stank. :P

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 14:16

thats not true most subs can sumerge for years without comming up for air,
perascope depth fixes this issue

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 14:04

what are you smoking bro battery =/= air

subs need both

the crew only has so much air to breate underwater

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 13:49

My suggestion in the SS thread was this:

Battery should work something like this.


Battery starts fully charged.

Full speed submerged = 1 minute until battery is depleted, full SONAR detection
3/4ths speed = 3 minutes until battery is depleted, 3/4ths SONAR detection
1/2 speed = 5 minutes until battery is depleted, 1/2 SONAR detection
1/4 speed/Reverse = 8 minutes until battery is depleted, 1/4 SONAR detection
0 speed = 10 minutes until battery is depleted, DD has to be pretty much on top of
the submarine.

Battery would recharge at 1/4 total capacity every 5 minutes while on the surface.

Values would be adjusted for SS1, 2 and 4.

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 13:31

so if they run out of power they can never dive again?

battery+ss1=lol ur screwed

  • Re : Replace Air Time with Battery Life

    05. 23. 2010 13:25

what would we do if there was one SS left in a GB1/2, wait 10 mins for him to pop up?
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