HA Infomation



  • angle aid

    08. 15. 2011 19:29

Recommend : 1

any chance we can get a useful angle aid in the ame that uses the gun lines and the dots on the gun lines to
show us roughly where the shells could drop with manual aim? it's annoying me firing 300 rounds just to sink
one lil itty bitty FF frankly i just need to know the engle of where i am shooting before i shoot.. auto aim is up the
creek with no paddle....


  • Re : angle aid

    08. 15. 2011 19:36

bud just keep at it, you will get the hang of sooner then you think, I think numbered angles would get ppl to not to learn, just my opinion

  • Re : angle aid

    08. 15. 2011 19:42

the guide i have read the newbie mission i have done over and over again.. but still does not help... all the ships u see suiciding are using auto aim coz they don't' understand or can't work out how manual aim works.. all we have is a shooting angle.. not a distance the shell is going to go... we all know spread is already a huge factor here at range and we have no control over my auto aim won't let me shoot above 15 degree's unless i fire and go to a lower angle then go up again both manual aim and auto aim are annoying the hell outta me and all ppl seem to be doing is saying hang in there or read the guides... how about sum sorta aim assistance here in the game i like the game but seriously it's down fall is the aiming systems in place and the fact there is no real hands on help to help us newbies get the hang on manual aim....

  • Re : angle aid

    08. 15. 2011 20:15

Originally Posted by bob198906

the guide i have read the newbie mission i have done over and over again.. but still does not help... all the ships u see suiciding are using auto aim coz they don't' understand or can't work out how manual aim works.. all we have is a shooting angle.. not a distance the shell is going to go... we all know spread is already a huge factor here at range and we have no control over my auto aim won't let me shoot above 15 degree's unless i fire and go to a lower angle then go up again both manual aim and auto aim are annoying the hell outta me and all ppl seem to be doing is saying hang in there or read the guides... how about sum sorta aim assistance here in the game i like the game but seriously it's down fall is the aiming systems in place and the fact there is no real hands on help to help us newbies get the hang on manual aim....

just keep practicing ..... we all had to go trough this (all = everyone with a bb that use manual aim)

  • Re : angle aid

    08. 22. 2011 18:42

OK i will try to make this really simple for you.

Take the ship you are working on go into a test room.

Get your guide lines set {if you can} so that the shells are landing at max range at the top of the guide lines. Then you will always know max of your guns. If you are still low lvl BB you some times can't do this. If your a low lvl BB and can't then figure out what your guide line deg is just the same so you know if the ship is at the end of my guid lines then it is 37/40. You can easly figure out your max by doing a test shot at the start of battle anyway.

Now comes a bit more work from you. Lets say you are using 40 deg guns. Probobly most of your shooting will take place in the top 10 deg of the gun so most stuff will be in 30-40. So learn the difference! Shoot and figure it out you don't have to worry about anything else in a test mission. Generaly I look at around 2-3 deg differences in my top 10 deg of the gun. I would say 75%+ of my shots are in the top 10 deg of most guns. {ships like monty that have a little different change between 40-45 then 35-40 so take the time to know the difference}. I then find out what 1/2 way on my guide lines will be. 1/2 does not always relate to 20/40 so its good to know your 1/2 way point. At this point you now know your top 10 deg and you have a 1/2 way point in your guide lines so making up the difference shoudn't be hard.

The last thing I learn is where my shells land around my BO sight ring around my ship. I find this extreamly helpful as then you know where a ship is when you are blind and you are getting rushed. I personly learn where to shoot when the ship is still a shadow. Oh look a shadow ship just out of my sight ring cool he is at 16. This small amount of time it takes to find this out has saved me hundreds of times in battle.

Knowing what deg the sight ring of your BO also gives you the advantage of knowing your close shots as in pesky FF-CA that get in close to you. As you can simply figure out he is half way in my sight ring so its about 1/2 of 16 if 16 is edge of sight ring.

You really don't need a guide line system in place that tells you exactly what 28 is, if you spend 1-2 games in a test mission. I am sorry to say it but really would take all the challange of the game out if i see a ship at 27 on my sight guide and know exactly where my shells will land... That being said if you take the time to learn your new ship {usualy the problem now as lvling was never this fast back in the day} you will probobly only be +/- 3 deg anyway.

I usualy explain things alot better in voice then on txt so its probobly confusing but perhaps it will help.

  • Re : angle aid

    08. 22. 2011 20:36

No. Im sorry if youre having trouble learning manual, but we all did. Its not easy, but even i did it and i dont own a single BB anymore.

  • Re : angle aid

    08. 22. 2011 20:38

Thing is, if you dont realize it. Angle aid is practically an aimbot and cheating, and now one would even bother learning how to play this game.

  • Re : angle aid

    08. 22. 2011 21:07

Why stop there?

Lets add a play button and see your ship farming for you!

What was it called again?

ow yah

A bot.

Seriously who aims better is a critical factor in a BB fight. The player who bothered to learn his angle will nuke the one flipping a coin about it.

Deal with it our gtfo BBs and use CVs/SS.

  • Re : angle aid

    08. 23. 2011 18:04

Originally Posted by aingeal

Deal with it our gtfo BBs and use CVs/SS.

Just cause we can't aim doesn't mean you have to make fun of us. lol

  • Re : angle aid

    08. 23. 2011 19:15

Originally Posted by Invinciblor

Originally Posted by aingeal

Deal with it our gtfo BBs and use CVs/SS.

Just cause we can't aim doesn't mean you have to make fun of us. lol

Gunbound, angle aid, aka aim bot.

  • Re : angle aid

    08. 23. 2011 20:24

Originally Posted by Invinciblor

Originally Posted by aingeal

Deal with it our gtfo BBs and use CVs/SS.

Just cause we can't aim doesn't mean you have to make fun of us. lol

If you can't accept the fact people aim better than you do, I'm sorry but gtfo.

This isn't adressed to anyone in particular, but people like that guy who wants an aim bot so his ship can do better than what his skill allow.

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