wich submarine nation?
09. 08. 2011 23:12
- Recommend : 0
I was looking for a new submarine crew, but I realy don't know the difference between the nations. what are the differences between them, etc.
best regards.
Re : wich submarine nation?
09. 09. 2011 05:43
US Balanced, SS1-2 No rear torps, SS5 Has 6 front 4 rear UK Idk bout this, heard it was a fine nation KM 1 of the best, Proxy torps, Flak on ss4, and pretty fast IJN My favourite, Lots of torp damage, but ss4-5 have no rear (but most support space, and 800 aircraft for ss5) MN Nice nation, always 6 front 2 rear SN Idk bout it, but torps are fast.
Re : wich submarine nation?
09. 09. 2011 06:53
Maybe you think a little bit far away no?some about SS5? KM typIX must be very balanced in all Gato is amazing a real hunter Surcoufe is for fan D class is just Aroganute SS4 Other is a joke worst like SS4
Re : wich submarine nation?
09. 09. 2011 22:20
See also: other "which nation for my sub" thread:
Re : wich submarine nation?
09. 09. 2011 23:05
in the long run, i dont suggest ijn or rn based on their ss5's.mn has pretty good turning force when it comes to ss4 but it gets worse in the ss5.US comes out the winner in the ss5 class(finally recieving the Gato class 6 front 4 rear).KM i see the most in-game but it has it strengths and weaknesses, the proxy torps and guns are a few of em.but the proxy torp is also a weakness Tking will occur alot unlike other nations that can fire torps extremely close to friendlies to get the enemy.SN is the only other nation i perfer besides my US sub because of their torp range,speed and ship speed.
Re : wich submarine nation?
09. 10. 2011 02:04
if you are just curious, an easy approach is to start where you already have big part of the crew: supports and gunners/torpers. lucky you if it happens to be with IJN or KM.
if you are looking forward to SS5 (and beyond, hopefully), then the choice is all yours. i personnally prefer my RN SS4, but it's only a matter of choice.
plan way ahead with your crew, you do not want to realise you are short of a specialised sailor when you reach lvl 90. also, i would advise not to skip SS1 and 2 because you will need that sense of survival later on.
enjoy your sub, and good hunt +++
Re : wich submarine nation?
09. 10. 2011 02:29
Originally Posted by jokojoko
plan way ahead with your crew, you do not want to realise you are short of a specialised sailor when you reach lvl 90. also, i would advise not to skip SS1 and 2 because you will need that sense of survival later on.
yeah he's right, alot of players in ss4's arent used to alot of things that battleships arent even aware of.if you skip sub tiers you miss the "boot camp" period where you learn to pick your battles.you find out when to expect your torps to explode, how many torps it takes to sink certain ships(gurantee you will run out around 160k attack), and the most important the "I" button.you will be making some weird movements if you are paying to everything correctly, that includes:avoiding HH,moving towards enemy ships, hitting F, checking firing mode, using the mouse of course and watching the oxygen tank. if you plan on really using your sub and plan on getting an ss5(when they are released) i suggest you use your sub alot.SS5's will be prime targets,diving and picking your targets will be everything. i just got off the test server and i dont plan on bringing any surface ships out till winter =_=
Re : wich submarine nation?
09. 10. 2011 09:51
SS1 doesn't teach you anything.
Unless there is some value in knowing what it's like to run out of air in no man's land, or knowing what it's like to sit back with your own BBs and provide sonar support. Or realizing that your XP is completely unrelated to anything you accomplish, as opposed to if you were AAing in a CA the whole time with several more sailors on board.
SS2 and SS3 last for a long time, if you play those you're going to have more than enough time to get used to your advantages and limitations.
Re : wich submarine nation?
09. 13. 2011 04:02
I just set up my IJN ss crew. I have:
1-BO (elite rep) 1-torp (elite rep) 2-rep (elite rep) 4-engine (elite engine) 1-sonar man (elite engine) 1-planesman (elite potential)
I also have 1 engine and one torp in reserve just in case. is that ok setup for SS5?
Re : wich submarine nation?
09. 13. 2011 04:17
I have following Ijn Crew:
BO base pot doesnt matter, think good rep ??? 2 Torps BVE 12 base SS 1 - 3 need rear torper..... nobody know about ss5 / 6 3 Engs 12+ BVE 1 rep 12+ BVE 1 Planes 15 pot 1 Sonar 15 pot
Re : wich submarine nation?
09. 13. 2011 05:28
Originally Posted by crniliner
I just set up my IJN ss crew. I have:
1-BO (elite rep) 1-torp (elite rep) 2-rep (elite rep) 4-engine (elite engine) 1-sonar man (elite engine) 1-planesman (elite potential)
I also have 1 engine and one torp in reserve just in case. is that ok setup for SS5?
I see no sense in it, to use an elite engine as Sonarmann. Engine base is moved only by an Engineer. There I would prefer rather an elite restorer. He brings additional SD. I have no elite sailor for my sub crew. I think rolled sailors are the best option for a submarine. My crew for IJN: 1x BO (Base 12 on restore and base 11 on repair) 2x torper (base 12 on torpedo, base 10 on repair, base 11 on restore) 3x engineer (base10 on repair, base 11 on restore, base 12 on engine) 1x restorer (base 12 on restore, base 11 on repair) 1x sonarman (base 15 on potential, base 10 on repair, base 11 on restore) 1x planesman (base 15 on potential, base 10 on repair, base 11 on restore) and additional I can use a repairer (base 12 on repair and base 11 on restore) and a seaman (base 11 on repair and base 12 on restore). And of course all BVE, without the BO. My BO has only 1 sailor. To have a good SD (restoreability) is the most importand thing for a submarine, more than repairability. If you have to repair you are almost dead.