HA Infomation



  • HH to have non-holiday shells

    12. 09. 2011 04:55

Recommend : 5


Currently it is impossible to tell the difference between HH and regular shells before the shells hit the water.
This makes playing a submarine very tedious with the holiday theme.
It would be nice if HH could have either non-holiday shells or easily distinguishable holiday shells.



  • Re : HH to have non-holiday shells

    12. 09. 2011 05:06

You don't always have vision of the shooter, I don't see how this is a hard concept.

  • Re : HH to have non-holiday shells

    12. 09. 2011 05:55

Originally Posted by Etheryte

You don't always have vision of the shooter, I don't see how this is a hard concept.

you could start spying on ships that have HH onboard while in the waiting area

  • Re : HH to have non-holiday shells

    12. 09. 2011 06:01

Originally Posted by phantom3553

Originally Posted by Etheryte

You don't always have vision of the shooter, I don't see how this is a hard concept.

you could start spying on ships that have HH onboard while in the waiting area

His point still stands, just because you spied on them in the waiting room doesn't mean you will be able to tell the difference between the shells IF YOU CAN'T SEE THE SHOOTER!

  • Re : HH to have non-holiday shells

    12. 09. 2011 07:05

Lol, isn't it awesome when people think "just deal with it you noob" is a constructive argument? Just more love from the NF lifers. Don't mind them, they're just bitter they're addicted to a broken game that was obsolete the day it was released. =P

  • Re : HH to have non-holiday shells

    12. 09. 2011 07:34

if you observe the game play you can easly see the difference between shells and HH. the formation the quantaty... its not that hard to see it.... just watch

  • Re : HH to have non-holiday shells

    12. 09. 2011 07:36

His point still stands, just because you spied on them in the waiting room doesn't mean you will be able to tell the difference between the shells IF YOU CAN'T SEE THE SHOOTER!

if you can't see the shooter what would it be? 70% will be HE shells

  • Re : HH to have non-holiday shells

    12. 09. 2011 08:55

u can look at the ships as mutch as u want
but u need to see the shooter to see what he is shooting

as it stands now if a hh ship shoots at u for a mile away the only thing u see is
x-mass shells and there is no way to see if there hh or aa and normal shell and u can't dive intime

now if u is in range of the hher u can see wat hee shoots and can crit in time

hh is a closerange wepon that was fire'd in a spread to get the ss
but in nf its a mid to loang range wepon and it can even block
ss players have lurn'd to play whith that
but now they can't see what shell is comming to them and u can't keep critdiving for all shots of normal shell
that players shoot at u while u are in normal dive
becos they will shoot normal guns at a sub thats in dive mode


  • Re : HH to have non-holiday shells

    12. 09. 2011 09:19

Originally Posted by powerchief

His point still stands, just because you spied on them in the waiting room doesn't mean you will be able to tell the difference between the shells IF YOU CAN'T SEE THE SHOOTER!

if you can't see the shooter what would it be? 70% will be HE shells
70% Is that an exact number or just an estimate? Lol, his original point still stands, and I'm pretty sure he is talking about the 30% that ARENT HE shells. If you hit 'i' every time you see shells come into your screen, you don't get to use the amazing 4 min submerged that SS get to its fullest. SS arent in an artillry duel, so they shouldnt have to be watching every surface ship to see what they are shooting. Lol, simple suggestion, makes sense, but all he gets is "Duh, deal with it noob, blah blah" You guys kill me, you really do.
When you cry for nerfs of stuff you dont like, it's called "balance" and there is NO "just dealing with it" even if far less skilled players have no issue. But when those players bring up some silly little thing that would help some players a lot, they get called "whiners" and face a bunch of helpful community members here who tear them apart, deride their intelligence and abilites. Honestly, is having a tiny bit of class that difficult? Try it, it feels good.

  • Re : HH to have non-holiday shells

    12. 09. 2011 09:53

Originally Posted by joshmon999

Lol, isn't it awesome when people think "just deal with it you noob" is a constructive argument? Just more love from the NF lifers. Don't mind them, they're just bitter they're addicted to a broken game that was obsolete the day it was released. =P

Isn't that the same argument you use to justify subs.

  • Re : HH to have non-holiday shells

    12. 09. 2011 11:05

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Originally Posted by joshmon999

Lol, isn't it awesome when people think "just deal with it you noob" is a constructive argument? Just more love from the NF lifers. Don't mind them, they're just bitter they're addicted to a broken game that was obsolete the day it was released. =P

Isn't that the same argument you use to justify subs.

Nope. And I could really care less about them, I get sunk by them these days, lol. I may finish up getting all of the SS4 one of these days if I can force myself to do it, but not likely. SS aren't a cosmetic change to graphics during an event with unexpected negative consequences, they are just part of the game. If these two things were at all similar , it would be different, but , alas, this issue and SS are nothing alike. But nice to have you show up beating the SS drum, as always, I'm a HUGE fan ^^

My point for SS is: You have spent what must be a HUGE chunk of time typing into the forums the list of all the things you've done, ships you have, modded crews you own, etc, trying to prove that you're 'better' than most of the people you are arguing with, thus diminishing their argument (in your mind). BUT when many , many, players who have FAR less skill or time in this game have no issues, then why can't some who is "sooper dooper elite" like you not deal with it? I killed an SS yesterday with my main guns, just ran after he hit me with 4 torps, he chased (foolishly) and I waited for him to run out of air. They turn into pumpkins at midnite LJ, and you know this, lol. Then I killed him. Then another SS I didnt see finished me off. FYI I didnt run to the forums and demand action. If you don't load AA and get DB, whose fault? Do we nerf them? Oops, already been there huh?

PS.... I have enjoyed debating with you, and I know, at times, everyone can be a bit dramatic, but I'll say here and now, I harbor ZERO true ill will for any of those I spar with here. We're all just normal dudes who love gaming and have passionate views about certain aspects of the game. I also give you props for doing the things you do for NF, much of it thankless, and quite a bit of it drawing full on outrage. We just have differing views on a few things, mainly SS representation in Fleetwars and your insistence that SS are OP. I feel yes, SS are a tad OP in GB, but ONLY due to a lack of team cohesion and fleet setup in GB. You just cant count on good ASW and team coordination in those rooms. That's why I feel full ss power belongs in fleetwar, since you can actually plan for and coordinate ASW, thus removing the very worst of the SS onslaught. But that's my 2 cents.

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