HA Infomation



  • Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 06:04

Recommend : 2

Since this game rewards leeching more than playing well, i propose to have some sort of bonus for whoever gets the highest attack in a GB room (and maybe expand this to blitz's as well).
Many times it happens that your team completely sucks and you end up getting 1/2 of the total attack while the rest just leech or gets killed doing stupidly low attack. Instead of giving shit exp to the leechers, which $DE will never do, i say we actually reward those who do good.
The bonus could be extra exp/points, extra credits, maybe even a guaranteed item drop (boost/experts/vets).
This might also make some CV's drop some fighters and use more bombers to try and grab the bonus.


  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 08:05

Do you like to be blind?
No might if they give a bonus for teamplay and not go diva......

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 09:07

Originally Posted by Tomm96

Do you like to be blind?
No might if they give a bonus for teamplay and not go diva......

I guess you level up by leeching. Dont worry my idea would not hurt you, you will still be able to get a BB6 doing 50k attack every game.
There is no way to promote teamplay, people dont care about the team, all they care about is level up as fast as possible. This would reward those who try and win the game even if they are teamed up with a bunch of fictory noobs.

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 09:14

They already have this. It's called earned xp. Gun xp goes to earned, and the highest attack is usually a BB, IS a bonus for highest attack, but only for highest GUN attack, thus excluding anyone but a BB from getting it. An SS can do 150k and due to the ship/crew lvl xp nerf plus torp xp nerf, they will get maybe 20k with prem lol. So ironically, a lvl 120 SS has worked TWICE as hard to get to HOF as a BB player, but still gets none of the respect.
Lol, the nerf to torp xp was a punishment upon the cv and torp players to nerf their experience, on behalf of the then-highest players in the game, who drove, you guessed it, BB. Basically anything wrong with this game, at this time, be it for progression, xp accumulation, even balance, all stem from this lobby and their desires. Even now, any idea that is good for all, but not especially BB, gets tossed without any discussion, usually accompanied with a bunch of cliche platitudes , well oiled talking points, and assumption and conjecture presented as fact. Or just tons of flaming and personal insults. Just the fact that we can never seem to cure the oversupply of BB proves this, since in a truly class-balanced game, there would be fairly equal desire to use all types of ship. If a ship is too powerful too early, even if it has a hundred drawbacks BB dont, they are nerfed, since it is basically offensive for BB players to met their equal in another ship that is not a BB. The claim is that this is a lvl based game, and lvl should dictate where in the food chain they appear. BUT when you have a ship that is equal lvl, they still will cry for nerf, since at the end of they day, it offends them when a non-BB can kill them in ANY fashion.
SO yeah, it exists, but if you arent in a BB5-6 , you'll never get it, lol. (psst... get a BB5-6)

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 09:33

Originally Posted by joshmon999


I dont get what this wall-of-text has to do with the OP. Are you somehow claming that SS's are underpowered?
This is a level based game, obviously a high level player is going to do more attack than a low level (not always though). If you want to get the bonus for obtaining the highest attack then play some select modes CA-BB or *NORMAL ROOMS*. Oh wait you dont because you prefer to leech in GBs, right.

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 09:50

I don't see why not. Nice idea, will recommend when I remember.

I feel it should be either a small amount of olives (say, 1 or 2), or extra exp.

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 10:10

seriously agreed
though i'm a leecher myself
but when i use a pensa and got 106k att out of 31xk team att i just laughed the hell out
nice one tappo you leecher :))

and btw.. i've just heard of SHARED exp but never EARNED exp. sry for that
oh wait. i did in normal rooms

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 10:33

Originally Posted by joshmon999

a lvl 120 SS has worked TWICE as hard to get to HOF as a BB player, but still gets none of the respect.

No. You may have gotten twice as much exp, but you did not work twice as hard. Unless the BB player leeched to 120, and some do.

You are driving a sub, therefore you did not work twice as hard. The only exception is SS1, which actually takes some amount of skill. But you skipped the SS1 using a surface ship, so that doesn't matter. So no, you didn't work twice as hard as a non-leeching BB player.

In the same vein, why do you get none of the respect? Because you are a dedicated sub driver.

And what does this have to do with the original topic?

I like the bonus idea, probably as a small olive drop.
Blitz might be a bit different. It's a good idea in principle, but it'd just encourage more people to exploit certain ships, crews and setups that are literally impossible to beat in certain rooms, especially on the hobbit map. I still like the idea of rewarding people for high attack, but those setups make it easy to exploit.

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 10:53

Originally Posted by Gundamx2

seriously agreed
though i'm a leecher myself
but when i use a pensa and got 106k att out of 31xk team att i just laughed the hell out
nice one tappo you leecher :))

and btw.. i've just heard of SHARED exp but never EARNED exp. sry for that
oh wait. i did in normal rooms

Pfft, damn leechers. =.=

By the way, i feel the bonus should be awarded when the game is over so that you dont have multiple players earning the bonus by leaving the room while the battle is still going. However it should be something worth waiting for so i like the olive drops as long as its guaranteed and not "random".

For blitz maybe olive drops would be too much as its much easier to farm entire rooms, maybe credit/points/exp drops would be better.

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 11:05

I'm torn. Although I like the idea and often end up as highest attacker in low tier BBs, when 50k attack in a BB2 make you the highest scorer something is wrong, it would disadvantage KM. Additionally I'd rather see boni for CV, there is obviously enough reason to play BB, not necessarily well, without extra stuff.

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 11:16

Originally Posted by Obergrattler

Although I like the idea and often end up as highest attacker in low tier BBs, would be nice for me, it would disadvantage KM. Additionally I'd rather see boni for CV, there is obviously enough reason to play BB without extra stuff.

I dunno, I get tonnes of attack in KM ships :/

I would like to see some kind of bonus for CV's, but it is hard with the current exp system. Maybe something for most personal credits? Or have the bonus taking personal credits into the account as well as attack?

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