HA Infomation



  • Ban BB's from Blitz

    04. 15. 2012 19:35

Recommend : 1


Hi guys. I don't know about you, but I hate to see a game of blitz ruined by a farming battleship.

Just today a BB came and got 80,000 damage. That BB farmed all the enemy CA's and CL's. I've seen a lot of bb's that should clearly be playing GB1 sticking back to farm in blitz. In fact, almost half the blitz games I've played have a BB that farms smaller ships. I propose that we ban all BB's from the blitzkrieg game mode. It would allow teams to be more evenly balanced and keep BB's from farming low level players.


  • Re : Ban BB's from Blitz

    04. 15. 2012 19:37


This is never going to happen.

1. BB1 will eventually graduate from blitz in a couple of hours

2. BB1 are very easy to defeat (try swarming it)

3. BB are the least of the powerful ships in Blitz. PCA, CV, Kita can also farm entire games.

4. Blitz is not a safe haven for DD and FF. If it is too hard for you, you might as well find another game to play.

5. BB1 is quite easy to achieve yourself. Put yourself in a BB1's shoes and see how they are not as OP as you think.

  • Re : Ban BB's from Blitz

    04. 15. 2012 19:54


If the BB are too tough for you in Blitz what you gonna do when you get to GB?

Take advantage of the easy to kill Battleships while you can.

  • Re : Ban BB's from Blitz

    04. 15. 2012 20:20


Agreed, but not recc'd yet.


BBs with good crews are ridiculously overpowered in blitz. BB1s with at level non-BVE crews aren't, but it's dumb to base everything on the assumption that people won't be using BVE crews. Plenty of people do, and that's not even to mention mods.


If nothing else, banning BBs/PCAs would limit the abuse of mod crews - although that's absolutely something TNF should take care of themselves instead.


Sure, with no BB/PCA blockshot yorks would farm blitz, but a blockshot york is infinitely easier to sink than a 900SD AW blockshot revenge.



And to be honest, I'd rather play BB1 in GB than in blitz - no matter the crew.

With non-uber crew, blitz BB1 is worse than CA, slow, boring and the autostack overcompensates for you, but in GB you get mostly ignored.

With uber crew, blitz BB1 is a lame easymode farmer ship that's still boring and repetitive, whereas GB is an actual challenge that might require some level of skill.

  • Re : Ban BB's from Blitz

    04. 15. 2012 20:52


I know many BB's are easy to kill. But I'm not talking about those. I'm refering to the bb's that have overpowered gunners (probably loaded with vets). The BB's that 1 shot half the enemy team. It's ridiculous. They should be on GB1. Many BB1's are bad, have a horrible spread, and are just awful. But a few have been on recently with almost a perfect spread and a very fast reload. 

I've played BB1. They're ships meant for Great Battle, not for blitz. They don't belong in blitz and if they won't be barred from blitz, they should at least have exp reduced to keep people from playing there. Blitz is supposed to allow lower level ships a chance to level up and prepare for GB. It's not meant to be a farming ground for BB's.


(to king kong)

BB are the most overpowered ships in blitz. No other ship can 1-shot you. Torps can be avoided, if you pay close attention to the Kita's or other torping ships. Most CV's are very bad, or can be outmanuevered. PCA's take a while to kill you or do serious damage.  BB's however, can literally destroy the entire enemy team without ever getting into the range of the enemy. I just saw it happen a few games in a row with different BB's and that's why I'm bringing up this point. 


  • Re : Ban BB's from Blitz

    04. 15. 2012 21:10


hey man a york can one shot kill a op km pca can as well

  • Re : Ban BB's from Blitz

    04. 15. 2012 21:22


You are pointing out the top 1% of BB players who BVE their crew and comparing them to average/at level CV and Kita who dont know what they are doing.

I have once single handedly destroyed 16 out of 18 ships with the mod2 kita torps and for around 100k attack, several games in a row.

There are Moltkes with the 6" triple that blockshot and have instant reload and I have seen those take out an enemy BB in only a few salvos.

BBs are not as over powered as you think. In most cases, they will fire 8-9 shells and only 1 will hit, then they sit around for 8 seconds to reload and miss again. I eat those BB for breakfast in my DD.

  • Re : Ban BB's from Blitz

    04. 15. 2012 21:54


Originally Posted by KingCong

You are pointing out the top 1% of BB players who BVE their crew and comparing them to average/at level CV and Kita who dont know what they are doing.

I have once single handedly destroyed 16 out of 18 ships with the mod2 kita torps and for around 100k attack, several games in a row.

There are Moltkes with the 6" triple that blockshot and have instant reload and I have seen those take out an enemy BB in only a few salvos.

BBs are not as over powered as you think. In most cases, they will fire 8-9 shells and only 1 will hit, then they sit around for 8 seconds to reload and miss again. I eat those BB for breakfast in my DD.

You don't base the game on the assumption that people have average crews, and CV and Kita are far easier to negate than a BB.


Kita on hobbit map is just about as bad as blitz BBs, and just because you admit to using it you're that much less believable.


Moltkes are also overpowered in blitz, and likewise should not be allowed in.


BBs are overpowered in blitz. Just as the KM SS5 is overpowered even if some pubbie driving it aims all his torps at CLs, misses and then gets killed on the surface. It isn't the times they don't work that are the problem - some fraction of BBs do farm blitz like a Kaiser in a BB12 room, and those are the only ones that matter.

  • Re : Ban BB's from Blitz

    04. 15. 2012 22:03


I do agree BBs are powerful but it is no reason to ban them; they are still possible to overcome.

Once BB and PCA are gone, what is the next thing people are going to complain about after that?

  • Re : Ban BB's from Blitz

    04. 16. 2012 00:35


maybe they can make a SD limit for blitz because i have seen BB1's with 900sd in blitz.
It would make it easyer for all players if the SD limit is like 750 or something.

  • Re : Ban BB's from Blitz

    04. 16. 2012 01:16


Originally Posted by KingCong

I do agree BBs are powerful but it is no reason to ban them; they are still possible to overcome.

Once BB and PCA are gone, what is the next thing people are going to complain about after that?

With the possible exception of a good player in a CV2, BBs and PCAs with uber crew are exponentially harder to overcome than anything else in blitz. I've never, ever seen a CA that took 27k worth of instant damage (me hitting a crewfarming blitz Revenge with every torp from my SN DD2) and wasn't even crippled. There's other overpowered stuff in blitz, but nothing even comes close to BB1s with uber crews.


Originally Posted by blaster5501

maybe they can make a SD limit for blitz because i have seen BB1's with 900sd in blitz.
It would make it easyer for all players if the SD limit is like 750 or something.

Capping stats in blitz, especially SD, makes sense. Limit SD to 200-300 and you nerf the heck out of the people farming with high level supports and/or mod crews without affecting people who aren't relying on 900 SD.

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