HA Infomation



  • IJN SS5

    10. 08. 2011 22:19

Recommend : 5

Disclaimer -- I have not been on the test server and am going on other people's comments.  Basically, it sounds like the IJN SS5 is in general worse than the SS4 and the only thing you get is TBs (I'm guessing only a couple). and you have to be on the surface to launch the TBs.  This stinks.

I am not at all interested in this ship -- I already get beat too often by KM SS4s and a couple TBs will not make the situation better.
   This would be REALLY interesting -- much better than TBs.  The only way I could see TBs being worthwhile is if the sub could launch at least six at a time and be able to hold at least 12 at the beginning of the game.  This would be sufficient firepower to keep the sub behind your line where you could surface without risking BB bombardment. 

Got one idea -- don't make it torpedo bombers launched from the IJN SS5 -- make them mini subs!  We could operate them just like planes and they could hold one torpedo, just like in WW2 (well the japs often held two torps, so give them two airborne torpedos that are launched at the same time)

The differences from planes -- 1) mother sub does not have to surface to launch  2) can't be seen without sonar 3) mini subs have limited sonar range 4) limited speed  5) can be destroyed only be torps or dc or hh -- no aa.

Still have the mini-subs able to return to the ship for reload, like a plane.  And give it limited "flight time"  This would mimic the air cycle of the sub.  If it runs out of air, it dies (like the plane running out of fuel).  Don't give the mini sub the option to surface -- it has to stay underwater the whole time it is deployed. 

This would be REALLY interesting.  Help the gigantic mother sub against other subs, but would still limit the difference it would make.


  • Re : IJN SS5

    10. 08. 2011 23:43

Buff my ship.

  • Re : IJN SS5

    10. 09. 2011 08:24

the SS5 IJN is worst of SS4 some isn't idiot and is know that,more people is see that;SS5 IJN is more worst like SS3.
Almost all SS5 is just SS3 or SS2.I find him argument solid like a rock and other against him like a dirty sponge.
Recom allowed.

  • Re : IJN SS5

    10. 09. 2011 08:26

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Buff my ship.

Buff him ships and SS5 IJN is perfectly right,cos is active in battle and arguments is better like yours spam LJ.

  • Re : IJN SS5

    10. 09. 2011 09:36

Isnt this better to bring up in the test server topic room?

  • Re : IJN SS5

    10. 09. 2011 10:36

I think the simple gimmick of being able to launch planes is pretty cool in the first place.

I mean people go crazy over oyodo despite it being a piece of shit.

  • Re : IJN SS5

    10. 09. 2011 10:39

not everyone gets what they want.thats why there are other nations to chose from.
if you knew about naval history you would've seen it coming.

  • Re : IJN SS5

    10. 09. 2011 11:51

IJN SS5 is Underpowered and needs a Rebalance.

  • Re : IJN SS5

    10. 09. 2011 12:48

minisubs.... = the exact same but retarded vertion of torp bombers but wich cannot be attacked by fighters or aa...... useless and it is impossible to buff a ship wich is already crazy overpowered (ijn ss4 obviously)

  • Re : IJN SS5

    10. 09. 2011 13:14

can simultaneously recon and while remaining invisible in an ocean tile...

  • Re : IJN SS5

    10. 09. 2011 13:28

well i have played all the SS5 on the test server and i have to say the IJN is not the worst, the RN one is.

i hope that once the whole SS/ASW reballance is done and we have seen how the SS5 are played on the live server we can nerf/buff then.

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