HA Infomation

Regia Marina


  • Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    07. 10. 2012 09:31


Does anyone know what the max damage is that can be given with 1 shot, i've oneshotted an SY in this ship its was a 50k salvo but i'm not sure if it was a critical or not 


  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    07. 16. 2012 11:17


Originally Posted by the_slasher

Think ahead-buff spread-nuff said.

Won't happen. They will have to figure out the correct numbers to figure damage in with the height elevation to make us have a max range angle of 30. More shell consistently, the RoF could use a buff if this is the spread we get stuck with.

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    07. 19. 2012 06:01


SDE wants Italian to have shotgun spread and low damage, which is not going to work.

Having low damage and terrible spread, isn't working. Take a look at how broken the vanguard/H39/Hood and other ship.

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    07. 19. 2012 07:28


Originally Posted by richardphat

SDE wants Italian to have shotgun spread and low damage, which is not going to work.

Having low damage and terrible spread, isn't working. Take a look at how broken the vanguard/H39/Hood and other ship.

+1 for richard

how can shotgun spread and low damage co-exist?

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    07. 19. 2012 09:09


Originally Posted by richardphat

SDE wants Italian to have shotgun spread and low damage, which is not going to work.

Having low damage and terrible spread, isn't working. Take a look at how broken the vanguard/H39/Hood and other ship.

So does that mean our range or rld can be buffed. Lol. An H44 can outrange me by quite a bit and land all its shells (not much obviously but 2 salvos can be painful) while i get 4 salvos in @ 42knts and maybe 20% of the shells actually hit.


Once I hit BB5 I lost motivation especially after playing the BB6 on test server. Atleast the Amagi/QV/Charle were worth the grind...

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    07. 22. 2012 14:38


You dont need spread buff. Do some calculations and level ACC +8 / RLD +12 gunners (or 9 / 12) and your spread will be fine. If you have elite acc gunners, just trash them.

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    07. 23. 2012 10:22


Originally Posted by franky178

You dont need spread buff. Do some calculations and level ACC +8 / RLD +12 gunners (or 9 / 12) and your spread will be fine. If you have elite acc gunners, just trash them.

I have a set of 112 Rld gunners overvetted to crap that capped back in the 60s. Rld/Acc doesnt change if you put better/different rolled gunners. Still gives you at most a 10% rld advantage speed with less acc. Great for killing stuff, not.

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    07. 23. 2012 13:17


Great post mate, it shows your deep knowledge about game mechanics.

Ever heared about caps? Do you think an ACC +9 based gunner will not hit the ACC cap? ?




  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    07. 23. 2012 14:44


Originally Posted by franky178

Great post mate, it shows your deep knowledge about game mechanics.

Ever heared about caps? Do you think an ACC +9 based gunner will not hit the ACC cap? ?




Nice knowledge about the fact that no matter what there is a cap. Witch means even with my insane gunners and borrowed 120 accys the difference is very minimal. I know about stat caps, Infact I was playing this game when caps were introduced. Thanks for informing me of that though. Cause I wasnt around when L1s/L2s were block shotting and had 2000sd.


The problem is national traits. We have speed and mobility but no firepower, consistency and now no size advantage. I outrange a monty by about 3-4 pixels given a shell or 4 doesnt stray off. He can cruise in and leadshot me and near 1shot me. Due to good spread and insane output. I know this cause I of course own a monty. The BB5 is a giant floating target, low exp in comparison and very difficult to get a killing blow.


I get more xp/game on my AD and it has better shell consistency. Nice post by the way "Mate".

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    07. 25. 2012 07:35


Lol Lion 2 and the rest of the BB5's were introduced long after the SD cap.

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    10. 19. 2012 04:37


It's almost like we aren't playing the same game. All the RM bb5s I see almost block shoot, and when they rush, they suceed 90% of the time.. Stop complaining. Really.

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