HA Infomation

Regia Marina


  • Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    07. 10. 2012 09:31


Does anyone know what the max damage is that can be given with 1 shot, i've oneshotted an SY in this ship its was a 50k salvo but i'm not sure if it was a critical or not 


  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    10. 19. 2012 09:13


I dont understand why you have to oneshot everything.

Ok so the Vitt spreads slightly worse than other BB5. But it can pretty much fire off 2 shots before an SY's shells can hit the water. If you haven't noticed, not all ships here are the same.

The fact that some of you are actually having problems with the Vitt really concerns me.

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    10. 20. 2012 18:12


Amen to that! Even if the H44 outranges you or a montana has more spread consistency BUT I see most Vitts pwning like hell out in GBs. Its like an OMA Pro/Dangerclose pro with noobtubez class in mw2.

And if Vitt had a Spread buff to make it like a 120 L2 or montana wouldn't you think the Vitt would be OP? Tbh If your HT is like 1 second compared to other ships you should have no trouble pwning as long as you got your angles down

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    11. 02. 2012 09:27


I would just like to point out that BB5 didnt exist when there were no sd caps.

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    11. 03. 2012 00:44


Yep RM BB5 is definitely crap.


  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    11. 05. 2012 01:07

Originally Posted by tappo01

Yep RM BB5 is definitely crap.


(y)(y) Two thumbs up for that screenshot!

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    11. 24. 2012 23:58


I think that this ship is great, but the range compared to other BB5 is a little short.

lined up with a L2  1.5 inches

Monty: 1.8 inches

Iowa: 0.2 inches


Makes playing this a very good ship to learn tatics. That I like.            

  • Re : Vittorio Veneto BB5 gunpower

    11. 28. 2012 13:38


Originally Posted by thesgt1212

I think that this ship is great, but the range compared to other BB5 is a little short.

lined up with a L2  1.5 inches

Monty: 1.8 inches

Iowa: 0.2 inches


Makes playing this a very good ship to learn tatics. That I like.            

You have the right gun mounted?
15inch trips outrange Monty.

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