HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • is kaiser dead?

    11. 14. 2011 15:13

is the kaiser server dead ?
is it going the same way as the nelson server?

server time 1500 pst amount of games 1 gb and 1 blitz in progress
and 1 gb and 1 blitz in waiting
so thats about 80-100 players where is the rest of the playerbase
its even worse when the time is befor 1500 pst

there are no events so there are no players
so do we need events 24/7 to get a playersbase thats wants to play?

or do we need to put the kaiser and nebraska servers in to 1 big server?

the way things are going now all i see when i play is a playerbase thats gets smaler every month
ore players that come out for events only

the waiting to play a room is just bad 5min+ just to wait on the cv's
and then if u get kill'd fast and have to start to wait all over again


  • Re : is kaiser dead?

    11. 15. 2011 06:15

Merge Kaiser + Nebraska
Epic FL with no HA's
slight profit.

  • Re : is kaiser dead?

    11. 15. 2011 12:09

almost as slight as the profit lebron james is getting from his investment in leeverpul fc.

  • Re : is kaiser dead?

    11. 15. 2011 13:25

Originally Posted by zezino

yes is dead.

dont think so there times when 1-2 rooms open and like 1 GB or 2 no blitz but at 4PM est it starts growing then stops at around 12:30 to 1 so yea its not as dead but its still beating

  • Re : is kaiser dead?

    11. 15. 2011 13:34

I have stopped playing for a while cause Kaiser takes forever to get a game going...and the trade is even worse.

Been playing some other games till it gets better.

And please don't say "we need all we can get...only way for the server to get more active is for YOU TOO to be online and playing!"

Kaiser has always been slower then Nebraska...and I am SICK of having to wait 15-20 mins for one game.


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