HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Coins are a big joke?

    12. 01. 2011 02:12

Ok I've already won 6 battles and i still got 1 coin that i earned after my second battle today. I am staying to the end of the battle and I am in battles that are longer than 5mins.

I'm playing 2 hours right now, how much longer should i play to get all 5 coins? 10 hours? Are you nuts?

2 hours of playing this game per day is really A LOT for people who work, have families or so. 2 hours means around 10 battles and with 50% win ratio it's 5 won battles. That is plenty!  You should give  1 coin for each won battle just like in the past coin events.

What is now it'S a JOKE

*Edited - Ny* 


  • Re : Coins are a big joke?

    12. 01. 2011 04:03

$DE fail event

coins only for no-lifes

  • Re : Coins are a big joke?

    12. 01. 2011 04:10

too hard to get coins

only 1 coins now T_T playing 3 hours

  • Re : Coins are a big joke?

    12. 01. 2011 04:18

3 straight won games, 1 hour of play. Still no coin.

  • Re : Coins are a big joke?

    12. 01. 2011 04:20

did you guys expected to be a really cool event? hah , this is SDE , haha ... i don`t even bother to get my account from sleep , useless event
@ *nation BO reset , but the BO needs to be bellow lvl 120* - LAME !!!
# *exp event , 6 day`s of 150%* - LAME !!!!
\ *drop event , 1 item in 10+ battles (if your lucky)* - LAME !!!!

and the list goes on and on

  • Re : Coins are a big joke?

    12. 01. 2011 04:22

cuando el gm hará un buen evento sin mentiras -_-
horas jugando y ni 1 coin , antes se juntaba rapido ahora tienes que estar como 5 horas

  • Re : Coins are a big joke?

    12. 01. 2011 04:40

Come on SDE, make a coin per win. This event is imposible for people who works. Come on, make an event for all!!

  • Re : Coins are a big joke?

    12. 01. 2011 04:42

On average:
10 games = 1 coin
Which means you need 50 games per day to get 5 coins, but you have to stay until the very end..
Taking 20 min per game (which is my average time if stay until the end and count the host room waiting time), that is 1000 mins per day or 16.67 hours.
That doesn't include bathroom breaks, lunch breaks, or a few minutes of resting your wrists.
So I hope you can spend literally every waking breath playing NF to get your max coin per day, sleep 7.33 hours (fall asleep instantly) and then do it again the next day - all Christmas long, not spend any time with family- or you probably won't even get a PCL.

  • Re : Coins are a big joke?

    12. 01. 2011 04:54

I don;t know what's your problem. Already got 4 coins and it works quite simple - I play game, wait until battle ends, and no matter if I win or not - such a battle counts for coin. 17 battles played, 4 coins gained, going for 5th

  • Re : Coins are a big joke?

    12. 01. 2011 04:58

@above poster:
this link says it must be a winning match to get coin

Just want to write a follow up guide so you guys can plan this out.
Here is how many hours of straight gameplay on average you will need if you do everything right (stay until end of battle)

For PCL -
166.5 hours

183.5 hours

200 hours

EBB1, DDMP, Turtle Ship:
217 hours

233.5 hours

266.8 hours

BO Nation Reset:
500.25 hours

So, in order to get the nation reset, if you play every single day of the winter event including today, you need to play on average about 14 hours of solid gameplay per day.

To get the PCL at least you will need to play 4.61 hours per day but that is not missing a single day.
My guess is that most people over winter break will miss about 1/3rd of those days completely, meaning that you would need to play about 7 hours per day on the days you can (24 days) for a PCL.

  • Re : Coins are a big joke?

    12. 01. 2011 05:04

You people complain way too much. It's pretty rediculous. Don't like the event? Don't play.. You can get 180 coins for the days the event is running, you need 150 for the top prize. That's still very much reachable, but all you people can think about is to complain. You people realize it's;
A) The first day of the event
B) SDE can still buff the drop rate
C) You'll still get AT LEAST 1 prize + Anything from the other events, plus a free BO Nation transfer if you wish to use it.

Greedy, and ungreatful people for God sakes. You shouldn't even be spending the Christmas holidays on your **** anyway.

*Edited for language - Ny*

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