HA Infomation



  • Range Test

    01. 16. 2012 18:50


So i joined a test mission in my H39 for some reason and there happened to be an iowa there.  We decided to test our range against eachother.
We lined up at the same line from the start and fired.  Honestly, there was no noticable difference between the gun's range.  Maybe I had a smidge more.
Not only that but I was unable to one shot the test BB's at point blank unlike him. I realize it wasn't a formal range test, but still, there was no 
difference in range.

Now I know KM has its disadvantages, its not a perfect game but lets look at a few things

KM Disadvantages
-Lowest Submergence
-Low accuracy
-Largest Hitboxes
-Lowest Damage

KM Advantages
-Range (?)
-AA Guns (I love this)
-Good OH time
-Nice Reload Speed

Now those four disadvantages are huge, noticable, dragging disadvantages.  Pairing Lowest durability with lowest damage 
alone should have been a bad idea, but then to throw in the massive hitbox and poor accuracy? thats just mean.  

However, range is a huge advantage and I can see it being able to overcome the disadvantages, but Im just not noticing the range advantage.
I mean I should atleast be able to hit an enemy ship of my tier without being hit back.  

This being said, am I just not using my range effectivly? I have heard it is a techique that takes practice.  I have seen some h44's ducking and
weaving about doing well.  I think I understand the slingshot technique, but if someone could explain it in depth that'd be great.
Even so, other nations can use the slingshot technique right back at me too.  I don't know. Is it me not maximizing my ships potential or
is it the ship?  I try to engage at max range, but it is so easy for enemy ships just to overheat towards me and fire away.  And if there are two ships?
Forget it, range has no effect at all.

WHAT CAN I DOO? Hahahaha



  • Re : Range Test

    02. 17. 2012 08:04

Originally Posted by CLTwolverine


It has been rumors for years that the H44 guns will be fixed (shell damage made consistent). Still hasn't happened. I doubt it ever will. SDE doesn't care about KM.

You shouldn't be laughing... follow the test server discussion and you'll find that there are some very good people doing serious work on the BB5 guns.

  • Re : Range Test

    02. 17. 2012 08:18

Originally Posted by CLTwolverine

Which aspect of my statement is leading to NF failing? I've played over 6000 games and have been playing NF for 5+ years. My frustration and disappointment in the way they've treated the KM has not led me to quit NF. It is still one of the best naval sims out there that I've found.

Maybe I was a little harsh going back to hard feelings had about a war 70 years ago, maybe they just don't like Germans.

In reality, SDE probably just wants to be somewhat historically accurate in that the US ship technology and UK ship numbers were far superior to anything the Germans had.

Thus, you have the Montana being a far superior ship to H44 and with UK being so powerful and easy to play there are far many more UK ship players than German ship players in the game.

I'm hoping to someday get to Kaiser, around level 112 or so now, but it is frustrating being in KM and not being able to damage anything as easily as any other nation can no matter which ship I use.

I have played UK and US up to early BB levels and it is amazing how much easier it is to sink ships and cause signifcant damage to others with them. Not to mention how much easier it is to survive, KM have no durability and can't take any damage.

Because you are blaming your personal fail on the KM shipline, that's why. Up to H44 KM is equal to or superior to all the other nations. And the only BB6 I have is Kaiser, KM is my main shipline. I also have L2, Monty, SY, Alsace, and working on SN BB3.

KM is not meant to be a damaging nation, you are obviously trying to play it wrong. Complaining about damage on KM is like complaining about lack of range on MN. Sorry, it's not going to change.

H44 is the one dark spot in the entire line, and it's not even bad when played right.

Honestly I am so tired of arguing with people about it that I am not even going to put my reasons down anymore, because honestly people are stubborn and unwilling to change their playstyle, so that's too bad for them. I'll keep farming in my KM, and you can keep complaining.

If you whine so much it gets buffed, great for me. I'll have an OP nation.

  • Re : Range Test

    02. 18. 2012 07:08

I used H44 for years in chinese server
h44 got a good gun,both main gun and AA gun
U got to know how to use it
h44 is for holding the entire battle line
Most of H44 died while they were shooting plane!
What a joke
Is a 107000 t BB only for AA? Just because it has a good AA gun and 7 t positions each side?MNBB5 can do better with it 3.5"
I'm a Chinese play, not that good at speaking English, so not able to explain things that clear,but, the only thing I know is tha H44 is a real BB5
Use it in a proper way

  • Re : Range Test

    02. 18. 2012 10:58

Originally Posted by Viper01

Originally Posted by CLTwolverine

Which aspect of my statement is leading to NF failing? I've played over 6000 games and have been playing NF for 5+ years. My frustration and disappointment in the way they've treated the KM has not led me to quit NF. It is still one of the best naval sims out there that I've found.

Maybe I was a little harsh going back to hard feelings had about a war 70 years ago, maybe they just don't like Germans.

In reality, SDE probably just wants to be somewhat historically accurate in that the US ship technology and UK ship numbers were far superior to anything the Germans had.

Thus, you have the Montana being a far superior ship to H44 and with UK being so powerful and easy to play there are far many more UK ship players than German ship players in the game.

I'm hoping to someday get to Kaiser, around level 112 or so now, but it is frustrating being in KM and not being able to damage anything as easily as any other nation can no matter which ship I use.

I have played UK and US up to early BB levels and it is amazing how much easier it is to sink ships and cause signifcant damage to others with them. Not to mention how much easier it is to survive, KM have no durability and can't take any damage.

Because you are blaming your personal fail on the KM shipline, that's why. Up to H44 KM is equal to or superior to all the other nations. And the only BB6 I have is Kaiser, KM is my main shipline. I also have L2, Monty, SY, Alsace, and working on SN BB3.

KM is not meant to be a damaging nation, you are obviously trying to play it wrong. Complaining about damage on KM is like complaining about lack of range on MN. Sorry, it's not going to change.

H44 is the one dark spot in the entire line, and it's not even bad when played right.

Honestly I am so tired of arguing with people about it that I am not even going to put my reasons down anymore, because honestly people are stubborn and unwilling to change their playstyle, so that's too bad for them. I'll keep farming in my KM, and you can keep complaining.

If you whine so much it gets buffed, great for me. I'll have an OP nation.

I dont understand why the 110s would have less ranger then the 100s. Doesnt make sense. I dont care that 100s are 16s and 110 are 18, 110 should have more range then 100a. Its like going backwards.

  • Re : Range Test

    02. 18. 2012 11:10

Originally Posted by FalleNStaR

I dont understand why the 110s would have less ranger then the 100s. Doesnt make sense. I dont care that 100s are 16s and 110 are 18, 110 should have more range then 100a. Its like going backwards.

Thelvl 110 gunsare pretty much useless for all nations KM is no exeption here.

  • Re : Range Test

    02. 20. 2012 06:13

KM is not meant to be a damaging nation?

The object of NF is to sink enemy ships which requires one to cause damage to said ships. If you are unable to cause damage, you are unable to sink ships. Also, the only way to get exp. to level crews is to cause damage and shoot down planes. If you can't cause damage you can't get exp. As as others say, it is silly to use a BB5 as a AA platform.

  • Re : Range Test

    02. 22. 2012 04:14

Originally Posted by CLTwolverine

KM is not meant to be a damaging nation?

The object of NF is to sink enemy ships which requires one to cause damage to said ships. If you are unable to cause damage, you are unable to sink ships. Also, the only way to get exp. to level crews is to cause damage and shoot down planes. If you can't cause damage you can't get exp. As as others say, it is silly to use a BB5 as a AA platform.

lol. Troll much? Sorry you suck so bad you can't damage anyone.

  • Re : Range Test

    02. 25. 2012 18:34

There is a HUGE range advantage up to the BB3. but that is where the thing stops.

Honestly? I would like to see the H39 with a bit more range than the L2, and escalate everything up from there. Our shells already have below average damage and we have poor submergence, I would like that the main reason I picked up KM as an starting nation (I thought they were the range gods) was noticeable on a GB2 game. That would just be a little buff, will KM be OP? Don't think so. Hell! If that makes the KM over powered then nerf the damage even further, I wouldn't mind that.

EDIT: Compared tier to tier? Well, keeps an edge with the range and it will still do. Just that I was hoping for the BBs to have the range of the average BB of the other nations but one tier up, so BB3>BB4 range and so on. (This happens up untill BB4, but whatev)

  • Re : Range Test

    02. 27. 2012 01:10

H44 is a great ship, the way it is. It isn't as easy as RN. You should see KM more like hard mode. And that is good, because otherwise it would be boring like hell. Don't look at the disadvantages of this ship, that would be a shame. You'll like KM or you won't!

I have always played KM and never regretted it.

  • Re : Range Test

    02. 27. 2012 13:45

I play KM and I see H44 players charge out all the time then get one shotted. I realllly don't think it's just the range problem with some people LOL. Some just need to learn how to play KM. (Hit and run tactics and not just full throttle charging)

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