HA Infomation



  • CV Fridays

    03. 28. 2012 22:54

Recommend : 22


Just a thought for a weekly event on fridays or whenever, and a tasteful way to promote cv play, have a day where you get bonuses for playing CVs/CV Rooms. Even if it's just extra credits (would help people break out of just playing BBs/SS as it would help them pay for new ships, etc.). In previous events where it was just a 40% experience boost to cvs we saw a massive increase in CV play for those few days at a time. Lots of other MMOs etc have weekly events like this, so it wouldn't be that far out of the box. Also, it would help relieve the dreadful problem that is the 6cv limit right now (not even mentioning the frequent balancing hic-ups with 6cvs. We've all experienced this.) 
If we want more people to play CVs, we need to give people that aren't already CV players at heart a reason to play CVs.


  • Re : CV Fridays

    03. 31. 2012 01:31


^^ hiroito I agree in some way with everything you just said to some degree or another. 

Currently low lvl CVs, if they're smart (and presumably not beginner CV players) can scout and intercept DBs, and have the only advantage of being paired off with the higher CVs in the room.  Scouting and nabbing DBs is also more necessary with the unfortunate 6CV limit. As it stands Great Battles have moved away from giving players the feeling that they need to work as a team (providing vision for BBs and watching for dive bombers) and replaced it with an open door for bomber whoring an a Tragedy of the Commons situation. 

I await the day where T4s, especially for US, are scaled back. What they're doing with T5s I wish they just did with T4s, and made the T5s just a biiiiit more powerful than T3s but say with more fuel (so good for scouting, better than 75% of all of the planes below lvl120 but can be taken down by T4s). Not sure about range or speed though. However in the meantime, SDE makes a ridiculous amount of cash off of people buying experts in the hopes of getting that extra smidge of vets for their Ftr crews. 

  • Re : CV Fridays

    03. 31. 2012 21:10


Bandit's at it again... If I were you guys I would stop trying to argue with him or he'll keep making long and boring posts. Naaah, just kidding.

*Friendly bump* And recc'd.


  • Re : CV Fridays

    04. 01. 2012 04:29


Now now Carrot, don't make me put you in a salad. Or whatever you do with Carrots. 

Anyways, it looks like SDE is developing weekly room type events anyways, so hopefully they'll impliment something not too far off from this idea anyways. 

  • Re : CV Fridays

    04. 03. 2012 20:34


maybe they should limit the bomer space  on cvs to  15% tb 15 % Db's 60% ftrs 10% scouts. 
This would enable a player to use his bomber at a oppertune time and force him/her  to play the game for what it is, a team game. this might force Cvs to work together more...
Also the drop form 8  cv to 6 cvs was basically for the Kaiser server.  

XP  for cvs durning evernt has always sucked, but  with a basic ftr set up i am avg. 98k  xp with a max of 135 k xp...launching only 1 wave of bomber in the games... 

  • Re : CV Fridays

    04. 03. 2012 20:43


Originally Posted by miet_

whats next?

Sub saturdays? wednesday with BB?

Noobs monday?

Thursday is DD ladies night.

  • Re : CV Fridays

    04. 05. 2012 06:46


Originally Posted by FalleNStaR

Originally Posted by miet_

whats next?

Sub saturdays? wednesday with BB?

Noobs monday?

Thursday is DD ladies night.

So that's why on Thursdays my planes always get...

Shot down.


  • Re : CV Fridays

    04. 05. 2012 16:43


I like it, it will be a way to boost the amount of cvs in the game :D

  • Re : CV Fridays

    04. 05. 2012 19:24


yus! tired of feeling like the only CV player on sometimes. just last night saw 5 rooms open, 4 had no cvs >< even with the supid 6 cv capp

  • Re : CV Fridays

    04. 07. 2012 22:25


Originally Posted by hiroito

So, where to start...

CV gameplay is broken, T4s or ultra EBVE Sailors shouldn't mean autowin. Yes, I am talking about dogfighting, a lot of high level players will oppose this since "OMGIBURNEDSOMUCHMONEYTOGETMYUBERPILOTS!!!" but this gameplay needs a new input system. A way to give new players a chance to fight back. they will get shot down by higher level pilots, but at least give them the satisfaction of shooting one or two of said planes down.

That said, fix the Fighter experience system but don't make DBs useless. There are enought tico's out there just farming lower level players and I don't want a game where every single CV is a freaking FW trying to farm my pilots down.

Make the CV gameplay something that involves actualy skills during the dogfights, one of the many things that deters new players from playing CV is that the ONLY skill, well I wouldn't call it an skill but a tactic, is to just avoid higher level fighters and pray that your fighters will not get discovered and that the Tico on the other team will not Fighter Camp you.

No, running towards your allied AA ships to get rid off camping USN EBVE T4 planes doesn't work.

Neither does loading locals.

Nor does waiting for them to just run out of fuel.

NF needs a new CV gameplay system, I could thinkg of a button smashin sequence or something like that, but please give new players something to do with their pilots from lvls 40-100 besides from loading them into a BB and lvling them up that way.

It is really deppressing for me how another CV player calls a player with T4 fighters that can't beat his (Probably) EBVE T3 sailors. Seriously, there is something really wrong with that, because it's not the player that is failing, it's the game. Those T4s should represent an advantage but not mean an instawin. Same with having EBVE sailors, they should mean an Instawin.

Sure, while driving a BB having EBVE sailors will give you an edge. But if you make mistakes when facing a BB2, then you are going to be food wheter you are on a BB1 or a BB5. 

Ahem, They do have a plane for lower level players to tear apart higher tier planes like T3s and T4s called LOCALS. And guess what! They're level 40.

  • Re : CV Fridays

    04. 08. 2012 08:53


Originally Posted by ChicagoBears

Originally Posted by hiroito

So, where to start...

CV gameplay is broken, T4s or ultra EBVE Sailors shouldn't mean autowin. Yes, I am talking about dogfighting, a lot of high level players will oppose this since "OMGIBURNEDSOMUCHMONEYTOGETMYUBERPILOTS!!!" but this gameplay needs a new input system. A way to give new players a chance to fight back. they will get shot down by higher level pilots, but at least give them the satisfaction of shooting one or two of said planes down.

That said, fix the Fighter experience system but don't make DBs useless. There are enought tico's out there just farming lower level players and I don't want a game where every single CV is a freaking FW trying to farm my pilots down.

Make the CV gameplay something that involves actualy skills during the dogfights, one of the many things that deters new players from playing CV is that the ONLY skill, well I wouldn't call it an skill but a tactic, is to just avoid higher level fighters and pray that your fighters will not get discovered and that the Tico on the other team will not Fighter Camp you.

No, running towards your allied AA ships to get rid off camping USN EBVE T4 planes doesn't work.

Neither does loading locals.

Nor does waiting for them to just run out of fuel.

NF needs a new CV gameplay system, I could thinkg of a button smashin sequence or something like that, but please give new players something to do with their pilots from lvls 40-100 besides from loading them into a BB and lvling them up that way.

It is really deppressing for me how another CV player calls a player with T4 fighters that can't beat his (Probably) EBVE T3 sailors. Seriously, there is something really wrong with that, because it's not the player that is failing, it's the game. Those T4s should represent an advantage but not mean an instawin. Same with having EBVE sailors, they should mean an Instawin.

Sure, while driving a BB having EBVE sailors will give you an edge. But if you make mistakes when facing a BB2, then you are going to be food wheter you are on a BB1 or a BB5. 

Ahem, They do have a plane for lower level players to tear apart higher tier planes like T3s and T4s called LOCALS. And guess what! They're level 40.

You'll not want to know how many BB players yell "noob CV" at you for using locals which means you cannot scout for them effectively, which is ironically their job unless there are fighters over there.

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