HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • when to level a planesman/sonarman?

    07. 29. 2011 23:41

Recommend : 1

Hey guys,

I have a couple of 15 potential sailors that I want to level into planesman and sonarman.
I was wondering if it's best to level them ASAP (for the +1 pot), or to wait more in order to have more bonus on repair/engine/restore?

Does anyone have some tested numbers?

And btw I play IJN.

Thank you.


  • Re : when to level a planesman/sonarman?

    01. 16. 2012 11:22

Originally Posted by SSN762

And doing things your way roughly at what level will you hit 900sd?

Difficult to answer as everyone has different crew/vets/ships etc. All I can say is I had 900SD when I got SS3 and max sonar at L100.

+ I can carry belt 0.2, 34/40 OH and tiny bit of bulge. This with 3 Engineers, 1 Repairman and high vetted planesman.

  • Re : when to level a planesman/sonarman?

    12. 11. 2012 00:48


Rather than starting a new thread, I'm going to semi-necro this one. I'm just starting a KM line SS crew and want to make sure I'm at least going down the right path before proceeding, so if someone would help me with the following it would be much appreciated.

BO: Do most people run this with a single sailor? If so, then does the ability really matter in any way since the ability would be so low. If not, does potential on a SS BO matter much?

TMs: As far as I'm aware there's still a cap on TMs, so by my logic elite TMs would just let you hit the cap faster, whereas balanced +12 with decent stats in rep/rest would give you overall ability while hitting the cap later. My question is: Would it be better to just run elites and then trim crew number down to just above the cap rather than use a full crew with 'decent' abilities across the board?

Planesman: As far as i understand there's no cap on refill time, so elite planes if possible?

Sonar: Since sonar goes in bumps, would it be better to just hit the bump faster with an elite and on-time classing while maintaining a trimmed crew size on it, or to use this +12pot, 11/12 rep/restore with a much larger crew and delayed classing to get the added benefit in those areas?

I've only ever driven a UK SS4 (and it's been awhile) but I remember always fumbling over crew size and to start myself off with a method to maintain it small seems like a good idea, but I would prefer some more experienced input before setting off on the task.

  • Re : when to level a planesman/sonarman?

    12. 11. 2012 01:41


I would ghost the BO, saves lots of weight, and as you said, he contributes nothing of importance.

Planesman elite, classed on time and vetted. Yes, either that or a +15 pot with +11 res.

Sonarman: 2 options

(1) elite pot classed on time with lots of vets. Does not contribute lots of restore and repair, but will give you a tiny bit of an edge with sight range underwater. Look up the ability values needed for the respective sight increases.

(2) +15 pot with +11 res (or even +14 pot with +12 res) left support until lvl 50/60.

2nd (rear) torpman ghosted

1st torpman: +12 torp is sufficient if he has +11 res. As the torp cap is so low (850k), I'd even go +11 torp with +12 res, leave him national sailor and only class him armament sailor around lvl 50 and then torp man.

I wonder what is better for engies: 10/10/12 classed on time or 11/11/11 left support until lvl 50 (or even higher) and then classed 2nd engy... Vet the heck out of them and you have a very strong boat.

  • Re : when to level a planesman/sonarman?

    12. 11. 2012 08:52


i just started a US SS line., and with regards to the sonarman, i chose an elite pot, but im planning to class it later, to maintain the additional stats given as a support sailor.

ive done this for 3 reasons, 1) not to sacrifice detection to much during mid lvls 2) to give better SD than a classed on time 3) to save on crew weight.

is this a wise move or what? it can still be saved if im wrong coz its still 30+ lvl.


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