HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • CONSIDERATIONS on the Event

    09. 26. 2011 05:48

I believe that this event is extremely unfavorable for players to submarines. in 5-day event only twice have I been able
to play
and earn 200% experience with submarines, since the other 3 days, the rooms were banned this type of ship.
I believe that the submarines are usually already so penalized (I speak of the enormous diversity, for example,
between the experience
gained from a sub compared to any other vessel of the same level. Same thing with regard
Credits and Points), so I was hoping that at least the event was the same for everyone ..... but it's worse here, I can
not even
attend !!!!! Of course I know perfectly well that I can open another type of room ... the problem is that nobody
ever will participate in a regular room to another when there is a GAIN of 200% experience ..... so??
Simple, do not play! I would like to know what you think the other players. Sorry for my bad English, but I am ITALIAN.


  • Re : CONSIDERATIONS on the Event

    09. 27. 2011 01:22

@ ozzy0:

great sub's driver and excellent speaker. Completely agree with you.

  • Re : CONSIDERATIONS on the Event

    09. 27. 2011 02:33

Originally Posted by ozzy0

Originally Posted by Eradicator1

Originally Posted by bloodsky

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Exactly, subs takes a significantly lower amount of skill to play so why should subs be rewarded anyway?

One could argue that playing CV as FW or BW can take the same "skill" load fighters and spam right click or load bombers and use auto, all for the same exp.

How to play sub (well)

1. Press f
2. Once you get noticed, dive
3. wait about 30 seconds
4. Press space
5. Collect win

u forgot atleast 2 steps
the 1st where the ss is fighting the enemy ss to save the stuped strait driving bb
the 2nd where the ss needs to hit the crit dive buton to evade all the free PHH form all the events
now as for your timetable to win whith ss it shows u don't have a clu
a good ss can stay at surface for the 1st min of battle if he is going to the enemy
after that every emeny bb will take a shot at him becos they are able to see thanks to scout/fighterplains ect.
then when it dives it wil take more the 30 sec to reatch the enemy bb line's
in that time it has to run tru a maze of enemy ss and asw useing his crit dive to stay alive but taking dammage at the same time if he makes it thu whith some air left
he has a shot at a bb but no garanty that his torps wil even expload do to the high dud rate
then usealy his air runs out and the bb kill him and he has to wait to see if the bb/cv are able to win the game

thats wy its a team game if the ss don't save the bb the bb can't end the game
if the bb dos not shoot at the aa boat the cv can't scout so that the bb can't see
if the bb don't shoot the asw the ss can't get thu
is the asw don't do there jobs this includes the ss vs ss a sub gets tru and may sink a big bb


100% agreed

  • Re : CONSIDERATIONS on the Event

    09. 27. 2011 02:38

Forgot, after the merge, 90% of the BB player are absolute garbage.

  • Re : CONSIDERATIONS on the Event

    09. 27. 2011 03:01

Originally Posted by nyerkovic

Originally Posted by zanon

and do explain to me how i can lvl my ss bo in a cv? or a bb?

Premium ships and Event ships can be driven by any sailor... including SS BOs.
That's how some people do it.

so ...the pcv are lvl100+ ...a bit to late . and if u have a skeleton BO for ur ss u can't see bb shells land
so i can use a pca with aa or a BO reset to cv and back O_O.

well at least i know about the things i don't know .

  • Re : CONSIDERATIONS on the Event

    09. 27. 2011 06:31

Originally Posted by zanon

Originally Posted by nyerkovic

Originally Posted by zanon

and do explain to me how i can lvl my ss bo in a cv? or a bb?

Premium ships and Event ships can be driven by any sailor... including SS BOs.
That's how some people do it.

so ...the pcv are lvl100+ ...a bit to late . and if u have a skeleton BO for ur ss u can't see bb shells land
so i can use a pca with aa or a BO reset to cv and back O_O.

well at least i know about the things i don't know .

How you do it is up to you, but it can be done.
There are many people that level up lvl80+ crews in PCAs, specially the SS BOs.

And BTW, I have a skeleton BO for KM and when full of rookies, I can use the AD fine enough... sure, I can't see shells land, but I pretty much already know it's max range.

  • Re : CONSIDERATIONS on the Event

    09. 27. 2011 07:01

My skeleton BO sits in the sailor bar back in port when I take my SS crew on the PCA. His level is nearly meaningless--he earns XP faster than the other sailors anyways. He doesn't get to waste a crew spot when I could be leveling one more support sailor on that PCA instead.

My planesman's guidelines are plenty long.

  • Re : CONSIDERATIONS on the Event

    09. 27. 2011 14:35

With the silver experience system to permanant gold system +200% exp event. There's no valid reason, else than leeching, to why people should be complaining about getting experience.

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