HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Why ECV are NOT good for CV play or Navyfield

    02. 23. 2012 15:54

So the issue, other than total lack of players, is a lack of cv drivers. The answer is the ECV......I think not.
This is going to push more people away from cv lines, why bother levelling a cv BO when your BB one can
drive an ECV at 70 ish and PCV at 100. Ok so you're never going to have a CV6 but the PCV are not that
far of and you will have a BB bo to boot (or why not just another ss BO). You can even buy your CV crew
on prem trade so absolutely no need ever to level a cv line ever.

Yes you'll see a few days of people getting there ECVs so rooms will be full of them but the chances are
they wont have a clue how to use a cv, probably only have 1 pilot on board and piss everyone else off
and make them leave the game as they are sick of being blind/unsupported by the cvs sitting at the
spawn point.

This isn't meant to be a rant, it is a serious. SDE who provided a lovely statement of plans for 2012
with lots of promises, one glaringly obvious omission was ECVs, not mentioned at all in there plans,
although there isn't time for HA mode and windows 7 patch. Stop wasting time on additions that are
going to make the game worse and fix the issues.


  • Re : Why ECV are NOT good for CV play or Navyfield

    02. 24. 2012 12:07

Sadly, SDE's pathetic attempt at keeping players worked on me....(MUST!! COMPLETE!! MN SHIP COLLECTION!!)

  • Re : Why ECV are NOT good for CV play or Navyfield

    02. 24. 2012 12:13

Originally Posted by ciscodelorum

Sadly, SDE's pathetic attempt at keeping players worked on me....(MUST!! COMPLETE!! MN SHIP COLLECTION!!)

Lol same here.
But i need a IJN BB1

  • Re : Why ECV are NOT good for CV play or Navyfield

    02. 24. 2012 12:15

erm I have 2 cv6 my usn midway crew no xp my ijn degrasse have 3 sailors that get xp so that being said i do have a second usn bb bo i could use on us ecv so why not also my ijn sub bo is close to ss5 so hmmm you are wrong about it m8 i dont play cv as much any more because as stated no xp for us limited xp for ijn .Okay after playing roughly 12-15000 battles in a cv i deserve a break from them:)

  • Re : Why ECV are NOT good for CV play or Navyfield

    02. 24. 2012 16:36

I have agreed with myg0t stating only for guns in the gunner slots to help balance the CV issues but SDE refuses because it takes away from the free form of the game. Now possible I think the only decent thing to do is if you run lets say a prem ship force AA to be used like rentals have the guns on them. This at least starts those with EBB's to start running AA and not the normal line where you have to work it a bit harder.

Back on subject, I am the same usn midway and ijn de grasse both of which are topped not much point in having an ECV such low level again. I feel the level should be raised to 110 for the ECV to help with the top end CVs. This allows for the ECVs to remain in the game longer as the grind from 110-120 is a lot longer than 67-81 or 90 for those pushing it further. I can see SDE's piont in making them to spur growth I just don't see it is a longer term investment into the future of NF unfortunately.

If I might add better investments would be:

1. Lag fixes/ Game patches (Still spelling mistakes after 6+ years)
2. XP same on all modes
3. More maps and game modes like a capture the flag mode and invasion of central island with APA's most marines on it wins like in HA. Another mode would be get 5 ships docked in each corner of the map or use that dock as repairs once a game if injured.

Bring the game new mother love other than repeatability play. Maps is an easy one, a new map a week and new modes every two weeks will start picking up the pace for having fun again. Also announce the new modes for a total of 3 months out and stay on schedule!

Spice it up SDE.

End of line...

  • Re : Why ECV are NOT good for CV play or Navyfield

    02. 24. 2012 17:45

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

There was a similar problem with PBBs when they came out but for some reason no one cares about the PCVs.

The problem with the old PBBs was the fact that they were in the BB1 range and operated similar to a BB5 at the time. The old PBBs were never as powerful as a BB6 is now.... not a valued arguement.

The PCVs were made to close to the CV6 base stats, and thats the real issue, but NF did it for the same reason that they made the old PBBs so low in level..... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Now nf cant undo the PCV, but they can enhance the CV6, which is on the drawing board. The new ECV are not comparable to the EBBs which is how they should judge this type of line.... Event ships are suppose to be special.. but not too powerful to take away from the paying ship lines, which is why you see underperforming CVs as ECVs, if they were any good NF would make you pay for them... its all about cash flow.... from your pocket to theres.

So, Ya, dont get too overwhelmed with the NEW ECV lines, they are nothing special.

  • Re : Why ECV are NOT good for CV play or Navyfield

    02. 24. 2012 22:57

Why am I not surprised that nothing has changed with SDE after Splid's thread...

  • Re : Why ECV are NOT good for CV play or Navyfield

    02. 25. 2012 03:17

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Why am I not surprised that nothing has changed with SDE after Splid's thread...

Hello and welcome the 'I told you so' show.

Shock. Horror.

  • Re : Why ECV are NOT good for CV play or Navyfield

    02. 25. 2012 06:23

Originally Posted by Sindher

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Why am I not surprised that nothing has changed with SDE after Splid's thread...

Hello and welcome the 'I told you so' show.

Shock. Horror.

Gasp! Say it isn't so!

  • Re : Why ECV are NOT good for CV play or Navyfield

    02. 25. 2012 08:30

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Why am I not surprised that nothing has changed with SDE after Splid's thread...

You can't fix stupid, only mask its effects on others.

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