HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 14. 2019 13:17


I do not want to get into fleet politics but I must ask this.  Why does fleet use inactive fleets to declare on its own harbor to protect it?  This is a common tactic used by Omega.  I understand that the HA time overlap is a strange situation in the new server.  But, this tactic of using an inactive fleet for sham declaration is unfair and takes away other fleet's right to play HA/HD.  If a fleet cannot play two HA/HD games that overlap in the same time zone, do not hold two harbors in that time zone.  Some fleets and players consider this as one fleet trying to control what HA/HD game other fleets can play by this type of manipulations.  Think about if someone creates sham fleets to declare on all harbors to completely shut down the HA/HD games, you will say that it is not acceptable because this takes away other fleet's rights to play HA/HD.  By the same logic, using inactive fleets for sham declaration is not an acceptable behavior.  If you do not have time, resource, or interest to defend, then, do not defend (for any reason including overlap HA/HD time).  Please do not use inactive fleets to protect your harbor.  If you want to attack but cannot defend at the same time, you have made your choice. 


  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 15. 2019 00:23




back to topic please!

HA blocking by fake fleet


if no arguments against, put your own nose in other things troll :-)


seashadow24...didnt we have discussed joining osp, just few days ago?

ah, now flota chilena!

hey chilean fleet leader, be careful, might be another spy account placed ...


we had, have and will have proof for what i am writing - no rumors


be happy we can have competitive fights on this server.

no one has anything from one fleet dominating ... see tokio

all a question of game balance.

if have friends, its best thing in live...



GM will decide on topic, as weeks before already done - hopefully:


HA blocking by fake fleet




  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 15. 2019 01:13


the tests were presented a long time ago ... but hey all this that happens is one more proof of VINNSON's lack of competence .... the navyfield game is a joke .... so nothing take advantage of these party times ... ..

las pruebas fueron presentadas hace tiempo .....pero bueno todo esto que sucede es una prueba mas de la imcompetencia de VINNSON ....el juego navyfield es una joda ....asi que nada aprovechen estos tiempos de fiesta.....

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 15. 2019 08:44


Please stay on the topic about using inactive fleets to block other fleets to participate in HA/HD.  There is no need to claim who is better than who.  All fleets have their up and down periods.  There is also no need to argue about merc.  Players want to play HA/HD, and when they cannot do that through their own fleets, they volunteer as merc.  By the way, merc is not the correct term, these players are not hired but are volunteers.   

For those who do not know, I was in Omega when BAMF was inactive about 2-3 years ago.  Naf and Mario and the Omega leadership at the time was kind enouigh to take me in.  I remember the HA/HD games in Omega that time.  There were good players and good HA/HD games.  I still remember, in one game, Hitachi used his APA to phh shell the harbor for the win--great close game at the end.  There were also losses.  I still remember when Omega tried to attack a harbor and failed a few times in a row, but we all had fun and won after several tries.  I left Omega when BAMF became active and called me.  Naf and Mario understood my situation when I went back to BAMF on good terms.  I have nothing against the players I know in Omega.  Although I denounce some of their recent behaviors (using inactive fleets to block harbor, border humming skytrains, running APA out of north border to win tiles), that is another discussion. 

This post is about the unfairness to block other fleets and take away their rights to play HA/HD.  When players want to play and cannot, they play as merc for other fleets; the blocking is one reason why players play as merc (for those who want to discuss about merc).  We all look for good games.  Even when we lose, there is fun in good battles.  When a fleet blocks an harbor with sham declaration, it takes away other players' rights to participate.  Like I said in my first post, if a fleet does not have the players, resources, and time to hold two harbors in the same time zone, then do not hold two harbors.  When you hold two harbors and block one, players in other fleets cannot participate. 


  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 15. 2019 13:27


Originally Posted by Catweazle_eu

oooops...ultra did it again ;-)

legends, KT, dark side,....

GM loves it :-)


the main thing why this happens is the nonsense with the overlapping HA times!

vinnson wanted that no fleet has possibility to control both harbors in one timezone

so far so good...

but not thought till end.

the only fleet possible to control 2 harbors from numbers and strength is chnb nowadays.

and they have so many members, could easily defend both overlapping harbors - if they want to. but they dont!

why? can only own 2 harbors. maybe want have the option to attack !


all other timezones no fleet has that strength by far to really control their harbors against others

->no sense for overlapping at all

->no overlapping -> no HA blocking by fake fleets (hopefully)








dear catwazle


open your f*king eyes


KT is not the same KT from back then, this is a fleet made by some chinese twat that threw it full with alts. Theres a Cap difference between the 2.


It's 2 different fleets that you're talking about.



you do the same with BAMF funny enough, you dont take their harbor, just some friendly play, also the other way around. So I think Omega has the right to do this. Especially since RA, OSP and BAMF merc together.

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 15. 2019 16:56


moin goli !


that actual KT is not historic KT  - should be common knowledge ;-)


thats exact the point of this thread!


using inactive fleet to protect harbor


nowadays it looks like we have minimum 3 fleets with  that task:

legends, knight templar, dark side

controlled by whoever---use your phantasy ;-)



what the heck does dark side want in tokio? sightseeing?

ok, all fleets just do sightseeing there :-)

hopefully its withdrawn in time, chnb wants leveling too :-))


goli, the diference in situation you might talk about, only one i remember:

double defence KM(ultra)/SN(bamf)...many weeks ago.

ok, after KM we had 2 battles in HT with bamf. bamf won. new owner of SN.

see the difference?

dont compare apples with pineapple, because both content is "apple"...

there a real battle occured !


cant remember GM ever cancelled an HA here

   except in the group: dark side/legends/knight templar

ask ZETA ;-)


-> they blocked harbor owned by ultra, in average every 2 weeks !


back to sids topic :-)






  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 15. 2019 20:25


Dear Bestofchill

We cancel the declaration on SN harbor.


(09.25.2019 14:40:19 PST)

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 15. 2019 20:30


you see, GM cancel this Harbour Assault.

Because is not the HA system, system say you have a harbour and you need to defend this harbour.

We all know omega wanna a attack of Hamburg for fun. But than PM all  here our GM´s for change the time of KM and SN without a overlap than all here fine nobody need a block for a Harbour Assault.

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 18. 2019 21:11


Bueno, sin embargo, no soy muy amigable con Bamf y RA ... ¡tienen razón! .....


En realidad, ¡Omegas explota las fallas o medidas del juego!


1- Crear o montar, sin poder llevar una flota fantasma a una declaración para bloquear el puerto


2- También han usado el error APA


3- Usando saltos en el borde, sople si estas personas quisieran lanzar sus paracaídas desde los bordes ...


entre tantas cosas .....



Atofanei (Crítica) No puedes hablar y decir que OSP es una lechada cuando Omegas es una fusión de exBamf de ex DFT, e incluso ex jugadores novatos latinos ... Quiero decir reconsiderar tu palabra porque donde estás es una fusión de varios flotas! ... También le recuerdo que el servidor de EE. UU. Está semi muerto, lo que si las flotas no se unen a una flota de servidores de EE. UU. Estaría en condición de HA (EXCEPTO ASIATICOS)


También tenemos un GM llamado Vinnson que va a saber dónde está, ya que nunca muestra su rostro y se esconde ... solo parece amenazar o castigar erróneamente ... y si somos así, es digno de un GM incompetente


seashadow24 cuando hablamos de la historia y el respeto de OSP (soy un ex FG) puedo asegurarle que OSP se ha ganado su propio respeto, incluso tiene su historia ... que no lo sabe y ve que es su falta de comprensión y persecución de las cosas. ..


Preguntaría antes de esta publicación la prohibición permanente de las flotas y sus amos de la flota (también el GM debería rastrear la IP y darle la misma prohibición para esto). Aclaro por qué det_ka, mario y naff tienen acceso ilimitado a la cuenta que valdría la pena. Ve por un bloqueo más serio.

También la revisión de los puertos, los horarios siempre han sido ventajosos para los asiáticos, pero la superposición es un problema muy grave.

No tenemos registro de flota o mod o gm que los controle ...


Es una opinión personal como dije antes, el juego está muerto, no vale tanto la pena hablar y otros en los que no hay apoyo durante mucho tiempo es agonizante ver tal juego

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 19. 2019 23:13


Originally Posted by whitegoli


dear catwazle


open your f*king eyes


KT is not the same KT from back then, this is a fleet made by some chinese twat that threw it full with alts. Theres a Cap difference between the 2.


It's 2 different fleets that you're talking about.



you do the same with BAMF funny enough, you dont take their harbor, just some friendly play, also the other way around. So I think Omega has the right to do this. Especially since RA, OSP and BAMF merc together.


Wow, yes, it is not the same KT.  Look at this new "KnightsTemplar" fleet.  Search the ranking page on this website.  This new fleet was created by all dummy accounts except the fleet leader.  These dummy accounts all have no battle records and were logged in only once on the same day in August.  Isn't this an abuse of the system?  I am surprised that someone spent the time to do that.  This is a new low.  Someone should report this to the GM and ban whoever behind this. 

  • Re : Using inactive fleet to protect harbor

    10. 20. 2019 04:25


Dear all , On behalf of Omegas Fleets i want to clear some thing for you , 


1- It's no easy to have two harbors , and also not easy to defend VS 4 Fleets combine together to Fight US ( bamf - RA - OSP - OSI ) 

2- again Km free to take for every one we only attacked it to shush some players specially in OSP that they don't have respect or honor .

3- you gather all none Chines players in navy and give them accounts to defend the KM and you faild again and again that is so Shame .

4- it's better for You guys to clam down and stop trash talks and come and face us again we will be waiting for you guys .

5- We beat your ( best BBs and Best CVs and also your SS ) so we made clear something , now all your fleets are naked without any Harbors but

KM is free if you guys want it , Thanks for all Good War we are waiting for you OFC you will attack SN .



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