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  • 5/1/13 Official Test Team Patch Overview

    05. 01. 2013 13:08


5/1/2013 PATCH NOTES <-- Link

Ship Tuning Balance and Design

I'm making this thread on behalf of the test team to take a moment to explain the various ship tuning components and other related changes that have occurred in the above patch, as well as some of the reasoning behind these changes.

The team who worked to bring this together were nyerkovic, ljsevern, Rehor, Farazelleth, BBR_InsUW, richardphat, GrieferLord and myself.

I would like to begin with what is most important, players should realize that this system is still very new and this system will be monitored closely to see the effects on the live server and there may be some changes requested in the future to correct bugs and fix any exploits or unforeseen effects.


Read on for information regarding many of the changes made in the v1.369 patch, as the second post of page 1 of this thread.  


  • Re : 5/1/13 Official Test Team Patch Overview

    05. 02. 2013 06:25


Benser ive question (i know it's quite late, but)

the tunning items can be removed from ships before the 3 days?

and what's up to the item removed? deleted or still with a counter of the time left?

  • Re : 5/1/13 Official Test Team Patch Overview

    05. 02. 2013 06:35


Originally Posted by Zyzzo

Benser ive question (i know it's quite late, but)

the tunning items can be removed from ships before the 3 days?

and what's up to the item removed? deleted or still with a counter of the time left?

Items can be removed before the 3 days, but you lose them when you do it.

  • Re : 5/1/13 Official Test Team Patch Overview

    05. 02. 2013 06:38


Originally Posted by nyerkovic

Items can be removed before the 3 days, but you lose them when you do it.

thanks for clarification! i was worried for FL

  • Re : 5/1/13 Official Test Team Patch Overview

    05. 02. 2013 08:10


Originally Posted by Benser33

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Does this mean that things are going to be balanced considering tuning items in the future?

Well we can't ignore they exist and I dont think every decision would be assuming certain tuning components are being used, but yeah, they'd be considered for sure.


You do realize how that is going to cause trouble right?

  • Re : 5/1/13 Official Test Team Patch Overview

    05. 02. 2013 09:12


Well thank you test team for making it harder for handicap players to play this game.

  • Re : 5/1/13 Official Test Team Patch Overview

    05. 02. 2013 09:39


Originally Posted by a1fox3

Well thank you test team for making it harder for handicap players to play this game.

If you play and experience the changes, you will notice that conditions for handicap players have been improved in all the ships where a person spends most of their time playing and leveling up. 

All 3 main ship lines in every nation are unaffected by the changes and only receive benefits. 

  • Re : 5/1/13 Official Test Team Patch Overview

    05. 02. 2013 09:54


Originally Posted by nyerkovic

Originally Posted by a1fox3

Well thank you test team for making it harder for handicap players to play this game.

If you play and experience the changes, you will notice that conditions for handicap players have been improved in all the ships where a person spends most of their time playing and leveling up. 

All 3 main ship lines in every nation are unaffected by the changes and only receive benefits. 


Yes but now you have to pay for it.


And something you guys need to think about is that not everyone sees lower class ships as stepping stones. Some of us enjoy using smaller ships and there are even dedicated FF/DD players that dont touch BB or CV. Yet somehow the Frigats are always getting screwed with.

  • Re : 5/1/13 Official Test Team Patch Overview

    05. 02. 2013 10:17


Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Yes but now you have to pay for it.


And something you guys need to think about is that not everyone sees lower class ships as stepping stones. Some of us enjoy using smaller ships and there are even dedicated FF/DD players that dont touch BB or CV. Yet somehow the Frigats are always getting screwed with.

If you don't pay BB/CV/SS everything will remain the same and there is a free drop that let's you experience the improvement. You don't necessarily have to pay for it. 

And while I understand what you say about lower class ships not always being a stepping stone, there is a natural advancement from Auto to Manual aiming that has to keep going or you damage the end game experience for everyone.

The item is a boost accross the board and if there had been no changes to actual content, Auto FCS would have been much better (and I mean a lot better) than Manual until the first BB... which means the learning curve of Manual would have started a lot later than now and that affects the skill level of everyone playing, which in the end has an effect in the enjoyment of the game. 

  • Re : 5/1/13 Official Test Team Patch Overview

    05. 02. 2013 11:20


Originally Posted by nyerkovic

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Yes but now you have to pay for it.


And something you guys need to think about is that not everyone sees lower class ships as stepping stones. Some of us enjoy using smaller ships and there are even dedicated FF/DD players that dont touch BB or CV. Yet somehow the Frigats are always getting screwed with.

If you don't pay BB/CV/SS everything will remain the same and there is a free drop that let's you experience the improvement. You don't necessarily have to pay for it. 

And while I understand what you say about lower class ships not always being a stepping stone, there is a natural advancement from Auto to Manual aiming that has to keep going or you damage the end game experience for everyone.

The item is a boost accross the board and if there had been no changes to actual content, Auto FCS would have been much better (and I mean a lot better) than Manual until the first BB... which means the learning curve of Manual would have started a lot later than now and that affects the skill level of everyone playing, which in the end has an effect in the enjoyment of the game. 

So handicap players who cant use manual fire and dont buy the crap are at a very big disadvantage for having to use auto fire.

IE: -20% on EP.
IE: Cant cross lines.
IE: Lousy  spread.
And now even worst aiming. 

They should have just bump up the aiming on manual than make it worst for handicap players.    


  • Re : 5/1/13 Official Test Team Patch Overview

    05. 02. 2013 11:32

Originally Posted by a1fox3

Originally Posted by nyerkovic

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Yes but now you have to pay for it.


And something you guys need to think about is that not everyone sees lower class ships as stepping stones. Some of us enjoy using smaller ships and there are even dedicated FF/DD players that dont touch BB or CV. Yet somehow the Frigats are always getting screwed with.

If you don't pay BB/CV/SS everything will remain the same and there is a free drop that let's you experience the improvement. You don't necessarily have to pay for it. 

And while I understand what you say about lower class ships not always being a stepping stone, there is a natural advancement from Auto to Manual aiming that has to keep going or you damage the end game experience for everyone.

The item is a boost accross the board and if there had been no changes to actual content, Auto FCS would have been much better (and I mean a lot better) than Manual until the first BB... which means the learning curve of Manual would have started a lot later than now and that affects the skill level of everyone playing, which in the end has an effect in the enjoyment of the game. 

So handicap players who cant use manual fire and dont buy the crap are at a very big disadvantage for having to use auto fire.

IE: -20% on EP.
IE: Cant cross lines.
IE: Lousy  spread.
And now even worst aiming. 

They should have just bump up the aiming on manual than make it worst for handicap players.    


What a brilliant idea. Lets go through every gun you can possibly mount on a CA and below and rework its accuracy so that we can bump up manual fcs accuracy. Do you see how that would take months?

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