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  • Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 05. 2009 08:34

100 million credits (or whatever amount works, I just picked a random amount) as a deposit
to declare on a harbour, which you get back if:

- Reach the harbour tile

- Get X% of you deposit back if you withdraw within a certain period of time, such as 1 hour.

This should help stop/limit the effects of pathetic joke fleets trying to waste time, and
in turn blocking HA for fleets that actually want to play.

Please discuss this idea. I bumped a similar thread, which was asking for a cost.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 17. 2011 17:12

I see your point, make the smaller fleet come up with more money than the bigger fleet so
say do this.

X = small fleet
C = big fleet
S = credits needed to declare for big fleet
V = credits needed for small fleet to declare

X has to come up with V number of credits. As a smaller fleet they need to come up with
say 65 mil for a declaration, if they win they get it back if they lose well they get nothing.

C has to come up with S number of credits, say 55 mil or a little less.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 17. 2011 14:43

Sounds fair. For a proper fleet attacking.

But is it worth 2 hours of a defending fleets time against a dummy attack?

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 17. 2011 14:28

Non prem players, there's still quite a bit of us.

But anyways back on topic, freeplay that depends on the CV players and if GB2 doesn't piss
them off enough =/

I'd say it should be about 55mil? Fair enough lj?

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 17. 2011 06:12

The game needs more Credit sinks.

Ps. 100m? Whats that 10 CV players average earnings from a night or 2?

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 17. 2011 02:27

How would a higher amount ruin the economy?

100million probably is a bit too much though

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 16. 2011 14:32

Alright, let's check into all this lj and see if we can fix this. I know what you mean
about fleets wasting time (IE: when i was in BS we had a few fleet's that did that to us)

So if we can get this put in, let's say give or take 15 to 25 million per harbor assault
basically a quarter of what you originally stated so we don't run the economy broke in the

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 16. 2011 12:27

*so they waist 2 hours on you? big deal. get over it. its one of the perks of owning a
harbor. *

Someones logic is flawless!

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 16. 2011 12:24

Currently? Not quite sure. For some reason, the figure 8million is sticking out in my head.
Nothing important.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 16. 2011 12:17

Lj is it at 5 mil atm for attacking? Or is it a bit higher?

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 14. 2011 05:02

"Well, in your example with the jedi fleet... maybe the attacking fleet was a small
fleet of theirs... and they where basically cheeting to keep the harbour theirs."

>>> Lol no. SSF aren't affiliated to Jedi whatsoever.

"In that case, the fleet that was constantly declaring, but really not playing... should
be disbanned... or atleast warned about it before doing so."

>>> The GM's refused to do anything about it. I would have supported a disbandment.

"After all... what fleet gets the attack is all on who gets there first... and if a new fleet
want's to try to take a harbour... let them. Even if they lose a few times and try
again and again.... as long as it's not a dummy fleet... let it go. "

>>> The fleet in question did it to waste our time, and made fun of us while doing it,
admitting what they are doing. There are plenty of screenshots around.

"But if i'm missing your point, forgive me... I have not been in an HA where the
attacking fleet was a "noob force" or a "joke force". The one's I have been in are
ones where fleets really were trying to take the harbour from us... But who knows...
maybe it's because I came from the YO Server, and we didn't have that issue there..."

>>> You don't remember Myg0t right?
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