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  • Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 05. 2009 08:34

100 million credits (or whatever amount works, I just picked a random amount) as a deposit
to declare on a harbour, which you get back if:

- Reach the harbour tile

- Get X% of you deposit back if you withdraw within a certain period of time, such as 1 hour.

This should help stop/limit the effects of pathetic joke fleets trying to waste time, and
in turn blocking HA for fleets that actually want to play.

Please discuss this idea. I bumped a similar thread, which was asking for a cost.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 08. 2009 08:40

lj you just want jedi to get yet more for me

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 08. 2009 06:48

When i said per person i ment as a statement towards the outcome of the fleet its
self having 100mils to blurt out, it seems the idea of jedi paying back if it was spoke
about before hand is indeed respectable BUT not all fleets would be willing to do the
same seeing as there is a chance jedi will lose a harbour eventualy.

The idea of a timelimit seems fair and straight to the point, with no need for fiddleing
before battle, a simple time limit like in rycers post (my apologies if i misspelt the
name) would be more then fine.

I thought alot of the econemy of NF was soaked up (atleast a fraction of it) with the
release of BB6/CV6.

As i said before good intentions i just see it causing more hastle then a siimple add
of a time limit for the first tile to be taken.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 08. 2009 01:44

well done lj it seems you have won over Mailman_swe with your intelligent debating
skills.did you give him a pat on the head.

and i quote. `wath do i know,i`ll recc annyway....`

as you can probably guess by my id i am a farmer,i know a sheep when i see one.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 08. 2009 00:23

well i have to say the only thing i would change is a system where each playe pays
a certain amount of credits plus the fleet pays . then the winner gets a percentager
o the losers credits. if the battle takes 1 hr for attacker to win they get %100
if the battles takes almost the full time to win then %30 etc

as for the defender the longer tiles are defended the higher percentage recieved.
also one change if it goes by tiles . once harbour tile starts no other tiles allowed.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 08. 2009 00:19

I have never played HA for myself but I heared some guys getting pissed of about
people wasting their time this way.
And besides I sound like a good suggestion to me. Wath do I know, I'll recc

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 07. 2009 23:56


"In all honesty i think this would narrow HA down to 3/4 fleets? not all fleets in NF
have people who go out there way to own 100mils of creds per person lol.

Good intention for the idea but doesnt realy tickle my fancy.

Maybe more of a timelimit?, if a fleet doesnt clear tile1/2 after so and so time HA
auto cancels? "

>>>That is why I say get a % back depending upon how far you get. And with how exiles
pumped so much money into the AZ Economy with that lovely credit hack they had, 100
million doesn't really restrict it to that many fleets. Besides, I am sure if, for
example, FOD wished to attack New York again for practice, knowing they will not get that
far but actually try their best, play a decent battle and not timewaste, Jedi could agree
to give the fee back after the assault. Oh and the fee I was mentioning was not 100million
per person. It was a simple one off deposti for the attacking fleet, which is paid back
depending on how far they get.

"hmm maybe jjedi are jus to good thats y no1 can make it to 1 tile? :p i agree though
noob fleets do make Ha discouraging but i do gett a laugh wen after a hour they dnt
have 1 tile. Maybe the top 10 fleets{we can reduce the number} from the nfafl
season shuld be the 1s who are able to attack a HA. This should determine the good
fleets from the noobs and make the nfafl more competitive instead of noob fleets jus
signing up to get pwned and wasting a good sunday^^ "

>>> I don't want to see it have to come to that. But, if fleets keep behaving in the
manner of how 1stSSF and Exiles/Muppets have been behaving towards HA, then a measure like
this deposit or a restriction of who can play HA may be needed. However, it would be
unfair for all the honest fleets that want to play HA but can't.

It is fine attacking a harbour and getting pwnt. As long as you actually attack the
harbour. Unless a fleet has a turnout of 70+ (Which only FlotaReporta can get when
recruiting the whole server), it is very easy to at least reach the harbour if you get a
turnout of 30+ and use decoy rooms right. However, the trick to winning HA (usually,
although it can be done with less time) is getting to the harbour tile with around 1 hour
left. It is one thing getting to the harbour in 2 hours, but it is a big step up to
actually take it.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 07. 2009 21:16

hmm maybe jjedi are jus to good thats y no1 can make it to 1 tile? :p i agree though
noob fleets do make Ha discouraging but i do gett a laugh wen after a hour they dnt
have 1 tile. Maybe the top 10 fleets{we can reduce the number} from the nfafl
season shuld be the 1s who are able to attack a HA. This should determine the good
fleets from the noobs and make the nfafl more competitive instead of noob fleets jus
signing up to get pwned and wasting a good sunday^^

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 07. 2009 19:53

In all honesty i think this would narrow HA down to 3/4 fleets? not all fleets in NF
have people who go out there way to own 100mils of creds per person lol.

Good intention for the idea but doesnt realy tickle my fancy.

Maybe more of a timelimit?, if a fleet doesnt clear tile1/2 after so and so time HA
auto cancels?

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 07. 2009 19:26

About the credit amount, which I have already explained. If you two wish to discuss, there
is a PM system.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 07. 2009 17:54

were not flaming

there are no personal attacks of any sort were are talking about this topic from 2
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