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  • Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 05. 2009 08:34

100 million credits (or whatever amount works, I just picked a random amount) as a deposit
to declare on a harbour, which you get back if:

- Reach the harbour tile

- Get X% of you deposit back if you withdraw within a certain period of time, such as 1 hour.

This should help stop/limit the effects of pathetic joke fleets trying to waste time, and
in turn blocking HA for fleets that actually want to play.

Please discuss this idea. I bumped a similar thread, which was asking for a cost.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 06. 2009 19:44

*Prepares my fleet of Frigates and Destroyers...*

*Saw this thread*

Darn you lukas!

But I recommend this. If you want to take a harbour, work for it. Make your fleet strong
and capable of spending for it. This is what I am telling my fleetmates. We can't and I
will not permit declaring HA on any nation if I feel that we are not battle worthy. I tell
them I am pretty sure we'll be eaten alive on the first tile with our current line up.

I am guilty of being in a fleet and I was assigned in my FF as a decoy and believe me I
got bored to hell.

I will also recommend this because Lukas fooled me by playing CATCH with him ending up
with me TK'ing me and I got reporta joked lol.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 06. 2009 19:26

Definitely Recommended.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 06. 2009 18:26

well i can see your point but i have to disagree

first off why should HA be for only big fleets? why should small fleets be discuraged
from playing HA ? there is no good reson, people play to have fun small fleets may
want to play Ha just a big fleets do what right do big fleets have? becouse your
bigger and we don't have a chance meens we should not get a chance at all?

at one time or another all fleets started small the only way fleets can grow is by
atracting members the way to get members is to do what people want.
Im in NFHP and most of us lov playing in the HA even if we have no chance it's fun.
we get bigger and bigger each month from players who want to play HA with us and
from players that like other members in NFHP. the only way NFHP will get big is by
attracting new players

so by discuraging smaller fleets your steming the deversity of
fleets in this game. and don't give me that survial of the strongest crap. the more
diversity the better.

i have also played in BE vs a small fleet and i know that it can be fustrating to have
all these players with no real challange. but if you know that a small fleet is attacking
why not simply have fewer people to play? if it's a challange your looking for just
have a similar size fleet.

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 06. 2009 17:40


  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 06. 2009 17:38


  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 06. 2009 09:58

Won't work.

But I make bid at 75 million!


Earn creds as you take tiles?

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 06. 2009 08:48

hahaha glad u think we could give you a run for "our" money. but yeah dont think a
blanket "100 mill" would work. maybe some kind of % of current fleet funds would be
nice altho they could just drain there fleet account b4 hand @_@. either way i like
were this is heading. HA sounds fun and if we could incorporate everyone and make
clans a more common and usefull thing, this game would grow in emersion and its
emersion that keeps people playing(sometimes even more so than gameplay its self).

bump / reccomended

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 06. 2009 06:43

You know... we would come in our FFs and actually fight your BBs (or your FFs, if we
could convince you to do a FF only HA)

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 06. 2009 06:19

got my support on this idea.. 100 mil is nothing... i've dumped close to 5 mil in the jedi
account without asking/getting a single cred

smaller fleets that really want to do HA and not waste the time of the defending fleet can
pool 100 mil easy and get most back should they fail or withdraw their attack

maybe then Vanity's fleet TTF can get a declare in on us and give us a good fight like FoD did

  • Re : Credit Deposit for Harbour Attack

    04. 06. 2009 05:46

HA had a declaration fee built into it from Day 1.

It was just never activated because HA was still in Beta.

Well HA never came out of Beta, we just got given it, warts and all. But the Declaration
Fee is part of the core of HA; not a big deal to introduce. But the get past "X" tiles and
get your cash back sounds fairer.

So this one got my recc.


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