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  • False complaints = temporary ban for the complainer?

    05. 31. 2011 15:41


I submit that any player that submits a complaint that is investigated by a
Moderator and the conclusion that the player doesnt know the rules should result in
a temporary ban to teach these people to read all the rules on game play and forum

My reasons why:

#1 I have been threatend by one game mod humping ships with my sub.

#2 I have been threated by one game mod for asserting that Fleet Team NF
players are consideredc a priority target and we enjoy sinking them.

#3 I have multiple players complain and threatend to have me banned every time
I hump a ship for air in my submarine. I am forced to defend myself and screen
capture the text chat exchange incase #1 and/or #2 happen again. Even mods
have to learn the rules. Precise/exact rules addressing every situation has not yet
been concluded and are under developement, but humping has been precisely
defined as legal any/which/way you can manage it.

#4 I notice that every time an issue regarding humping is brought up including the
use of border humping with planes and ships, the post get locked because the issue
has been settle years ago yet there is no effort or way to force every player to learn
and acknowledge all the rules resulting in false complaints which are sometimes
taken seriously by game mods.

#5 Players attempt to turn posts in to player bashing, or trying to go off topic.
There is a brand new set of rules the forum moderators must follow. These new
rules coorelated to the fact that players either dont know the rules or refuse to
follow them.

Question: Why should players whom follow all the rules undergo player bashing, in
game threats and harrasment simply because players dont know the rules. Its ok to
disagree with the rules, but not know the rules is no excuse to attack other players
regardless of which rules you disagree with this would include the follow:

BBs without Scouts
CVs without Fighters
Ships humping the borders
Aircraft humping the borders
BBs with smaller guns
Submarines humping ships without guns or HH to defend themselves

  • Re : False complaints = temporary ban for the complainer?

    06. 01. 2011 16:55

Personally, you should be banned for humping ships with express intention of getting
your team to TK, especially if you cry and report the TK after.

  • Re : False complaints = temporary ban for the complainer?

    06. 01. 2011 13:46

none of this would be a problem if mods werent allowed to communicate with reach other
from different servers, and didnt know WHO the other mods were......

or better yet

IF TNF werent players moderators and were actually hired employees of SDE:)

but oh well, the rules are different depending on which mod you have a good report with.

  • Re : False complaints = temporary ban for the complainer?

    06. 01. 2011 13:14

You all make me angry when you dont acknowledge the rules and discuss with
Moderators and SDE how you disagree.

Saying someone in Leeching easy, proving it is another game! Its all about how to
manipulate their rulebook which is currently under develpement. Thats a subpoint of
this post.

If the majority disagrees with a tactic that is easily provable in a screen shot such as
humping a ship, border humping planes, get mutiple players involved ingame to be
witness to the act/screen capture and ban away.

Is it not easier to just ban a few hundred players and get the word out that the
Moderators are for real. That SDE listens and reacts to the majority on major
topics. They dont have a re-program a single thing to outlaw ship humping, bbs
without scouts, CVs without Fighters, ect. Everyone wants to wine & dine and never
do any work that provides immediate results.

I want this game to be a challenge, but I make it look so easy that I must be
hacking the game? Ive heard every allegation in the book and im sick of it. I dont
want to file a ticket, I want Moderator's witness to the act in game to boot these
people. I want the true complainers that love to file tickets to file tickets on behalf
of the general public against these bullies, elitests, ect... Why should every
individual that is harrassed or manipulates the rules in such a way the majority if not
75%+ of everyone agrees the tactic should be banned from the game. Forget the
programming just say its illegal and put it the rulebook for everyone to read.

  • Re : False complaints = temporary ban for the complainer?

    06. 01. 2011 13:12

> AA ships without binds of HE
> CV without db/tb

Both of these are contributing to their team, though their value does go down the less
aircraft the enemy is capable of putting into the air. While the fighter CV can switch to
scouting/scout suppression, the AA ship might be limited by using A version guns or ammo
bind limitations. it is a shame to see a Moltke or a Mandel with no HE ammo, though, not
even CL guns or HH on it's empty R slots.

> Also these are becoming a plague:
> BB without scout
> FF/DDs that rush at start straight forward (aka leeching)

The FF/DD can be safely ignored, however, and other than a long range torpedo volley or
ASW duties they can't expect to contribute much anyway.

And as for the BB with no scouts... there's a suggestion in the suggestion forum for that.
Bribe people to scout with credits or XP. Then you'd see cruisers with scout planes too.

  • Re : False complaints = temporary ban for the complainer?

    06. 01. 2011 12:58

"Also these are becoming a plague:
BB without scout
FF/DDs that rush at start straight forward (aka leeching)"

Erm Hi, you must be new here.

  • Re : False complaints = temporary ban for the complainer?

    06. 01. 2011 12:10

Maybe start commenting on ships that can't do damage. Same rules as in cv rooms.

AA ships without binds of HE
CV without db/tb

Every ship has to be able to do damage. the fact you whine about cv with no fp is
cus you are some selfish bb driver that wants other to do the scouting for you. Most
of the time bb whine they are blind while there are no enemy fp near them. I can
understand they ask for fc when they are beign fightercamped.

Also these are becoming a plague:
BB without scout
FF/DDs that rush at start straight forward (aka leeching)

  • Re : False complaints = temporary ban for the complainer?

    06. 01. 2011 11:17

Thus far the votes are as follows:

1 No - Do not ban players who place false complaints forcing Game Moderators 2
waste time responding to issues already settled

Thanks for the input regarding Flagships Retreating from Battle, now what is the
location, URL, or citation for this rule. If others dont have access to this information
in the rulebook, how would you claim it to be a rule resulting in bannable offense?

  • Re : False complaints = temporary ban for the complainer?

    06. 01. 2011 10:42

I know Shaggs created an external one, but I am always hesitant to use it as I don't
like messing with my game client.

  • Re : False complaints = temporary ban for the complainer?

    06. 01. 2011 09:59

>>> This is what is wrong with the game. WTB ignore function. It would make
everyone's life so much easier.

Agreed. But until and unless we get one, this is what we have to do.

  • Re : False complaints = temporary ban for the complainer?

    06. 01. 2011 09:43

"if you are bb bb3+ and ss3 kill u in 1 coment setup "

I do use bulge and belt yet it still happens to my O2 and Bismark. I havent played
H39/H44 enough for it to happen yet but I have been crippled in one shot in both of them
from full health/SD. So please do comment.
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