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  • CV Shortage

    04. 10. 2011 22:52

Well, it's been an ongoing problem with NF. Most rooms fill to 20 BB's and everyone MUST
wait (with the invention of GBII) long periods of time for the room to start. This is a serious
turnoff to new players and any MMO needs player base growth to keep the game alive.

So the question is:

Why do you think the servers have low CV activity?

My observations,

-Monotonous fighter biased gameplay. BB's go blind and become aggravated at you.
-Shared XP resulting in weak rewards for being successful.
-AA ships. Cause and affect. AAW'ing is the only practical form of getting experts. With ships
like the Mandel, it's getting a little ridiculous. Moltke's and Pensacola's are bad enough.
-Low fuel on planes. I've noticed this hurts TB usage as it's difficult to regroup them after
the "low fuel" mark is hit.
-Lack of CV content. Especially when you compare it to BB content.
-Small diversity between cv nations.
-Shared CV6's between IJN/KM and US/UK
-No real advantage of owning a CV6 over a PCV. PCV in some ways is better since you can
use a support on the BO slot.


  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 13. 2011 20:03

1 extra plane launch is not worth around 30 million xp, 50 million creds, and 20 million points
while lacking a support you otherwise could have with a PCV. Not even mentioning the huge
repair cost. When you compare the power of a BB6 over a BB5 you'll get the clue.

Outright denying that there isn't a problem with CV's causing the shortage of CV players is
pretty silly. There's at least 40 people that have some idea of how to solve the problem in this
thread alone. By majority, I can assume we all care about the game we love.

Apathy won't get the games starting faster.

No, Tico can't hold 255 bulge. But why worry with an escort, a rep as a BO and 2 gunners
using hedgehogs? Hell you could load a sonarman on it if you wanted. You need a level 115
sonarman to use it on a CV6. 255 bulge is nothing versus an HEI.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 13. 2011 19:41

Ticonderoga cant hold 255 bulge. Anyway thats a stupid thing to call and advantage. And if
you dont know how much of an improvement CV4 is over CV3 you are retarded eradicator. The
difference between CV3 and 4 planespace and PCV/CV6 planespace is alot different. And 8
launch v 9 is waaaay different then 11 v 12.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 13. 2011 19:37

CV6 has twice the bulge of a PCV?
Really? I want mine fixed then, my PCV hold's 255 bulge, same as my Midway!

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 13. 2011 19:02

"Aside from all the bullshit and sarcasm. Are you implying that CV's are fine exactly the way
they are?"

Well what do you suggest?

"-Monotonous fighter biased gameplay. BB's go blind and become aggravated at you."

This is not true, if you can play bomber whore correctly you can be a very decisive force
in GBII gameplay, however not so much in GBI

"-Shared XP resulting in weak rewards for being successful."

I was agreeing with you on this

"-AA ships. Cause and affect. AAW'ing is the only practical form of getting experts. With
ships like the Mandel, it's getting a little ridiculous. Moltke's and Pensacola's are bad

So removing a hard counter for a thing that normal ships would otherwise be unable to
engage is good?

"-Low fuel on planes. I've noticed this hurts TB usage as it's difficult to regroup them after
the "low fuel" mark is hit."

Plane fuel is not an issue if you've seen how op MN dbs are simply because of the extra
fuel they recieve. However I do believe the low fuel bullshit should be cut out

"-Lack of CV content. Especially when you compare it to BB content."

I don't know if I can agree with you here really, look at ss's... You can change to aa
guns or small ship destroying guns. Additionally, the one thing that it does that bbs do
not is cater to two completely distinct playstyles. For bb crew is more restricted and
ultimately it comes down to choosing whether or not you use aa. You fail if you do not use
predetermined crewsets. For CV's you can play whatever style you want. You can run 4/4 FPS
and Bombers and screen with the fps, you can run 6/2 and fc most of the time and bomb when
the game ends. You have access to two different types of modes of attack, TBs and DBs,
which can be used in distinct roles, for sub hunting or uk hunting etc. Do BBs have this?
No most bbs do not have access to this. Most do not even have a second gunset that can be
used properly. The 110 gunsets are decidedly inferior to their 100 counterparts. Thus it
can be argued that CV playstyle is MORE flexible than BB's in some ways and less in others.

"-Small diversity between cv nations."

Really if there was a larger difference between fps and dbs it would end up like UK. Isn't
US the most powerful fps? That's diversity right; a noticeable difference in strengths and
weaknesses??? Cut the bullshit.

"-Shared CV6's between IJN/KM and US/UK"

This would be a problem if people actually bothered to get more than one cv6 in the first

"-No real advantage of owning a CV6 over a PCV. PCV in some ways is better since you can
use a support on the BO slot."

Really? Twice the bulge, and another plane launch isn't a real advantage? Then isn't the
difference between a cv3 and cv4 negligible?

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 13. 2011 18:45

ya.. make cv6 even more uber.. go away.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 13. 2011 17:40

give some advantage to cv6 to incentive cv playr grind their cv bo like make figther T5
that only cv6 can carry
maybe it helps

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 13. 2011 17:40

The only reason I hate playing cv--I have to micromanage my stupid planes.. How
irritating is it when planes get stuck in the circle of death? it's lame. ANd yes.. I do it
and Do it fine as I am in a europa... but I dont like it.. the planes could easily be made
to do a little different pattern and problem would be solved.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 13. 2011 16:15

The golden angle players are also part of the issue.
When your aircraft come near 3 emdens or emeralds then the sheer ammount of flak comming
from several directions both slows my PC down to a crawl.
On top of that most players aside of the absolute worst can and WILL experiment with the
angles. and your aircraft will get shot down sooner or later by the sheer ammount of flak
flying around.

And lets not get started with the AI AA Emeralds with pom poms.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 13. 2011 13:09


the problem is that 10% (maybe more), they have also high lvl aa gunners and are
skilled players...

i think we are not talking about the 90% golden angle players.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 13. 2011 12:58

Probably 90% of AA players only know golden angle so even a little maneuvering can cause
confusion. I feel one of the most challenging things in the game is trying to down planes
from a CVer who knows how to control them really well.
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