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  • CV Shortage

    04. 10. 2011 22:52

Well, it's been an ongoing problem with NF. Most rooms fill to 20 BB's and everyone MUST
wait (with the invention of GBII) long periods of time for the room to start. This is a serious
turnoff to new players and any MMO needs player base growth to keep the game alive.

So the question is:

Why do you think the servers have low CV activity?

My observations,

-Monotonous fighter biased gameplay. BB's go blind and become aggravated at you.
-Shared XP resulting in weak rewards for being successful.
-AA ships. Cause and affect. AAW'ing is the only practical form of getting experts. With ships
like the Mandel, it's getting a little ridiculous. Moltke's and Pensacola's are bad enough.
-Low fuel on planes. I've noticed this hurts TB usage as it's difficult to regroup them after
the "low fuel" mark is hit.
-Lack of CV content. Especially when you compare it to BB content.
-Small diversity between cv nations.
-Shared CV6's between IJN/KM and US/UK
-No real advantage of owning a CV6 over a PCV. PCV in some ways is better since you can
use a support on the BO slot.


  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 19:43

lol eradicator... yep like that post :)

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 19:34

"-Monotonous fighter biased gameplay. BB's go blind and become aggravated at you."

>implying that making bbs mad isn't the best part of cv gameplay

"-Shared XP resulting in weak rewards for being successful."

>200k atk
>30k exp
>community thinks this is completely fair

"-AA ships. Cause and affect. AAW'ing is the only practical form of getting experts. With
ships like the Mandel, it's getting a little ridiculous. Moltke's and Pensacola's are bad

>implying that it's hard to change altitude
>implying that cv should be made into easy street

"-Low fuel on planes. I've noticed this hurts TB usage as it's difficult to regroup them after
the "low fuel" mark is hit."

>implying that mn which can fly dbs across the map and back and across again without
losing the plance is balanced

"-Lack of CV content. Especially when you compare it to BB content."

Son, you play cv for the bragging rights

"-Small diversity between cv nations."


"-Shared CV6's between IJN/KM and US/UK"

>implying that anyone actually gets more than one cv6

"-No real advantage of owning a CV6 over a PCV. PCV in some ways is better since you can
use a support on the BO slot."

>implying that cv6 is not just about bragging rights and having people say wow a bomber
whore midway why the hell would you do that

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 19:05

Personally I don't find cv game play boring, all these fighter whored ships make it
difficult to run any form of bombers and thats one of the main problems. Not to mention
that the HUGE gap between t1, t2, t3 and t4.... t4 rape t3 (more often then not)....
dragging is another problem. Fighters should dog fight meaning they twist and turn and
maneuver around for shots... this is an animation issue more or less...

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 18:31

"Now that they have included Hackshield into the NF client they have taken away their
"main" reason for not allowing expert gain in missions, but they will never admit (again)
these reasons and will therefore not bring back expert gain in missions."

See we can agree on things plazma :P

I use to rack in the experts during baseball season. Easier to play missions while
watching baseball then dividing attention between battles and the game and missing things
in either one. 2-3 hours of missions during a game got me like 3-4 days worth of GB experts.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 18:04

"The point of getting rid of experts in missions and buffing them in GB's was to keep all
players out and playing instead of hiding in AA mission rooms. So no... that's a horrible
idea to bring back mission experts."

Unfortunately Audessy, that isn't the real reason for removing expert gain from missions.
The original reason for it was because of all of the macro users that were "abusing"
missions by gaining tons of experts, and therefore being able to convert them to vets at
no cost to them meaning no profit to $DE. Secondly, as V2C said, it was also because
people who had the time, and didn't use macros, could also go into missions and grind up
experts without having to pay for them. And thirdly, the less expert/vet death that
existed in rooms such as GBs or Normal rooms, the less profit $DE could make from the prem

Therefore, they removed the expert gain from missions to stop these from happening, and so
that they could then turn up the expert gain, (and more importantly to them the expert/vet
death), in these rooms to cause more players to buy prem subscriptions and/or expert and
vet packs.

Now that they have included Hackshield into the NF client they have taken away their
"main" reason for not allowing expert gain in missions, but they will never admit (again)
these reasons and will therefore not bring back expert gain in missions.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 17:45

I do not agree with that audessy. Thats just making free crews (like my CV6) that much
harder. Also dont believe the BS lines Yuno fed us about missions and the reason for their
removal. SDE realized how many experts people were gaining (thanks to tards like me
writing guides) so they took them away.

Anyway AA is also the only way for little ships to earn their own exp in a world of shared
only so they will not go away.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 17:36

@ audessy:

That thing about the AA ships with lower expert, would somewhat help the CV
shortage but it wouldnt be best in the long run. You want plenty of support ships for
those BBs to counter threats other than ships, so its either AA or ASW. AA is harder
than ASW (taking into account the ability to use auto with HHs = not a challenge to
aim) so its more rewarding, and should stay that way. Increasing the expert gain for
main guns on the ships besides CA is a good idea though, gives BBs defense
against rushers.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 17:24

The point of getting rid of experts in missions and buffing them in GB's was to keep all players
out and playing instead of hiding in AA mission rooms. So no... that's a horrible idea to bring
back mission experts.

I say nerf AA expert gain a bit in GB rooms and buff it for main guns on ships CA and lower.
FF's having the highest chance, CA's having the lowest chance and BB's remaining as they are.
Almost 0%

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 17:07

"actually i avoid rooms where host is waiting 8 cvs.. why? because 8 cvs mean 8+ aa
ships and 10 subs. about getting experts, when im aa, i get +6 experts each room
with prem, this should be nerf"

SDE should just let expert gain be put back into mission rooms then, just at a lower

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 12. 2011 15:57

"Higher level CV beats lower level cv Fighters every single time. They can put more up and
they are better."

LoL... Tell that to all the poor saps in CV5/6 and PCV that get pushed around by my 3 gold
crewed GZ2. Yeah its harder with lower level fighters but skill can overcome alot.

"Ewood, I believe he was referring to higher TIER ftrs. "

That point is still meaningless because 90% of the T4 players still lose to my T3s and the
rest will be hard pressed to say my US/KM T2/3s dont give them a run for their money.

"i like win so i really enjoy being a fw.. tht is not a problem for me. the problem is the
little group of players who like saying nub to the few cvs in the game even if they are
fw. if you are a fw cv and you are not scouting it mean only 1 thing. you have a
problem: T4 US or/and lot of aa ships in the other side. these noobs need a little
common sense."

Agreed. Still upset myself about that certain player that was flaming you in Spanish. It
wasnt your fault everyone but me went north and you ran north after I sunk.
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