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  • bin laden

    05. 01. 2011 19:51

usama bin laden is dead!
USA all the way!

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 05. 2011 17:15

did he just say bush was responsable for 9/11, is this crackpot serious

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 05. 2011 17:12

What I don't understand about this whole conspiracy is if they have had his "body on ice",
can't count the times Alex Jones said that, why would they "roll him out" now?

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 05. 2011 13:59

Indeed when you meet one of these conspiracy theory guys in real life they have issues. I
have heard of no credible facts leading to anyone but terrorists.

The best is when you talk to someone who has no clue what really happened other then what
they read on the conspiracy sites. Once you counter their facts they slink off mumbling
about you being part of the conspiracy. It's wonderful to hear their self reinforcing
fantasies however. It makes for a good laugh.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 05. 2011 13:42

If I have to listen to anymore of Alex Jones cherry picked facts, and interviews I will
loose all hope in humanity. For people to think that he could actually be accurate escapes
me. Weird that I could only find these articles that he speaks of, only on his website and
no where else. Oh your right, there is now way he could be making things up. You may say
I'm blindly following my government, but far from the truth. I just have a very hard time
believing a fear mongering idiot. For all those people who listen to Alex Jones, I heard
the CIA is now able to access your minds through your tin foil hats. Need to find an
alternative material. Let me know how it works out.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 05. 2011 11:19

I love this Topic... I feel good that there are people who are aware of this kinda of
intell... Give yourself a pat on the back for your knowledge that your are sharing &
never stop digging for the truth!

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 05. 2011 09:49

definitely not, world would only see the truth - that al-Qaida was created and funded by
CIA and puppet Osama bin Laden was a puppet and had nothing to do with 9/11 whatsoever.
The Court would investiage and would come to 4 well-known names responsible for 9/11: Bush
jr., Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 05. 2011 09:29

Being put on trial could have also been more damaging then you think. By being put on
trial and the media covering it around the world, he could have been seen of more as a
martyr which then would create more American Hate.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 05. 2011 09:18

the bottom line he was deemed capture dead or alive, would have it been different if
some goat hearder shot him instead, the only reason why some ppl believe he
should of had a trial, is the tree hugger wanna bes who thinks everyone is innocent
till proven guilty, some ppl are just guilty...period, and thats not the news media
brain washing ppl into it, stop using it as a excuse to get your humanitary needs
met, he was a ruthless killer and he got what he deserved, he was responsable for
9/11 and the world knows it, so do you truly think a trial would have been better, he
would have been put to death either way

he should be thankful he got shot in the head, and not made to suffer like the
families and others that have suffered and still suffering for his doings, if you ask me
he got off lite

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 05. 2011 08:51

Emma9 = genius.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 05. 2011 08:28

Someone who openly expresses his desire to kill thousands of innocent civilians,
either directly by his hand or indirectly by issuing such orders to subordinates, and
has actually done it, does not deserve to live on this planet.

As far as I'm concerned, no court nor trial is needed. It would be a waste of
taxpayers money to move him around, feed him and prosecute him. With all the
security needed to ship him back to the US or the Hague, and put him on trial,
expenses could reach hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars.

No way will I agree to my hard earned money being used to keep this creature alive
and feed him. A cheap bullet solves everything. He is lower than an animal and
deserves to be treated as such.

Sure, it may be an arbitrary way of seeing things. But with what he's done and all, I
would rather see him murdered in cold blood, rather than risk him making good on
his promise and hurt more innocent people someday.

Terrorism will not end with bin Laden's death. But when you cut off a figurehead, it
disrupts the entire organisation to a certain extent.

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