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  • bin laden

    05. 01. 2011 19:51

usama bin laden is dead!
USA all the way!

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 04. 2011 04:25

yes "woodler"

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 04. 2011 03:56

Killing someone who is unarmed and in a non-self-defense situation and with malice
aforethought is commonly known as murder.

Judge yourself if this was the case or not.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 04. 2011 03:09

is there anybody who thinks OBL was not responsible for 9/11 at all ?

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 04. 2011 01:09

just an old senile fart by now, but hey.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 04. 2011 01:00

@zdogg: probably my english isnt too good or you lack reading comprehension

for the paranoia stuff, read the post of nyerkovic
and my country isnt attacked by terrorist because we havent invaded any country with
doubtful excuses. and we haven't earned the hate from resentful countries by any older

also to be the most powerful nation and perhaps the world advanced, it is sad see how your
people take the "easy way" instead improve in a better way the security in your country.

I never said help the terrorist, just instead Starting a war, invade them and kill
everything in your path isnt the smartest plan

just could help the normal population to improve the management and to avoid
the terrorist or other get those resources

how they terrorist convicen them?, easy, they are poor ppl, mostly of them dont have
the posibility to get a proper education, these kind of people are easily manipulable.
(like "rednecks" and similars in your country)

"This was partially to secure the oil, in which we need for our society to

why not invest in better technologies or other types of energies?
or even better improve the quality of life and help the poor people in your own
country instead wasting millions in guns and weapons
I partially agree with the idea that having too much security can be seen as paranoia. As
I don't condone the groping of small children in the airports, and I believe we have taken
this too far in that aspect, I believe that the majority of the security improvements have
helped society as a whole. I think as of now the benefits out way the costs (other then
groping of small children, or people in general in airports).

"and my country isnt attacked by terrorist because we havent invaded any country with
doubtful excuses. and we haven't earned the hate from resentful countries by any older
I am confused with this statement as I believe a terriost attack happened before we
Invaded and gained Control of their country? If I am incorrect please enlighten me on why
terriosts hate the US. I thought it had to do with our way of life and the basic rights we
give people?

"also to be the most powerful nation and perhaps the world advanced, it is sad see how your
people take the "easy way" instead improve in a better way the security in your country."
Please let me know what you think the future plan for the US's security should be? I don't
see how the US could have improved it's security in any better way. The only better
alternatives would therefore infringe upon the rights of the citizens.

"never said help the terrorist, just instead Starting a war, invade them and kill
everything in your path isnt the smartest plan"
So what should we have done? Let them attack us in the future with no recourse? They
shouldn't be held responsible for what they have done? Innocent people have lost their
lives on both sides of the war, and am very sorry that it has happened.

"just could help the normal population to improve the management and to avoid
the terrorist or other get those resources"
No matter how large or strong the population is, there will always be idealists and
radicals that find ways to oppress certain individuals or groups. We even have these
radical groups in America. No matter what happens these individuals will always gain
followers. Terrorists aren't rational, normal functioning people. Who else would be
willing to strap explosives to themselves, just to kill innocent people?

how they terrorist convicen them?, easy, they are poor ppl, mostly of them dont have
the posibility to get a proper education, these kind of people are easily manipulable.

Until the world becomes a completly classless society, no ones education level will be
equal. We have less educated people in Western culture as well. For you to think that this
is a solvable issue for the US, it is completly naive and pointless.

"why not invest in better technologies or other types of energies?
or even better improve the quality of life and help the poor people in your own
country instead wasting millions in guns and weapons"

As newer technologies are being created and are now easier to mass produce, the price of
creating alternative energy is getting lower, but is still not practicale for the majority
of the US, and the rest of the world. It would be impossible for the switch everything to
Green energy in a short amount of time. As I saw in a recent documentary, most new methods
of alternative energy have been outsourced to different countries, as the US doesn't have
as large of a private sector as other countries.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 23:08

Oh the puppet is dead. Or they killed some hobo from New York and put a name on him.

Sorry. False flag operations piss me off. The death of this !@#hole won't solve a thing.
May that lie of a person and piss poor excuse to go to war rest in peace. Although it
won't be for long. They'll find some other stupid reason to do Israel's dirty work.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 21:21

Disturbing image has been hidden.

Already proven that the image is NOT of Osama Bin Laden. It is a fake :P

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 19:50


  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 19:26

there was a interview from a wife of a navy SEAL who was in the operation that said:
"SEAL Team 6 does NOT exist.....FAIL

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 15:54

Honestly they should have sent him to the taxidermist and had him stuffed to put in the
Smithsonian, how can you tell them apart, they all look the same to me.
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