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  • bin laden

    05. 01. 2011 19:51

usama bin laden is dead!
USA all the way!

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 15:51

@zdogg: probably my english isnt too good or you lack reading comprehension

for the paranoia stuff, read the post of nyerkovic
and my country isnt attacked by terrorist because we havent invaded any country with
doubtful excuses. and we haven't earned the hate from resentful countries by any older

also to be the most powerful nation and perhaps the world advanced, it is sad see how your
people take the "easy way" instead improve in a better way the security in your country.

I never said help the terrorist, just instead Starting a war, invade them and kill
everything in your path isnt the smartest plan

just could help the normal population to improve the management and to avoid
the terrorist or other get those resources

how they terrorist convicen them?, easy, they are poor ppl, mostly of them dont have
the posibility to get a proper education, these kind of people are easily manipulable.
(like "rednecks" and similars in your country)

"This was partially to secure the oil, in which we need for our society to

why not invest in better technologies or other types of energies?
or even better improve the quality of life and help the poor people in your own
country instead wasting millions in guns and weapons

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 15:31

first find once when US has taken local resourses and exploited it to their own gain,
I mean trully if we went into iraq for oil I truly dont think our gas prices would be
where they are

The US, UK and other nations are superpowers and with that comes responsability,
we defend ppl who cant defend themselves, like iraq, and kuiwat, call that brain
washing if you please, but dont make it true, think how the world would be if we
didnt get involved, how many more innocent ppl would die from dictators hands, for
their own wealth and power

as for the help with the afgans with russia, do you even know why russia landed
paratroopers in afgan in the first place? maybe you need to google that and find
out, they wanted to make afgan a communist county and when the ppl fled into the
mountains to defend their muslum ways, the US sent arms and training to help them
defend themselves, and did a pretty good job of it

we are not in afgan to change them from musilum but to track down terrorists plz
learn your facts before using it as a tool, im a US Marine and I dont fully agree with
everything the US gets involved with, but if it saves one innocent life, and helps
make the world a better place, then ill happily go, and defend them, we dont always
just fight for our freedom, let there be no mistake, we all in the world should fight
because we believe freedom is something everyone should have, and if you in a
country that lives in a dictator rule, you havent a clue what freedom is

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 15:22

So he's dead.. $10 that there will be 50% increase in terrorist bombings

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 15:19

^^ very true

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 14:09

Just a friendly reminder... Why should we be friend to a people who deem our ways evil
The USA was the ones who funned the tailban and bin laden himself to fight russia, & to
this day the same people are using the extra weapons from that war to fight us the
people who helped them!

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 13:50

you whukid???? how am i being ignorant why???? cause i wasent one of the people
who came yelling out of my house saying BIN LADIN IS DEAD and started to dance
around dose that make me iggnorant?

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 11:08

zdogg.... the US has total right to defend itself, but sometimes it gets out of
Maybe some people are OK with the reaction, but for most people is paranoia.

Just take a look at all the groping in airport security.... that is not defending anyone...
it's degrading innocent people. Yes, you should make some sacrifices to ensure the
safety of most people and to prevent 9/11 from happening again... but when it defies
common sense it's just wrong.

I would never feel safe and protected in a country that gropes small children in an
airport.... it's degrading and it's wrong.

If someone did that thing on the street... I bet he would go to jail... but it's OK for
the sake of "safety"?

All this increase in "security" started with the pretext of searching for Islamic
Terrorists.... is it really worth people's dignity... I wonder.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 10:03

@ CommanderR:
North America since 9/11 its paranoid, now wil be extremely paranoid
(great more annoying problems for the innocent foreigners)

well that in part true I met some families from Middle East they say also it was
for the opportunities and better life choices.

good idea, stop the support for those countries then those countries will be more poors
and the terrorist there will blame the Western countriels for being more poor
a.k.a : more hate for the rest of the world/more terrorists

seriously, what we need its a better management of aid to those countries
mostly of the aid is withheld by a third party(some times terrorist, other times, local
mobs, bandits, etc..) or lost by the local corruption.

not a retarded invasion to "keep safe the world" or "or give them freedom"
such a pathetic excuse to take over local resources.
this only generate more hate

Let me ask you Wazzaby, as Americans do we have no right to defend ourselves? I think you
mistake that's a being paranoid. No matter what we do, the terriosts will still despise
Western Culture, and continue to target us. It is easy to say that we are being paranoid
when im guessing your country isn't targeted by these terriosts. (Assumption by the way
you have constructed your arguments).

Let me get this straight, you are saying we should directly help the terriosts and the
outlaws of foreign countries in hope that they will not hate us? Come back to reality and
stop playing so much navyfield. They will still find ways of manipulating people, and
getting people to believe that Western Culture is evil, even if we gave them aid. How do
you think they can convince people to blow themselves up for their groups conquests?

I am in no doubt arguing of why this war was created, as wars are created for many
reasons. This was partially to secure the oil, in which we need for our society to
function. Directly supporting the people who hate us is not a viable option and can't
believe that anyone would think it was.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 09:12

The problem, the world is such, that no matter what you do, there will be certain
parties waiting to jump on it and twist it to further their own agendas.

Global peace is simply impractical.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 03. 2011 08:57

@ CommanderR:
North America since 9/11 its paranoid, now wil be extremely paranoid
(great more annoying problems for the innocent foreigners)

well that in part true I met some families from Middle East they say also it was
for the opportunities and better life choices.

good idea, stop the support for those countries then those countries will be more poors
and the terrorist there will blame the Western countriels for being more poor
a.k.a : more hate for the rest of the world/more terrorists

seriously, what we need its a better management of aid to those countries
mostly of the aid is withheld by a third party(some times terrorist, other times, local
mobs, bandits, etc..) or lost by the local corruption.

not a retarded invasion to "keep safe the world" or "or give them freedom"
such a pathetic excuse to take over local resources.
this only generate more hate

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