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  • HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 02:15

Since a lot of people are talking about HA related Banning things I was thinking of a
scenario that could of easily happened on either server. Here it goes...

Say Fleet A takes a harbor that is undefended from when Harbor Assaults started back
up.Fleet A has about 40-50 members when they attack.

Then next week's declaration Fleet B attacks Fleet A. Fleet B has 20 members when they
declared and still has less than 30 when they do the Harbor Assault.

Fleet A has now about 60ish members when this Harbor Assault goes on, but they only have
16 accounts that are BB5/CV5+ and of those they only have 7 that are either CV6 or BB6.
Most players in the fleet are Blitz players or just starting to get out of blitz.

Fleet B has 16 accounts that are BB5/CV5+ and 7 of those accounts have a CV6 or BB6, and
Fleet B has multiple BB6's and/or BB6,CV6 combination on one account. Where Fleet A
doesn't have any multiples at all. Also on average Fleet B has higher level accounts than
Fleet A. Therefore Fleet B has more 120 crews and ships, but they are still under 30 people.

Now Discuss would this be a bannable offense for wasting time, or would this be a
reasonable HA since, it is about fair number of players (accounts) with high level crews?


  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 18:44

I wish the same amount of time and effort was put into
the game itself. To waste time on a matter as lame as
this is stupid... The guy wasted no fleets time he wasn't
trying to cause greef to anybody and other than installing
HS and limiting 1 habor per fleet, this is one of the gayest
thing NF has done in awhile....

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 18:32

I still don큧 get where the base for a judgement of Rehors main account is.
That큦 not right to me, whatever anyone think큦 of that HA story, to ban a fleetless
account that someone owns, where he paid money for it, is not a legal move to me.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 16:27


You are ignoring the ACTUAL reason the rule was made. I cannot be bothered explaining it
for a fifth time. . .

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 16:06

And this is for all of you whos only comment was because I am a member of Knights
That is not the issue.
I have not played the game since HS was installed, I work with another game developer ( as
a Mod on another game) and will not put that program on computer that has information
from that developer.
But as a mod, I know how rules are made, why they are made and how they have to be

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 15:16

Considering the number of times rules get bent or ignored for people in this game, I find
it funny that a rule designed to prohibit people from intentionally antagonizing a
defending fleet was not waved when there was no defending fleet to antagonize.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 15:08

im sorry but i must have missed something.

whos time did rehor waste?

regardless, since vick and rehor conversed about this on MSN for an hour, and i am
assuming the HA took an hour or so, i dont see why he still needs to be banned. i say he
"wasted" an hour for the HA, and had an hour of his time "wasted" talking to vick about it
on MSN. (i dont mean to offend anyone with using the term wasted)

also, why did it take like 9 to 10 days to finally ban him anyways, without telling him
beforehand? he was attacking the fleetless harbor since last monday correct? yet you
finally ban him now without even consulting him? it was far from a mystery that his 1 man
fleet was attacking the harbor, as well as keeping it up until he was banned. I dont see
any reason why it took that long to ban him. Plus it was more then enough time to talk
with Rehor about the rule he broke and solving the situation before any banning was necessary.

seriously, you couldnt have atleast talked to Rehor before the ban or atleast inform him
of the rule and that he was supposedly breaking the rule?

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 15:03

If you take a very literal (anal) interpretation for the HA rule I can almost see Vick's
point. But since I can use common sense I have no idea what the hell gave Vick the
hard-on for Rehor. With all the crap going on with the game right now I find it
refreshing that Rehor found a way to make the game fun again. I salute his ingenuity
and wish I would have thought of it first. The fact he was banned for this is a complete
affront to the players of NF and he should be reinstated with a full apology from TNF.
This is yet another example how out of touch TNF is with the playerbase. It's not too
late to step down.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 14:59

"V2 according to the rules as they stand right now, if you have 30 accounts in the fleet
that do not trace to the same person or a very limited number of people such that is
obviously an illegitimate fleet for the purposes of HA, then no I dont think there would
be action."

That is my point. Would action have be taken against us?

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 14:49

V2 according to the rules as they stand right now, if you have 30 accounts in the fleet
that do not trace to the same person or a very limited number of people such that is
obviously an illegitimate fleet for the purposes of HA, then no I dont think there would
be action.

As I said somewhere, if there is a need to change these rules to better reflect what is
appropriate for HA in the future to support fleets then we can look at that and the fleet
leader forum area is the place we can do that. For this case though, the rules in force
at the time are what take precedence.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 14:41

There were/are a list of corrective punishments well before a suspension. You (mod
team whatever) jumped to napalm before you used the tear gas. Its obvious Rehor
is being made an example. Pure powertrip, same old moderation. Do whatever the
hell you like and find the reasons to justify the overreaction later.

I wouldn't take you up on the offer either Vick. The level of punishment wasn't
justified. The silly amount of secrecy behind such events doesn't help you in the
least either.
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