HA Infomation



  • Deck-gun should be able to be removed from my SS

    09. 11. 2011 22:12

Recommend : 14


Do you think it should be?


  • Re : Deck-gun should be able to be removed from my SS

    09. 11. 2011 23:56

rec. just waste of extra space, should be able to decide if u want it on or not.

  • Re : Deck-gun should be able to be removed from my SS

    09. 12. 2011 04:54

ANY weight savings on an SS matters .. ss crews are ghosted to death already ..
that gun weight (while insignificant to a BB) is not so small on a cramped SS ..
the only ss that routinely mounts a gunner is the km ss4 ... everyone else uses the r slots for rep/res/seaman

the OP is asking for a gun removal option .. just like every other ship in the game has ...

especially considering they make us wait for the greatly delayed ss5's ..
meanwhile our crews still level up and get fatter and fatter on the ss4's ..

we just want to be able to take the deck gun OFF .. we're not asking for a menu of regular guns ..
that one fixed gun is fine .. as long as there is a on/off option ... even a kita can remove its guns ..

how would you like it if we suggested instead that ALL gun slots on a BB MUST be filled with BB guns ..
no more removing the front or rear guns on any BB ... how would that affect your armor whore set ups ??
well the SS players simply want that same weight savings option .. its a fair reqest with no reason NOT to

as for the original suggestion ...... YES, i would like to be able to remove the SS deck gun ... REC'

  • Re : Deck-gun should be able to be removed from my SS

    09. 12. 2011 07:49

But... but then there's a big hole. and consider a sub has to go underwater, it may never come back up lol

  • Re : Deck-gun should be able to be removed from my SS

    09. 12. 2011 08:11

True dat! rec'd

  • Re : Deck-gun should be able to be removed from my SS

    09. 12. 2011 12:34

Recommended...due to ship class consistency. IF BB and CV or CA can, why not SS.

As to whether I would remove my guns? I would not, unless I could net 3-5 more knots of speed. Probably unlikely, since Deck guns are pretty small anyway.

Personally, I would rather see ALL ships carry appropriate guns, instead of allowing 60-knot Moltke/Mandels to run hog-wild with PHH Cluster bombs, blasting everything in sight.

I can't understand why most submariners DO NOT use their deck guns??? I can't count how many smoking heaps have been polished off. Just last night, I obliterated two squadrons of US T4s with my AA U-Flak guns. Best AA guns available on ANY ship. Time after time, I have watched as helpless subs try to fend off some DD. If they just surfaced and spun their guns at them, that DD would be toast. But with a repairman's a losing setup.

Consistency gets my approval. Either all or none, not SS only.

  • Re : Deck-gun should be able to be removed from my SS

    09. 12. 2011 16:48

Originally Posted by Ultra_Dog

Recommended...due to ship class consistency. IF BB and CV or CA can, why not SS.

Consistency gets my approval. Either all or none, not SS only.

Your avatar is stunningly accurate.

I suppose you want Battleships submerging and Destroyers flying planes too?

  • Re : Deck-gun should be able to be removed from my SS

    09. 12. 2011 17:01

Unrecommended, without the need to recode and without screwing the game.
Not Until SDE stop failing at patching.

  • Re : Deck-gun should be able to be removed from my SS

    09. 13. 2011 05:09

what is actually the point of this? so u wont have to remove experts? or do u want to add armor? or do u want to be even faster? the gun does not weight much anyway

  • Re : Deck-gun should be able to be removed from my SS

    09. 13. 2011 12:26

all he wants is the option to remove this t slot gun
its the same option as all the bb/cv use

there are alot of bb that only use 2 out of 3 guns and have nothing on the t slots like the L1 and L2
now see how mutch armor u can fit when those bb are running whith 3 gun setups and
ther t slots filled whith aa or hh
and even then bb don't need to ghost there sailors at high lvl like ss have to do to make them fit

wel u say uk aa is crap
and the 2 gun setup can load more armor
whel the only usefull ss gun is the km ss4 the rest is ar a whaste of space
and the ss can't drop 1 of its torpedotubs like a bb can one of it r slots to run a 2 gun setup
and as for armor ss can't fit alot of armor

its not theat he want's to have more experts on a sailor or put more armor on the sub
its that he wants his crew to fit whithout having to ghost them like all ss have to do if
they get to around lvl90/100

  • Re : Deck-gun should be able to be removed from my SS

    09. 13. 2011 12:35

Originally Posted by ozzy0

all he wants is the option to remove this t slot gun
its the same option as all the bb/cv use

there are alot of bb that only use 2 out of 3 guns and have nothing on the t slots like the L1 and L2
now see how mutch armor u can fit when those bb are running whith 3 gun setups and
ther t slots filled whith aa or hh
and even then bb don't need to ghost there sailors at high lvl like ss have to do to make them fit

wel u say uk aa is crap
and the 2 gun setup can load more armor
whel the only usefull ss gun is the km ss4 the rest is ar a whaste of space
and the ss can't drop 1 of its torpedotubs like a bb can one of it r slots to run a 2 gun setup
and as for armor ss can't fit alot of armor

its not theat he want's to have more experts on a sailor or put more armor on the sub
its that he wants his crew to fit whithout having to ghost them like all ss have to do if
they get to around lvl90/100

however skeleton crew's still manage to get their base on a sub just gotta know wich to do it with .... and ive seen subs with 0.2 belt just taking full hh salvos and laughting ....

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