HA Infomation



  • Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

    10. 08. 2011 07:12


Do you think Ron Paul is the only chance U.S. has for the near future? I'm not sure if political gander is aloud in NF 
forums as I hadn't been here in a long time, but I just wanted to share that. 

The speech is given by ron paul in 2007. 


  • Re : Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

    10. 08. 2011 12:39

good to see a like minded person playing this game.

  • Re : Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

    10. 10. 2011 20:30

I don't like the man, I don't agree with a lot of what he has to say, but dammit... I respect him for saying it.

It's too bad most of the establishment in his own party don't respect him. He placed highly in Iowa polling and they ignored it like it was data scatter. he just won the "values voters" poll, and the people RUNNING the poll hated the result so much they downplayed the significance of their own poll. The man gets no respect.

So... question to you Ron Paul voters... do you think this is because the "mainstream" of his party doesn't want to listen to what his supporters have to say?

  • Re : Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

    10. 13. 2011 01:04

Originally Posted by Stormvanger

I don't like the man, I don't agree with a lot of what he has to say, but dammit... I respect him for saying it.

It's too bad most of the establishment in his own party don't respect him. He placed highly in Iowa polling and they ignored it like it was data scatter. he just won the "values voters" poll, and the people RUNNING the poll hated the result so much they downplayed the significance of their own poll. The man gets no respect.

So... question to you Ron Paul voters... do you think this is because the "mainstream" of his party doesn't want to listen to what his supporters have to say?

No. I think his party is afraid of him so they do everything they can to discredit him. I also think this is because the "mainstream" wealth is afraid of him too, because of the threat he poses to the establishment.

I don't understand what it is that people don't like about Ron Paul to be honest. Sure he isn't exactly JFK or Obama with the ability to woo and awe crowds with inspirational speeches and other smokescreens. Sure he isn't hollywood sexy. But he IS uncorruptable. He is the only person warning us for decades in congress that the path we were on was unsustainable financially.

America should lead by example. Its become a police state in many ways, oppressing our own people and at the same time trying to spread democracy with military force. I don't think having Ron Paul in office and withdrawing our troops from overseas is a show of weakness. I think its a show of respect. Rome didn't respect the world either, and things didn't end up so well for them.

  • Re : Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

    10. 13. 2011 18:52

The man speaks truth.

Im afraid if the situation doesn't resolve itself soon in someway or another people are going to get fed up and revolt against our government (Infact, there are a few militias forming in AZ/ are already formed) and Ron Paul may very well be someone who can turn us around with a 100% improvement should he be able to take office.

  • Re : Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

    10. 17. 2011 13:39

Hey stad! Been awhile...

At the moment I am not liking where politics is going.

  • Re : Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

    10. 17. 2011 13:53

Originally Posted by Koreta

At the moment I am not liking where politics is going.

Ain't that the lovely thing? When it's all working like it should, everyone is getting things done by making compromises... which means nobody is really happy, but they can live with it. =P

Except now... nothing's getting done. So one side's unhappy and the other side has a Pyrrhic victory. Yay team.

  • Re : Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

    10. 20. 2011 07:36

Originally Posted by Wodyo
Rome didn't respect the world either, and things didn't end up so well for them.

Rome did more the world than America ever could.

  • Re : Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

    10. 20. 2011 13:15


Same guy?

  • Re : Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

    10. 20. 2011 13:32

America is a Nazi police State now Controlled by the 4th branch of Government the MEDIA and is intent on keeping its People oppressed Blind Deaf and Dumb to its true agenda and is doomed to be the NEW Ancient Rome of the New world our Government is controlled by its greed for $ and Power over others in these Facts our people are in fear of the government instead of the Government being afraid of its People

To Arms To Arms People its time to stand up for whats right and our Government is not there to help us its there to oppress us .

'Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.' -Ben Franklin

We the People for the People .

Victory Life or Death .

  • Re : Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

    10. 20. 2011 14:15

"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." John Steinbeck

Pretty much your problem.

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