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  • Account Blacklist & Appeals Process

    12. 08. 2011 10:49



  • Re : Account Blacklist & Appeals Process

    12. 08. 2011 11:09

Originally Posted by vick
If an appeal is successful the account will be released and the ID removed from the Blacklist

So non TNF people will be able to influence the status of someone who got banned and moved into blacklist?
What about biased fleet leaders and their allocated representatives, because I for one, know there are plenty of them in Kaiser server.

  • Re : Account Blacklist & Appeals Process

    12. 08. 2011 11:14

Whilst there may be the occasional person who will take a subjective view on an appeal or for personal reasons vote yes for release as opposed to considering the wider aspects of the community, we feel there is a sufficiently mature peer group in the Fleet Leader area to give this a try. On top of that, I also believe that a Fleet Leader who finds one of his representatives is acting in a biased or inappropriate way towards this process will remove their access to that area. If it does not work out that way then the system will be withdrawn after the trial period.

  • Re : Account Blacklist & Appeals Process

    12. 08. 2011 11:23

Well, I wish you good luck with that system.
My view about the maturity of the community is exactly the opposite.

  • Re : Account Blacklist & Appeals Process

    12. 08. 2011 11:41

I'd prefer if the fleet leader had to go through an app/test/interview before being allowed to vote.
Like RichardPhat stated, a very large portion of the fleet leaders/XO's on Kaiser are VERY immature...
most of them, if given moderator access, would perma ban me, (Not gonna give names)

There are MANY things that influence a Fleet Leader's decision, and one of the biggest ones is:

If a the fleet leader knows the person and likes him, he will vote yes for release, if he does not like him due to past experiences, he will vote no, and if he does not know him at all, his decision will be based upon the rules of the game, the offense, and other logical factors.

In short, it is NOT possible to have a system like this that is truly JUST, unless the voters are app'd in, level-headed, logical, and have NO past with the player being judged.

Sorry for the long comment, this is just my 2 cents. ;)

  • Re : Account Blacklist & Appeals Process

    12. 08. 2011 11:46

Time will tell cisco, but I have slightly more faith and also an element of faith in the number of Fleet Execs that contribute constructively in that area that should easily outweigh any immaturity.

Also this is not the placing of suspensions, but peer review of appeals to lift long-standing ones once we are content that sufficient penalty time has been applied to allow an appeal attempt.

  • Re : Account Blacklist & Appeals Process

    12. 08. 2011 12:21

I don't agree with Vick often, but I am all for a more open appeals process.

Personally, I don't have much faith in TNF or other fleet leaders, but if the process is open enough, then some issues can be rectified.

Good on SDE and TNF for putting this out there and, at least, designing a path for issue resolving that doesn't depend on a person's ability to reach GMs on MSN or how much pull someone has within TNF. It may not be perfect, but it can't be worse than the current path to trying to get someone unbanned.

I would hope that some of the extreme long-term bans that were executed under biased circumstances are looked at as there are one or two people that were thrown down the dark hole of nothingness and they never got to have a say in what happened. Meanwhile, people that have been known to hack or exploit the game are now back playing and even applying to TNF.

On a side note, are the long standing bans that have been overturned for no apparent reason going to be looked at and reapplied if the situation merits it? I've seen people banned for several known offenses...yet here they are still playing the game.

  • Re : Account Blacklist & Appeals Process

    12. 08. 2011 12:28


  • Re : Account Blacklist & Appeals Process

    12. 08. 2011 13:25

It's a big step in the right direction.

  • Re : Account Blacklist & Appeals Process

    12. 08. 2011 15:00

Brilliant News.

Will past serious actions be added to this (I.e. credit hackers, FOW hackers etc?)

  • Re : Account Blacklist & Appeals Process

    12. 08. 2011 17:17

Multiple offenders should be noted even if their previous offenses were made previous to the list.

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