HA Infomation



  • Room for players leveling between 60-90

    09. 23. 2011 03:31

Recommend : 1

PLEASE open that kind of room, i promise i will stick to this game if the room emerge.!!!!!!!
MY BB2 is forced to be poor in GB2...not depend on any skill but level.. so so sad..

I NEED THAT KIND OF ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  • Re : Room for players leveling between 60-90

    09. 23. 2011 03:51

Title edited so it can be read completely.

About the topic. That room already exists. There is a Select Mode for players under lvl80 where you can play with people in lower levels. People, just don't open them, but they are there.

  • Re : many people urging game room for players leveling between 60-90

    09. 23. 2011 03:51

Ever seen a Colorado, Queen Elizabeth, Fuso (hell they have firepower!!!), Normandie, Lyon???

Sorry dude, but even in my BB5s I hate rushing Fusos....and everyone of us had to go through that....

  • Re : Room for players leveling between 60-90

    09. 23. 2011 04:07

Every ship has a purpose in gb2 somewhere, even your bb2. You don't need to be on the line, instead hang around the middle and pick off whatever rushes towards you. This is a much better strategy than complaining and begging for a game mode that is already in the game.

  • Re : Room for players leveling between 60-90

    09. 23. 2011 08:21

Hi-five to nyerkovic for fixing titles to be easily read from the forum index.

On topic:

The vast majority of the people creating rooms are too lazy, oblivious, or just plain hurried to not have another room opened first lest they get stuck waiting until the room expires, that they don't even bother to change the default map.

It isn't reasonable to think that people are going to set up custom BB3 rooms very often. Yes, you can make a room like that. Just make a series of several clicks and scrolls while all the BB1-3s join the GB room, then sit there hoping your room doesn't expire while people call you noob because most of the people in that level range are scared of not getting any XP by trying an unfamiliar game mode.

The truth of the matter is if it's going to be a customization of one mode of one of the least-played room types, it isn't going to be viable on a large scale like blitzkriegs are.

Now, is creating an actual room type (ie. Blitzkrieg II) to accommodate that level range a priority for me? No, and I'm not going to recommend this suggestion. I personally agree with the "find your role in GBs" crowd, I just wanted to try and change the perspective a little. The request in the OP isn't as useless as it sounds, although I concede the whiny tone and surplus of punctuation isn't winning him any friends.

  • Re : Room for players leveling between 60-90

    09. 23. 2011 08:55

lol, this subject come up once a week, and will never happen.

They say "duh!! noob!! idiot!! you can already DO that, DUH!!" Nope, you cant open a gb1 or 2 with a 90 lvl cap. Nothing even comes close, and anything that does is a major pain to set up.

"We had to do it that way, you should too." Whatever, Cavemen went barefoot til someone wrapped some leather around their foot. Wasn't that bad an idea....And yeah, last time i checked, we aren't overflowing with new players, most leave between lvl 60-65.... coincidence?

"It will just be easymode and make noobs suck more" I don't even know where to go with that one, lol. You learn by doing. Not waiting , and waiting, for you exact moment to get a good table scrap. The way it is now makes noobs suck. They get owned nonstop til shared xp finally get them there. Then they learn how finally in their bb5. Poll anyone in a bb1-3. "Would you prefer no bb5-6? or most bb4 since nearly everyone has gunners over BO lvl?" Tell me what you think the poll results for that would be.

"It's all about skill. If you don't totally suck, you can rage in your BB 1-3. If not , you just suck noob" Yeah. *yawn* It isn't. Having every adavntage makes a difference.

I've heard several other very common responses from our resident under-bridge-dwelling junta that are all over the forums, stamping out rational thought, I am certain we will see one or two pop in in response to this post. But none of them ever make any sense, becaue they refuse to state the real reason for their objection.

Food. It's a food thing. That big 45mil xp don't come easy, and what if they had to duke it out with only bb5-6 and cv 5-6? Would be seeing a ton of 200k + battles anymore, not with all that food gone. No, it would get a lot harder anf they don't want that. Oh and it ould incidentally fix one of our biggest issues right now: Vision. In a capped room, you will NEVER see a cv6 across from a cv2. No, vision would be much more even , and come down to a lot more skill than just steamrolling a lower players pilots.

No, having a 90 cap GB would do wonders, for the quality of play at both tiers, the fun quotient would go WAY up for the lower bb/cv players, and skill would increase overall. People wouldnt get disillusioned and jet after a couple weeks of frustration after hitting 60. They would hang out, spend some money and have a great time doing it.

But, it's a dream, the buffet is all you can eat, and they arent ever going to give it up. They're going to come on and try to say its for a million different contradictory and plain crazy reasons, but in the end, it's a food thing.

Any old guard will always fear and resist change, especially ones at the top. Any change might disturb their spot at the top, or make them adapt and leave their comfort zone to remain successful. Nope. You will rmain food, and so will all the new players.

I say we implement this and send a mass email to all the players who left telling them we finally told the trolls to shut it, and fixed the game. That its finally just as fun in the middle as it was in the beginning, and its worth a new look. We might get a few back.

Commence flaming and prove my every word ^^

  • Re : Room for players leveling between 60-90

    09. 23. 2011 09:23

I say that you have to pay your dues. I have a few lines in GB2. I have a CV5 and really the grind wasn't that bad. Yea, my fighters got shot up, but I had a blast. I currently have a BB2 as well and its not really bad either. Sometimes, just for fun I load up all my engineers on a Guam and drive a BB1. I've saved almost every ship and even do blitz from time to time in a Fletcher. My point is that you can have fun regardless of skill or ship. All that having these seperate rooms would do is cause longer waits and dilute the pool of people playing the game. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

  • Re : Room for players leveling between 60-90

    09. 23. 2011 09:34

I hope that after this event, people get to know the BB/CA Select mode for players under lvl80.

  • Re : Room for players leveling between 60-90

    09. 23. 2011 09:46

Originally Posted by Lionel2

I say that you have to pay your dues. I have a few lines in GB2. I have a CV5 and really the grind wasn't that bad. Yea, my fighters got shot up, but I had a blast. I currently have a BB2 as well and its not really bad either. Sometimes, just for fun I load up all my engineers on a Guam and drive a BB1. I've saved almost every ship and even do blitz from time to time in a Fletcher. My point is that you can have fun regardless of skill or ship. All that having these seperate rooms would do is cause longer waits and dilute the pool of people playing the game. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

But when these changes increase the amount of people playing the game, doesnt that become moot? Also, I believe your reponse was covered in my post. "We had to, so should you" inst a great reason for not making something better. Unless you're the one benefiting, i guess, lol. I mean, hey, our forefathers had to die at 30 from generally preventable stuff, living their lives in fear and squalor and ignorance. But we don't, so I'm glad someone thought it could be better. Maybe this game will move out of a cave and make a better life for itself one day. But that might require the cavemen to evolve a bit.

  • Re : Room for players leveling between 60-90

    09. 23. 2011 09:50

Originally Posted by nyerkovic

I hope that after this event, people get to know the BB/CA Select mode for players under lvl80.

I hope that after this event we can have cv/dd/ff/cl/ss in that mode. Oh, you can't. There shared xp there? Oh. No. There isn't.

Yeah. Again, I already addressed this in my first post. What did I tell you? Every objection we will see here is going to be some variation of those tired old objections I listed.

But we all know what's up. It ain't nothin but a food thing, baby.

  • Re : Room for players leveling between 60-90

    09. 23. 2011 11:03

Originally Posted by joshmon999

Yeah. Again, I already addressed this in my first post. What did I tell you? Every objection we will see here is going to be some variation of those tired old objections I listed.

It doesn't make your argument stronger when you say "if you argue with me you prove my point" at the end of every post.

There's a difference between pointing out you've already addressed a point, and throwing it in someone's face.

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