HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • KM SS5

    10. 13. 2011 23:57

As far as I am concerned, the KM SS5 is a complete failure.

Slow pig, lousy gun, and horrible reload time.   

I had to scrap it, and rebuid my SS4. NF you have failed.  Whatever your design motive was for this ship, makes no sense.  

Please explain what specific improvements were to made available over the SS4?



  • Re : KM SS5

    10. 14. 2011 02:59

Originally Posted by apmonte

All I'm seeing here is UltraDog admitting to himself that he is a slow pig who fires too many blanks and can't reload quickly enough.

Couldn't have put it better myself

  • Re : KM SS5

    10. 14. 2011 03:08

No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
And if you try sometime you find
You get what you need

U mad bro?

  • Re : KM SS5

    10. 14. 2011 04:17

imo KM ss5 is right. its definetly strongen then km ss4, It seems that thats even the strongest off all new ss5 (only played against ijn, usn, rn ss5 yet)

  • Re : KM SS5

    10. 14. 2011 04:57

Originally Posted by Obergrattler

No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
And if you try sometime you find
You get what you need

U mad bro?

Wow, DOUBLE fail. Copy a song then repeat a current internet meme? If you're gonna diss, at least use a drop of creativity, did you think you were being clever or original? Take a cue from apmonte if you're gonna just jump into conversation, add nothing, take a few shots and leave. But good job, your time wasnt wasted, this thread needed your comment, and I'm certain you have risen a few pegs in the minds of those reading it.

As far as the SS thing, yeah Im gonna say it. SS were fine before.

The big stink was that APPARENTLY, an SS4 could just run thru BB6 like hot knife thru butter, blah blah. In reality, not so much.
An SS4 with an endgame crew could do some magical stuff, but still took quite a lot to kill a fresh BB6 or even 5. And even with insane numbers from boosted crew, they werent that great and still fragile, if a non retard was doing the ASW.

(yeah, dumping ALL your PHH or even HH at once is stupid, use gradual to keep them pinned, drain air, and cause damage. They surface, you kill, any questions?)

The HUGE stink was even MORE damning. Apparently a lowly t4 Ship could even kill a t6 ship. ZOMG. Teh wrongness of it all huh? Guess a BB4 with Lvl 115-120 crew couldn't EVER kill a BB6 right? It's just silly.

Certain individuals repeat "SS can dive to avoid HH, therefore they are immune to HH" like a mantra till everyone wants to puke, but it doesnt change the fact that this 'immunity' costs actual ship damage and eats away at a finite supply of air , without which the SS is pretty much dead. Funny I could say "BB can dodge to avoid shellfire, therefore they are immune to shells" and It would be more of an honest statement since, when dodging, a BB doesn't take damage, and never runs out of time as a powerful ship. They don't run out of air, They remain at max potential all the way til they die. They can turn their guns, anything. Crippled SS are dead.

And if you actually try, killing SS is so easy, really is. I don't even bother trying in my BB anymore, since they are usually never much of an issue, much like a pesky BW CV. Big whoop. If I get singled out for bombing, then I guess eventually, I may get the shaft. Oh well, next battle. You crying whiners need to man/woman up and grow some backbone. And some self respect too. Doesn't all the selfish, self-pitying, crying and whining, all the exaggeration and outright lying and spin, all the refusal to even attempt to adapt or overcome at ALL, doesn't any of that make you even the tiniest bit ashamed?

And all you "SS are skilless ships, blah blah" why don't you just mill around mumbling "four legs good, two legs baaaaaaad" lol, you sound like mindless parrots, and since your statement is false even more so. Every ship in this game takes skill to run, and BELIEVE me, if you DO hear a torp warning, you would rather have some no-name running an unboosted at-lvl crew coming at you, rather than a few people I can think of.

You're the same people that complain about any little issue with the patches.
You're the same people that vilify and degrade any new players that come into forums to vent or ask for help.
You're the same people that cry to prevent a more even level progression via battle rooms.
You're the same people that caused this abortion of an SS5 to be born.
Good job. Once again I say that you guys are SDE/Navyfield's only serious competition for success. Ironic.

  • Re : KM SS5

    10. 14. 2011 05:27

Wow, less than two days before I was proven right.


  • Re : KM SS5

    10. 14. 2011 05:41

Originally Posted by joshmon999

bla bla at least use a drop of creativity, did you think you were being clever or original? bla bla, really a lot of bla

I really don't listen to people with numbers in their name because they are so creative and original. Oh the irony. Thanks for trying.

Regarding SS, I'm sure they are gonna get balanced, I mean the H44 has waited how long for a fix 3, 4, 5 years? I'm confident that in 2016 all SS drivers will be satisfied. *Rolling Stones music*

  • Re : KM SS5

    10. 14. 2011 06:39

I aggree with 0zzy, the change from SS4 - SS5 is disappointing...
The only thing I have noticed that seems better then the SS4 is the proximity torps seem to have less of a nerf then the 4 had.
Even with 2 120 EBVE engies the speed cap is 40 knts and seems to hold for the same if not less time in overheat. The extra displacement does give the ability to absorb more damage before being sunk though.

Cheers... and where is SS6 :)

  • Re : KM SS5

    10. 14. 2011 06:52

Speed is caused by the increase of Displacement, but having the same Speed Cap across the whole class. Its just the feature you've all been enjoying backfiring.

I'm pretty sure the idea is to have SS6 = to the current SS4. So SS5 will be a temp downgrade until SS1-4 are rebalanced.

  • Re : KM SS5

    10. 14. 2011 07:03

SS5 is balanced as a lvl 9x ship
ss4 need nerf

  • Re : KM SS5

    10. 14. 2011 07:09

"Please explain what specific improvements were to made available over the SS4?"

They are superior in one thing. 20 more lvls required with crappy exp. lol.
I really feel sorry about SS drivers, but since some dinousars have so many influence in game balance what did you expect? Not only u get dissapointed seeing u spent 2 months of grinding for nothing, now you have to hear their laughs.

I think if lvl of SS5s was increased all those additional nerfs were unneeded or they shouldn't be so hard, but old dinosaurs wanted them highly nerfed, after 1 or 2 years with SSs they can't adapt to them. It's easier to adapt the game to yourself than adapt yourself to the game. Oh, and btw, they will not stop there, remember they are crying that all the SS line still needs to be "rebalanced", this was only the first step. Seeing this is pretty obvious that after the SS5 nerf all tiers will follow, lol.

Poor SS drivers ... Seriously, i feel sorry for you all and i also feel sorry for what NF has become.

And for the old dinousars good job, keep closing doors and nerfing mid-lvl players, dont let them to get some decent ships for damage you. Im pretty sure that is a good way of making the game enjoyable for all, but since most of you dont regular play that doesnt care for you, you just want to own in GBs to newbie BBs in the 2 hours a month you play NF without caring too much for SSs, the only mid-lvl ships that can kill you.

Sad, very sad.

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