HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • CV XP

    10. 24. 2011 13:36

  I'm was wondering if anyone else has noticed the xp problem cv drivers have compared to driving say BB.
 Everything is based off of damage done during battle either GB1 or GB2. As a CV driver I can get say 40-50k attack
(killing subs mainly) and 20k plus in plane kills and on a win net anywhere from 30-50k xp. I know that there has been
discussion concerning why hardly nobody grinds to CV6 and I'm saying this is the problem. Unless there is an event the
xp is slow coming to a CV where a BB on a win non-event can hit 100k xp on a great game. So I'm wondering is this
being addressed or is this what most say (it is what it is).


  • Re : CV XP

    10. 24. 2011 20:42

Back to silver system pl0x

  • Re : CV XP

    10. 25. 2011 15:32

Originally Posted by FalleNStaR

So level up your pilots on your BB because it makes sense....

Why shouldn't you? I'm sorry but playing a CV with brain dead BBs is the only thing worse than being in a BB with brain dead CVs.

  • Re : CV XP

    10. 25. 2011 16:01

FWing FTW!

  • Re : CV XP

    10. 25. 2011 16:40

Originally Posted by Monarch

Originally Posted by FalleNStaR

So level up your pilots on your BB because it makes sense....

Why shouldn't you? I'm sorry but playing a CV with brain dead BBs is the only thing worse than being in a BB with brain dead CVs.

Not quite.

Being in an AA boat seeing both brain dead CVs and BBs around you.

  • Re : CV XP

    10. 25. 2011 17:43

Originally Posted by aingeal

Being in an AA boat seeing both brain dead CVs and BBs around you.


And this is coming from someone who play's way too much AA Ship.

  • Re : CV XP

    10. 25. 2011 18:22

Originally Posted by No1shero

hi all..

Heatrr - I would be more than happy to have less credits for more xp.
Japex - I would be very happy to see all other xp dropped to CV xp, then perhaps people would have to play lower level ships more, increasing the gaming experiance when u HAVE to learn each ship you level up to, coss you cannot just power level through it :)


HAHAHAHAHAHAH """ increasing the gaming experiance when u HAVE to learn each ship you level up to, coss you cannot just power level through it :)"""

>averange gb cv's HAHAHAHAHA

waaaaaait..... your serious arent you ?

  • Re : CV XP

    10. 25. 2011 21:22

remove TB EXP nerf please, i'm not a kita >_>

  • Re : CV XP

    10. 26. 2011 05:26

hi all..

Thebarrel - You know i am serious, hehe. With that said, nerfing everyones XP will never happen, and we all know that :), i was just answering a previous question. Now if you have an opinion about CV XP as the title suggest's, i would be happy to hear it.

Also to make a clear point here, would i still play NF if it was silver only?, YES i would!!

There are many issues with CV's which keep people out of them, but certainly the inconsistant and low xp is a factor. If nothing is said then it just stays as it is.

Thankyou Maistral for reminding me, but also the torpedo bomber XP has been nerfed, these are real issues that stop people playing CV's, and i know Maistral enjoy's playing his CV, and hes good at it.Which brings me nicely to a important point on CV's. People don't play them for the XP, people don't play them for the credits either trust me. Its far easier to roll 15 +12 sailors and sell on market and make 10mill+ in 1-2 days, than to play CV for weeks if not months to earn the same credits.People play CV because they enjoy it, thats it. Otherwise there is little incentive to play them.but they are the best fun in game without dout in my opinion.

So at the moment Bulldog35 - it is what it is - you either love it, or you don't.

Maistral , how is your xp looking since the nerf?, i'd be interested to know.

cyddy - FWing FTW! - What level CV? i.e. high/low level. How much shotdown do u get?- top/average. How much XP per game?. Do u think the XP is ok as it is, or what is your opinion. As the title suggest the CV xp, i'd be interested in your opinion on this discussion. Otherwise what do u mean by FWing FTW pls?.


  • Re : CV XP

    10. 26. 2011 09:20

Win more and you will level faster. CVs have always made less exp then BB but far more credits. CV exp is far better then it used to be. Try grinding to CV6 with a silver account or premium exp that was less then todays gold with no PCV so you had exp penalty once you got close to CV6.

  • Re : CV XP

    10. 26. 2011 09:27

I don't see any problem with earning xp on a CV. I you need to drop some bombs thats all. TW are too slow. Also, if you want XP, don't drive your fighters around scouting, they need to go out and get some kills.

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