HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • T4s Fighters @ lvl 115+ only?

    09. 27. 2011 10:38


Those of you who don't pay attention to the test server discussions, now might be a good time to start paying attention.

[EDIT] might want to voice your opinions too


  • Re : T4s Fighters @ lvl 115+ only?

    09. 27. 2011 14:54

I can't help but think Foxhound31 is attemping to give only half the story. This isnt just a OMFG we are bumping T4 fighters to 115 and thats it. There is a heck of alot more to the story. The whole plane tree is being looked into, starting with the top hence end game 115.

*copy paste from my post on test server area*

We want to make a top tier fighter thats on par performance wise with the T5 scouts, hence we balanced the T5 scout so its vulnerable to T4 stats and then raised the level of the T4 fighters to really what should be technically called a T5fighter.

The real reason ppl are bitching is because some people not at 115 are going to lose out. For those people understand, the T1,2,3 fighters are not going to stay the same, we are going to re-dictribute the levels. The lvl115 scout is a BB/CV6 plane as is the intetion of the top tier fighter plane @ 115 for CV6's.

Personally I already made a recommendation where we move the levels up of all the lower tiers and to compensate.
ie old T3 becomes lvl100 with buffed stats (but below the lvl115 plane).
The old T2 plane becomes the new lvl75 (with old t3 stats)
The old T1 plane becomes new lvl60 (with old t2 stats)
And Interceptors work between 40 and 60, perhaps with a fraction more fuel to make them more noob friendly.

I know some people won't like the idea of your first proper fighters being at lvl60 but this solution is a heck of alot better than doing nothing but moving T4 fighters to 115. At least this way we give a slightly buffed t3 fighter @ 100 and the T4@115.

All here under radical idea #2 -->


  • Re : T4s Fighters @ lvl 115+ only?

    09. 27. 2011 15:20

Originally Posted by farazelleth

I can't help but think Foxhound31 is attemping to give only half the story. This isnt just a OMFG we are bumping T4 fighters to 115 and thats it. There is a heck of alot more to the story. The whole plane tree is being looked into, starting with the top hence end game 115.

*copy paste from my post on test server area*

We want to make a top tier fighter thats on par performance wise with the T5 scouts, hence we balanced the T5 scout so its vulnerable to T4 stats and then raised the level of the T4 fighters to really what should be technically called a T5fighter.

The real reason ppl are bitching is because some people not at 115 are going to lose out. For those people understand, the T1,2,3 fighters are not going to stay the same, we are going to re-dictribute the levels. The lvl115 scout is a BB/CV6 plane as is the intetion of the top tier fighter plane @ 115 for CV6's.

Personally I already made a recommendation where we move the levels up of all the lower tiers and to compensate.
ie old T3 becomes lvl100 with buffed stats (but below the lvl115 plane).
The old T2 plane becomes the new lvl75 (with old t3 stats)
The old T1 plane becomes new lvl60 (with old t2 stats)
And Interceptors work between 40 and 60, perhaps with a fraction more fuel to make them more noob friendly.

I know some people won't like the idea of your first proper fighters being at lvl60 but this solution is a heck of alot better than doing nothing but moving T4 fighters to 115. At least this way we give a slightly buffed t3 fighter @ 100 and the T4@115.

All here under radical idea #2 -->


You Idea is fine if all done at once but LJ is not talking about the rest just the T4 the T5 issue.
and his only point is as he stated " T4 fighters (which are actually T5 fighters but whatever...) need to be 115. Anything lower will not cut it. They are meant for CV6" That is the issue.

Sure someday they may get to the rest and add the Higher level DB and TB but none of that is on the table.
here is the limitation from MM

"A few things from the start:

1. We will have to start this with teh planes we currently have. There will be SN T4 fighters, that's something
we're sure about. For the rest we should base this project on the existing planes.
2. We're bound to the current aircraft system. This means no changes to the coding of the game etc."

  • Re : T4s Fighters @ lvl 115+ only?

    09. 27. 2011 15:40

I like the idea of having the end tier fighter T5.

As LJ points out, @100 your half way xp to 120 and that's where the grind is, the first 100 goes fast.
At once reached 115 most players will tend not to use the pilots to often due to the loss off vets, at least if he have some decent fighters. So it will rather be a player bringing them out from time to time, and they will not dominate the game. And why not make t5 higher cost/credit value, then shooting down t5 planes gives you something extra.

Also increased vision for DB/TB is a good idea and it could be a nice twist with a bit less fighters and more bombing. Perhaps increase value of shooting down DB/TB's as well as then it will be more value for defending with fighters.

Note I've played my 120 lvls with FW KM Cv, and even this change will not make me taking it out for allot of gb play, but perhaps go for a new cv line:)

  • Re : T4s Fighters @ lvl 115+ only?

    09. 27. 2011 15:50

Originally Posted by Jacal

I like the idea of having the end tier fighter T5.

As LJ points out, @100 your half way xp to 120 and that's where the grind is, the first 100 goes fast.
At once reached 115 most players will tend not to use the pilots to often due to the loss off vets, at least if he have some decent fighters. So it will rather be a player bringing them out from time to time, and they will not dominate the game. And why not make t5 higher cost/credit value, then shooting down t5 planes gives you something extra.

Also increased vision for DB/TB is a good idea and it could be a nice twist with a bit less fighters and more bombing. Perhaps increase value of shooting down DB/TB's as well as then it will be more value for defending with fighters.

Note I've played my 120 lvls with FW KM Cv, and even this change will not make me taking it out for allot of gb play, but perhaps go for a new cv line:)

Vet death from planes was removed... Only way for CV to lose vets is direct damage to ship....

I have an idea for a solution to FW CV EXP in the Suggestion Area if anyone wants to help with forming the idea so it can be suggested instead of being an idea.

  • Re : T4s Fighters @ lvl 115+ only?

    09. 27. 2011 15:50

First a fix to the exp system must come.

  • Re : T4s Fighters @ lvl 115+ only?

    09. 27. 2011 16:21

Originally Posted by Ultra_Dog

This is just another reason not to play NF.

The grind to L115 without premium is horrific. No reason to even bring the CV out anymore. Just get in the sub and demolish all the BBs I can find.

good luck trying to get 8 CVs anymore, without mega premimum giveaways.

Another ridiculous change.


  • Re : T4s Fighters @ lvl 115+ only?

    09. 27. 2011 16:31

I do fine using T2 or 3 US and KM. I can compete with most T4 CVs and those that beat me have superior pilots that I couldnt beat if I did use T4s. And for those of you complaining about the grind and saying that its too hard to do with t3 fighters, exp is stupidly high now. I did it on the old silver account without using TBs and I didnt complain one bit. Infact I would say I'm a better player for it.

Oh and since when do forum mods get to make threads that would be locked if a normal user makes it?

  • Re : T4s Fighters @ lvl 115+ only?

    09. 27. 2011 16:34

Compromise T4 now at 110 its reasonable

  • Re : T4s Fighters @ lvl 115+ only?

    09. 27. 2011 16:46

Silly Bong, you know our forum mods are biased.

  • Re : T4s Fighters @ lvl 115+ only?

    09. 27. 2011 17:01

Interesting change of events.

I don't care about bumping up of levels since I already have 119 fighters so as long as they aren't bumped to 120 I'm gravy..

However, if you look at lots of high level CV drivers with multiple lines they might have stopped at the highest tier fighters. " Tier 4 or Tier 5 w.e. you call the highest tier fighters ".

So forcing them to grind again to the next tier would anger lots of CV drivers...

CV drivers are already dying off as it is. The CV event really messed up NF and really it was the same people that just temporarily stopped their BB grind to hit the CVs.

I think initially this will end up driving more CV players away then bringing them in. What NF needs is to bring in more players and diversify the community from strictly BB and Subs.

The huge imbalance of the exp system forces people to either go BB with a huge ship or go SS because they seem to get farmed too much in a BB.

I think that this idea might not be too bad but initially we need to fix the problem with NF first. Fix the exp system before making such big changes to NF's outdated class system of CVs.

This might be a good idea for later when there is a decent playerbase but this will end up just being another notch in the game of NF destroying itself.

Need to remind you all that there is a certain game that is going to be released with similar game play to Navyfield. This will have no subs.

To discuss the issue of the level rework I would support the bump to 110 or 115.


There would be a couple conditions I would like to see if it were implemented.

There needs to be more tier planes. Tiers 1-5 but perhaps a new Tier 3.5 Tier 4.5.

New CV drivers and new NF players will try to grind straight on a CV. This will be hard griding from T4 which was mid 70ish I believe to 110 or 115? That is a super long grind.

BB wise you get a new ship every 10-15 levels at least. CVs also get new ships but if the aircraft doesn't change its nothing more than just a bit more space and 1 more launch which doesn't make a huge difference.

So a new implementation of between tiers need to be added.

In general this new change will not effect too much of the veteran players but will devastate new players.

So trade off is to anger old vets ( who will still probably play ) or anger new players that will quit for another game.

If people recall Navyfield 3 years ago was crazy busy? When there were 3 servers with pretty good population and during events you could fill almost 2 full battle tiles and have server capacity filled?

Even during events it is hard to fill 1 tile now...

Its nice to see effort being put in to change the game but its being put in the wrong place.

Gordon Ramsey's quote of being a "busy idiot" applies here... Not meaning to offend anyone or insult them but think of it this way...

A dam is about to overflow and bust wide open very soon. You see a tiny hole spilling tiny tiny drops of water. Do you patch the tiny hole or try to relieve pressure on the dam so it doesn't overflow and completely break?

What this supposed CV patch is fixing the tiny hole... Fix the major problem first before the real small tiny issues...

Seems like SDE is as inefficient as the U.S. Congress... You get no progress from both...

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