HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • The Cv rant thread.

    06. 25. 2011 06:12

Seriously the bs needs to stop with bb's complaining about no sight when they wont even bother to fire at the lvl 100+ moltkes making it near impossible to scout.

AA needs nerfed or a lvl cap because it's getting ridicolus... cv players will not respond to " you stupid cvs give sight when you wont meet them in the middle....


  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 25. 2011 21:31

I agree with this thread. Am mainly a BB player. I do say scout CV but don't go to the extreme of calling them names. But also annoys me when we have CV6s thats BW n TWs.Make it worst KM CV6 BW? like really? But when i jump in my CV my team is always scouted. Now this is what pisses me off USELESS BBs half of them who say scout can't even attack while fters are up. For some reason they think Planes don't run out of fuel or AA isn't around. So if i see fail BBs i just go North or south. They can't call me noob or it only makes it worst for them.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 25. 2011 22:09

Originally Posted by phantom3553
Originally Posted by marstec
and BBs can use a scout too!!! I saw BB5 and 6 without scout ......................

i don't ask cv to scout, only when needed but
then any tip how to launch scout when you're fighter camp by enemy cv? i can even only scout for 3 min when my first scout die its hardly a long wait or if a good cv will drag enemy fp away to launch scout,

Well, I am a CV and a BB Player. And IMO, BBs should use more scouts and not depend on CVs to do the scouting job for them, but I also believe that it is the CVs job to at least keep the enemy blind. I know that sometimes it is just pointless to send a T2 or T1 Fighter against a T4, but then there are locals (I know, flame me as much as you want, still Locals are the solution untill the FP Reach a high enought level). But what really annoys me from BB drivers are the situations when I (driving as a CV) Give them Sight and FC and they just run and get killed one by one, pretty much doing nothing, and after they die they still have the courage to call me a n00b CV Driver? Seriously? This kind of hate against CV drivers must stop, it is not going to hurt you to ask the CV player nicely to send some FC or to shoot down a scout. I know some will not answer and that pisses me off too, but you can't do anything about it, in the end he/she will loose the battle too and even get some of his sailors killed. That was my Opinion, flame me as much as you want.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 03:27

heh, and here i thought CV's had a SUPPORT role

look, if your BB are blind, they are out of the fight

* AA ships struggle shooting down planes directly above them, keep your fighters over an AA ship and if he moves, move your fighters
* AA ships find it hard shooting planes at sea level, the further away the harder it is but always move them about
* Change altitude and positions frequently
* keeping your fighters in front of enemy BB line yet out of AA range, this can bait AA ships into BB range
* keep track of your fighters and avoid engaging fighters over your lines
* keep in mind you may have AA ships on your team, leave enemy planes to them, engaging them is inefficient use of your fighters
* whenever your bb go blind, send any planes to scout, the longer your bb are blind the faster they will die

Its quite simple, friendly BB's scouts are near the enemy lines, where their fighters go and kill them or they get downed by AA. If you arent sending fighters there, your team eventually goes blind.

Good CV players engage over enemy lines and are good at evading most AA, sure they lose planes but they make the AA ships work for their kills, all the while providing scouting and distracting the enemy from killing bb scouts.

People who only engage in friendly lines, are only after personal credits or just suck in general, they may even be good at micro in fighter vs fighter, but if they fail against mild AA then they might as well be noobs.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 03:42

Originally Posted by ConnectFour


  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 04:56

Originally Posted by t0ryu_SK
Originally Posted by ConnectFour



  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 05:12

I don't agree with bb's killing aa ships, A battleship should only focus on enemy battleships,

There are so many ways for a cv players to avoid getting killed their fighters.

I am using uk cv with tb's and even i barely use my torpbombers, my main target is little aa ships, most of the the you can hunt them because they never expect to be hunted lol.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 05:59

Funny thing is some BB player just rants even if they are not blind. Just a few games earlier (before writing this). I was in a GBII and I am at Bravo South with 2 Montana's doing who's doing nothing they are facing A Montana and an H44 Alpha South, Alpha South was blind, the 2 BB5s on Alpha were running/falling back while my 2 Montana (If I can just name them I would) never did a thing they just danced around like they were on Prom Night and doesn't want to have dirt on their dresses and when both of my Montana got sunk they ranted at me for being blind.

Told them to ask Alpha South and they kept on ranting that they were blind. After the game with the 2 Fail Montana, the H44 and Me were on the same room and that's when the H44 said he was scouted the whole time and was blind most of the time, while another Sebastopol on my team south said the 2 Montana can see south, they just can't hit anything and 1 of the fail Montana is in the same room and got tongue tied. lolz

Most BB rants are just an excuse for failing and the nearest target is off course a CV.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 08:59

CVs are the furries of Navyfield.

Good to know before you start one.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 09:27

Go play your little arranged CV games if you dun like it.

  • Re : The Cv rant thread.

    06. 26. 2011 09:28

The lack of fighter cover from CV is incredible sometimes, and so is the lack in scouting by the BB's. Do you see the problem?

If your fp camped, there is this thing called AA. If you have no AA, now who's fault is that now? both CV and BB actually.

You could also move away from the fp, just in time to launch a scout.

When your not doing anything, do you scout for your teamates in your BB, or do you spend the time chatting with the CV's?

If a CV asks to kill AA ship.
In a CV (or BB), do you atleast try and bait the AA ships with your fp(or scout) to get it in-range of your BB(or BB teamates)?

Some players are good, some suck. This has nothing to do with the shipclass. Although I don't see many CV's calling the BB's nubs etc..

For some reason am always on the noob BLUE TEAM O_o"

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