HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Why Subs are balanced and how to counter-them.

    08. 28. 2011 19:20

Recommend : 0

Theres been a long tale about people hating on subs but do not know the risks and disadvantages of having a sub.
I do know for a fact though Subs are quite annoying at times.
Why are they Balanced?
1. When they surface in your side of the map Their gonna be HH'd or Killed by BBs on your team unless their too "buzy"
to see the sub near them
2. It doesnt get good till SS2+( well atleast for IJN) In an SS1-2 chances are you dont have the best Sub crew in the world
so you get a decent Air time just enough to get to the other side of the map if your smart enough to get that far. And your
Torp reload is pretty Slow for lvl 39+ torpers unless you got B/V/E.
3.As I said with #1 you can counter them with HH's. Is it that much of a  trouble to add HH's to your T slots if your  CV/BB?
4. They Got nerfed. With Duds and you know.

How To counter Subs.
Step 1. Add HH's or Depth Charges to your ship.
Step 2. Add Bulge.
Step 3. Scout for any subs in the beginning of a battle
Step 4. Predict where the sub might go.
Step 5. For BBs Keep your Senses up on the high and remember that their are subs.
Step 6. When they Fire torps or you see where the torps came from fire the HH's in GRADUAL mode. Why? Cause when you miss
your target firing all your HH's theirs a long reload. unless you got good gunners.

There are more ways to counter a Sub an I'll add it on later.


  • Re : Why Subs are balanced and how to counter-them.

    09. 26. 2011 12:11

If you really want to go through the whole ASW vs. SS vs. ASW thing, there are pages of arguing already that you can read.

Lukas has already conceded that ASW isn't always avoidable, and everyone agrees that different conditions and different scenarios can affect the outcome. Some of those things include PHH vs. HH, total number of HH launchers bearing down on you, gradual vs. maximum fire modes, air supply spent reaching the enemy, dive time of a stopped sub vs. moving sub vs. sub using OH... the list goes on.

One side will say "what you said isn't true, not when one of these things is against me" and the other side will say "but you didn't say that before" and someone else will say "yes, you auto-win even despite that thing being against you, if these other two things are in your favour." Then it goes back and forth until people forget the point and bicker about latency on a video capture and the thread gets locked.

So please, let's not rehash that again, since there's pages of it elsewhere already.

  • Re : Why Subs are balanced and how to counter-them.

    10. 20. 2011 01:14

Simple solutions

Option A: Make it so once a sub comes up for air it has to stay up till it's fully recharged.
Option B: Don't allow subs to submerge with any unrepaird damage.

Also slow down the reload times of the heavy hitting sub (the ones that can 1-2 salvo any BB with any amount of bulge) This way they can only kill one or 2 ships instead of an entire line like I have seen.

  • Re : Why Subs are balanced and how to counter-them.

    11. 15. 2011 05:17

Noting is unbalanced, you BB and CV drivers want to be able to go about the map and blow things up with impunity, how typical. I love the fact that top tier SS can take out multiple ships on a attack run. Keep the Subs as they are NF.

  • Re : Why Subs are balanced and how to counter-them.

    11. 18. 2011 15:23

Originally Posted by SSN762

Crit dive assumes the ss still has air after crawling across the map avoiding enemy fire and got within range, lined up his shots etc.

THere's no way a sub is going to outlast an ASW platform. Once the ASW sees the sub, everything with HH can join the attack.

The truth is, Subs get to charge in, make a strike, and then hope to avoid HH or Main gun fire when they run out of air.

Active subs, that is to say are usually gone long before the battle is decided. The truth is, when I was an SS1, I almost never got to hit ANYTHING, I was out of air before I even traversed the enemy gun range and if I did happen to get somewhere close, they ran away.

This is why there should be a complete rebalance. An ASW platform can stay out of range, a Sub can avoid all HH (PHH are the only ones that reload quick enough to do it, maybe even HH with reload capped guns). That is only with the faster ASW ships; remember you lose sight if you overheat, which means as soon as an ASW ship overheats, you change direction completely. If it doesn't, you can keep popping up and down in quick succession to avoid HH and get close to kill the ASW ship if it doesn't OH.

If you even read my posts in the test server discussion forum, you would see that I have advocated a number of sub buff's, including air time. But the sole reason you don't post there now is because yet again, I was proved right and the same arguments stemmed from the same people. Wah wah wah, ljsevern is biased. If that is the best you can do, then my point gets proved even more.

  • Re : Why Subs are balanced and how to counter-them.

    12. 06. 2011 09:28

Necro lock.

SS and ASW will be discussed in the Test Server.

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